Those with Cooladors
Just wondering how you have them setup, divided etc...looking for storage suggestions. Right now I have everything piled in neatly...I keep the sticks grouped together but a lot of them are a pain to get at if they are do you set yours up? Pics?
They can tend to be a little like a kids bedroom when trying to find something, that's why I limit my visits to weekly usually.
Looking at the picture Steve... you know these things are just like humi's... you should have got a bigger cooler. I use a four foot coleman fish cooler and sometimes it seems a little tight in there even. LOL
Yeah, drawbacks are you almost always have more room!
If you have it open digging around for a while, your humidity will drop pretty low, but given you have a good humidification device it should come back up pretty quickly. You almost need to compensate a cooler with a larger humidification device since there's no cedar walls to help hold/regulate moisture. Like I said, I use 1lb of beads in a 100qt cooler (pretty big) and it works great. If I add a ton of cigars or something, I do notice it takes a bit for the humidity to stabilize again, but not too long. Cedar trays can be had for around 10-20 bucks a tray, depending on what you get.
Oh, and these pics are kinda old but the setup is still pretty much the same...
And cooler #2
The left side of cooler #2 is just boxes stacked. It can still be a bit challenging getting to some sticks, but that's why I have 5 other humi's to keep most of the daily rotation in :^)