Smoked a Man O War Virtue, my first, and it was awesome. Perfect smoke while B-B-Qing some ribs and a glass of wine. Definitely will get more of these.
My first La Gloria Cubana...the Serie R. They weren't joking when they called this one a full-bodied counterpart to the original. About an inch in and I'm already feeling it in the gut. Awesome.
I just finished up my Cain Daytona corona. Damn that's a good smoke, and burned for an hour and 45 minutes. Perfect burn and great draw the whole way...
I'm having an Avo Domaine #50 right now. This is the second one I've tried, and I'm enjoying this one much, much more than the first. I hit it with a fresh palate this time, and I'm not smoking it around a bunch of other cigars this time as well. These just may be too delicate for me to smoke in a group setting. This one is really damn good though.
just smoked one of my exiles i just got, burn was good flavors just havent got there yet will be atleast a month maybe 2 before i try another, anyone i sent one to i would suggest the same , wasnt to bad but towrds the end that acidtry came in so i aborted it,lol, kinda like the 1st ladc mi amor i smoked ott,lol
Trouble maker, yes, lol....
Just finished an Opus XXX.
Tatuaje El Triunfador Lancero (red band)