I live in the South... It is impossible for me to directly associate Christianity with good morals. I would love to see a president that does not believe in a god, and respects the rights of others to believe whatever they want. On a global scale, I also find there to be no positive correlation between the morality of overtly religious individuals vs. those of either a private faith or no faith at all.
I live in the south and I understand your frustration with that one, southern baptist...hell-fire and brimstone sermons. It is unfortunate that christianity has been high-jacked by those that don't provide a good example of the faith. I agree people should be able believe what ever they want without persucution. As for overtly religious individuals vs private faith(?) or no faith at all statement, I disagree. China was put on the world stage and the government is overtly non-religious and if anyone speaks out about it or tries to publicly worship then they are jailed among other things. Myanmar is the same way, they are ran by a militaristic government but persecute the monks there for their faith. Russia (which is becoming a problem again) was known for there lack religious freedom because of their marxist beliefs. 'Religion is the opiate of the masses.' I could bring up Hitler too, he wasn't so much pro-christian as he was anti-jewish. I smell an inkling of correlation...lol.
I read you loud and clear on that one Andy, I appreciate the clarification of your stance as I was a bit confused as to what you meant exactly. And you have a valid point I think, I don't personally feel religion is necessary for a person to be good and moral, but I know that there are some who would be lost without it also.
Oh, yes. I agree that the discussions here have been respectful and intelligent. That's not why I'm bowing out. It's just that this issue is so huge, and right now I'm not willing to devote the time to it that the discussion, to be truly worthwhile, really requires.
That's a shame, honestly I'd really look forward to your take on some of these bigger issues being discussed, you strike me as pretty intelligent and knowledgeable (well, that's what I gather from what you had posted thus far) and I think your insight would be greatly appreciated. Now, don't take that as me trying to twist your arm and drag you into this, I completely understand and respect your decision to stay out of it.