Congrats to you too! It's in public administration, I wrote a proposal for changing how the federal government compensates Oregon counties for the federal forest land (which accounts for 47% of our land area in the state) and discussed what it would take to get enacted based on the needs and particular culture of each of the interest groups involved (citizens by region, county officials, timber industry, environmental interests, etc.). Not gonna happen based on Congress' dysfunction at the moment, but it was an interesting challenge.
Congrats to you too! It's in public administration, I wrote a proposal for changing how the federal government compensates Oregon counties for the federal forest land (which accounts for 47% of our land area in the state) and discussed what it would take to get enacted based on the needs and particular culture of each of the interest groups involved (citizens by region, county officials, timber industry, environmental interests, etc.). Not gonna happen based on Congress' dysfunction at the moment, but it was an interesting challenge.
What about you?
Congrats to you both. Earned my Masters two years ago in Public Policy and Public Administration. Interesting to know we share some same interests perkinke.
What about you?
This is a tasty smoke!!
Been awhile !
Still enjoy them !
first time out this season, got to take lots of "practice" swings LOL. But it beat being in the office!
Followed it up with an obsidian toro after lunch.
The first cask strength I've had. Wish I didn't wait so long to smoke it. I enjoyed this quite a bit!
Glad I found some yesterday!
Ash held on past the halfway point.