Welcome to all, this is the right place to learn anything on cigars you could possibly need to know. It's also a great place to get ideas about what to spend the rent money on.
Hello fellow cigar lovers! I figured I have been creeping long enough and should finally start posting. I have really enjoyed the great information on the forums and the playful banter! I have been smoking cigars regularly for only about a year. I am a high school math teacher and find a cigar very relaxing after eight hours of working with teenagers. I look forward to the many interactions with you all.
...Send me your address and I'll send a nice little welcome to the forum package, I'll keep it at 5 cigars...
I'm actually getting a little scared. I think I might need to go out and have a smoke to settle down.
Tony, smoke one now while you can as tomorrow, this hits: 0311 0240 0002 4678 3537 Really, it isn't that bad, however, you may want to check your Home Depot for mailboxes.....................................
Hello fellow cigar lovers! I figured I have been creeping long enough and should finally start posting. I have really enjoyed the great information on the forums and the playful banter! I have been smoking cigars regularly for only about a year. I am a high school math teacher and find a cigar very relaxing after eight hours of working with teenagers. I look forward to the many interactions with you all.
...Send me your address and I'll send a nice little welcome to the forum package, I'll keep it at 5 cigars...
Why was this so funny? Are you saying i don't know how to count to 5 and the math teacher is going to call me on it? Why don't you step up and send me your addy and I'll prove to you I can count to 5............
I'll go ahead introduce myself! I know I've contacted a couple of you privately. Mainly slickrick hoping to get him send him out a deployment humi but was beat to the punch by another kind brother.
Been into cigars for roughly the last 15 months or so and its been all down hill since then! I started with a 75 count humi then added a couple of desktops and a 300 count. Knowing what I know now I should have went the coolidor route! However I bet a large quart cooler is in my near future. I posted a few over sized pics in the show off your humi thread. I Still have allot to learn and do appreciate the wealth of knowledge in the forum.
Outside of cigars I travel too much (South East Asia mainly. Really looking forward to putting a trip to Central American together), enjoy Guinness, avid hold'em player, play WAY too much battlefield 3 and secretly a history buff.