I love this thread. My 2 year old daughter hasn't used any big swears yet, but the other day we were walking by the canoe and she says "awww...papa, it's soakin' friggin' wet!" It was hard to suppress the laughter.
My kid loves to sing Iron Man by Black Sabbath. But he says: "I am Iron Man, climbing in a field with Superman." He's 3 and he sings it in the right tune and everything. I have no idea where he got those lyrics!
Well, we went out to dinner last night after a very busy weekend. My son is a huge fan of Yo Gabba Gabba and breaks out in random songs all the time...tonight was no different. As we were sitting there eating, he starts singing very quietly "Insiideee voice....quieeett.....Inside voice....quuuiiieeetttt...." Then at the TOP OF HIS LUNGS starts BELTING out "OOOUUTTTSSSIIDDEEEEEEE VOOOOIIIICCCCEEEEE...." I had to grab him and cover his mouth and told him not to use his outside voice. Never a dull moment, lol
I called my wife the other day and my she put my 3 year old son on the phone and the first thing he said was "I-am-a-ro-bot" and I said "Oh, hi robot" And he said "No-say-it-like-a-ro-bot" so we sat and had a robot conversation for like, 20 minutes. Awesome.
I called my wife the other day and my she put my 3 year old son on the phone and the first thing he said was "I-am-a-ro-bot" and I said "Oh, hi robot" And he said "No-say-it-like-a-ro-bot" so we sat and had a robot conversation for like, 20 minutes. Awesome.
That is so awesome, I can't wait for my daughter to get old enough for this kind of stuff.