Video Game Thread

In this thread, we talk games.
Some games I am looking forward to playing this year:
Infamous 2
Uncharted 3
Trine 2
Some games I am looking forward to playing this year:
Infamous 2
Uncharted 3
Trine 2
However, I'm a bit worried about MW3. Most of the original team at Infinity Ward was fired or quit because Activision wouldn't pay them their bonuses, overtime, and royalties. Now, MW3 is being developed by the remnants of Infinity Ward and Raven. But Raven's past projects include Quake 4 and X Men: Wolverine, which was a dismal failure and ended in Raven laying off most of their workers.
Red Faction 2
Gears of War 3
Duke Nukem Forever
Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
And I'm sure a few titles will be added after E3
I do hate how the Ranked Match works, I mean I'm not super player but I hate it when I play a few matches and win then I get matched with some super stud or some *** that likes to corner and I can't get out of it. Worse thing is to all this, there's a stupid achievement for like 60g's that you have to win 10 ranked matches in a row and even if your opponent quits the match before its over you get a loss and it screws up your streak. Best I have had was 5 and then I got some dude that had like 400 wins to 5 losses. I actually faired well but lost due to his cheap ass cornering techniques. Hit me up when you get it, my gamer tag is phobicsquirrel.
Currently I’ve been playing Far Cry 2 (PS3), Mortal Combat (PS3), and 007 Golden Eye (Wii). I’m real impressed with the latest Mortal Combat! Golden Eye isn’t bad either. I’ve been waiting for a Duke Nukem sequel since like middle school! And Uncharted 3 in at the top of my wishlist. Shooting zombies is defiantly the best thing about black ops.
There ya go a paragraph full of random thoughts.
I've been playing Brink, Darksiders, Bad Company 2, and Magicka. Trine was a lot of fun and 2 looks promising.
I picked up DJ Hero 2 on a whim for $25 on Amazon, that should be arriving any day now.
It will also be on xbox and PC.
It's an open ended RPG, and there's certain things they have to do, or they can break their game very easily. Wow is linear, and probably not really an rpg, at least in my opinion, but you're not going to see these kinds of things because it is linear. Two very different animals.
Properly modded to your tastes, Bethesda games are a lot of fun, and offer experiences you can't normally get in most games, but modding is the key. is the one I use mostly. There's planetelderscrolls too.
What I like to do with Oblivion is get a realism mod, coupled with some of the level scaling mods, as well as some of the more popular mods that add weapons and make things prettier. Hit points and level don't matter so much then, it's more about hit location, and armor/weapons. Every fight has the potential to be very dangerous, unless it's with like, a rat. It's my belief that if I put an arrow, or sword through someones head then they should die. End of story. I don't care what level they are, my character included. It makes the game very hard, but it's so much more satisfying for me. Some people, most, hate that. You just have to find what works well for you.