Reporting in, Lt. Dan hit me today. I guess I have James40 to thank for being reduced to a collateral damage statistic. Thank Dan.
No sir Joe, you can thank Dan. I didn't do anything.
That's not what my note says.
Your fellow statesman James40 set me up a while back. As a result of his dog turd set up, you are the recipient of a couple Primeros turds just for living in the same state. I tried to warn him but he didn't listen.
Reporting in, Lt. Dan hit me today. I guess I have James40 to thank for being reduced to a collateral damage statistic. Thank Dan.
No sir Joe, you can thank Dan. I didn't do anything.
That's not what my note says.
Your fellow statesman James40 set me up a while back. As a result of his dog turd set up, you are the recipient of a couple Primeros turds just for living in the same state. I tried to warn him but he didn't listen.
um yeah, about that....I'm gonna need to destroy that note, okay?
Do we really want to re-live that time? Let's see, I receive a package that says its from LT. But it wasn't, it was from you(james40). I ask LT, this is when he was bombing everyone. He swore he didn't, but I didn't want to take any chances. So, I asked Mike if he could handle a little situation. And he did by sending the turds because of you..Not LT, I believe that's how it went, right Mr. Prankster....
Do we really want to re-live that time? Let's see, I receive a package that says its from LT. But it wasn't, it was from you(james40). I ask LT, this is when he was bombing everyone. He swore he didn't, but I didn't want to take any chances. So, I asked Mike if he could handle a little situation. And he did by sending the turds because of you..Not LT, I believe that's how it went, right Mr. Prankster....
I wonder where he got the green ones, as I know some of you actually have these stocked>
Ahhh... My work here is nearly done. That there is retaliation from your actions a few months ago. I thought you would like the Black Bear. That is my peace offering.
I wonder where he got the green ones, as I know some of you actually have these stocked>
Ahhh... My work here is nearly done. That there is retaliation from your actions a few months ago. I thought you would like the Black Bear. That is my peace offering.
Should hit today! Campaign is in full swing.
This is correct........
I GOT CARPET BOMBED! LT. Dan Crushed me! and all because I live near James40? does that make me collateral damage?
Pretty much, James40 has made it bad for everyone's mailbox, lol.......