Alright, it's probably not hard to figure out what I play, so the first person to list the top three (3) musical influences throughout my life will be the winner. Just to clarify, these are individuals, not the bands themselves.
You got one Oz. No other guesses? If it stays slow, I'll just pick the person with the closest answer by tomorrow night. I'm going out of town this weekend and want to get the package out before I leave. 24 hours people!!!
Ok, both of you have guessed one of them (the same guess, without coming right out and naming him). The other two play for bands that were formed in the 80s. One is in a band that was very popular, although he's not known as a great drummer and the other is known as a great drummer, but their band doesn't get any air time and has a much smaller following.
PM incoming, sorry Ozzie, seems we were both on the right track. With Peart being in there I kinda figured Dream Theater was a strong possibility. +1 for Pantera, I always liked Vinnie's drumming style in their music.
I've had a particular song stuck in my head for the past week or so. Tell me what that song is. Hint: Mid 80's, band is a series of letters that sounds like two words.