Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

And so it begins.....

jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
You all may remember that I was bombed (mightily) two weeks ago by The Sniper. He hit me with one each of the sticks I had listed as my "Wish List" in my bio - sticks that I probably would never have bought for myself due to their cost. They were: Opus X, Ashton, Davidoff, God of Fire, Zino Platinum Scepter, and Diamond Crown.

There were strings attached - He instructed me to let them rest for two weeks and then smoke one per week until I had smoked them all and to report on my impressions of each. I just finished the first one - the Zino Platinum Scepter. It was the Shorty, 4.5 inches long by 43 (I think) ring gauge. Here are a few photos:




I figured I'd start with the shortest one and work my up, size-wise. As for my impressions of the smoke, it's a good-looking stick with an easy draw and an even burn. The descriptions I've read about this cigar say that I should expect a burst of flavor from this medium-bodied stick but it never seemed forthcoming. I've smoked other less expensive cigars with flavor similar to this one though I can't name them off-hand. I guess I was just expecting to be wafted off to Nirvana or somewhere but it didn't happen with this one.

My apologies, Glen. I don't want to appear ungrateful but you asked for my impressions and I was just kinda underwhelmed with this one. You're a generous guy and I appreciate it.

I'll report again next week. Thanks again, Glen, for giving me this opportunity. It wouldn't have happened otherwise.


  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Honesty is the best way. Each of us has our own palate and sometimes there is just no wow factor we expect. I have not had this cigar but there is no reason to hype a cigar you dislike. Anyone who knows cigars knows to each their own.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    wafted off to Nirvana? LMAO
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I've only had the grand brasil in the Zino Line and I thought it was very good,, Thanks for the feedback and the honest input...Take care looking forward to reading more
  • jr_p951jr_p951 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,121
    Everyone is different and every cigar can't be a homerun!! What I gather is...its not a bad cigar! And with different palates...it may be my Nirvana! As long as it isn't reviewed as goats a$$...its worth a try!
  • dowjr1dowjr1 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 600
    Hey Snipe's generosity is not in question so no worries there. He asked for impressions and almost certainly you will not like every smoke someone sends your way. So no harm no foul! As mentioned above honesty is best and thanks for putting your thoughts out there.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Hokay, Dudes and Dudettes, for today's installment of the continuing saga of The Sniper's merciless bombing of yours truly with those high-priced sticks he hit me with, we'll consider the Davidoff Milennium robusto.

    This little lovely is described as 'exceptionally full-bodied' and 'exceptionally full-flavored'. And this description is pretty much spot-on. I'm not ordinarily a fan of full-bodied smokes but this one is really very good. The blend (thanks Mr. Kelner) is so downright smooth that you don't really notice the full-bodied part. It is really a very enjoyable smoke.

    Another thing you'll notice about me right away is that I'm not much good as a reviewer. I can sometimes pick up a chocolate flavor or maybe coffee, etc., but to detect honeydew blossoms with just a trace of anise, earth, and road-apples is beyond me.

    All in all, the Davidoff Millenium blend is really a worthwhile smoke. When I win the lottery I'll put them in my regular rotation.

    Thanks again for this opportunity, Glen. I'm lovin' it.

    P.S. Tune in again next Thursday.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    This is a fun thread to read. I agree with you completely about the Zino, I was kinda unimpressed. Havent had a davidoff yet so I might need to try that based on that recommendation.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Awesome, awesome, AAAAAWESOME!!! Im thrilled to be reading jlmarta's reviews, and its just the cherry on top that its the holiday season while he's working his way thru the sticks! Really puts me in the holiday mood, and thats something that has been tough to come by for me this year. :-)

    First things first - sorry its taken me so long to post up on this thread, was on vacation and NOT the forums last week, and this week has been insanely busy.

    Now then... I am TOTALLY not upset AT ALL that you didnt care for the Zino. Every stick cant be a winner, and that could be due to any number of things - your individual palette, differences in vitolas, or a host of other things. To be honest, I had pretty much the same reaction to it when I tried it ("Okay, any time now..." thru the entire stick, with a "What did I miss???" on the finish LOL). No expectations on my behalf as to whether or not you enjoy them my friend - this was on your "Want To Try" list, and so you have. :-)

    The Davidoff review, I have to admit, did surprise me. Not sure where I got it in my head at, but I thought Davidoff's were mainly mild sticks??? Im generally a full bodied fan, so thanks to your review Im excited about trying one myself.

    And finally, speaking of your reviews, you are doing a FINE job of it! They are right up my alley to be honest with you - I dont need "In the first sixteenth, I picked up notes of Morrocan half-caf triple latte, with subtle hints of the rain droplets from the petals of roses. On the SECOND sixteenth..." - forget that noise! LOL Your reviews are telling me everything I wanna know, so enjoy the sticks, ignore any snarky comments like beatnic's (haters gonna hate LOL) and keep em coming JLMARTA STYLE! :-) I hope you find a few of the remaining sticks that DO waft you off to heaven my friend. LOL

    Had one of your remaining sticks last week on vacation and got something I REALLY didnt expect from it. Cant wait to hear your impressions of it.

    Stay tuned kiddies! :-)

  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Hate? I was merely laughing at his humorous description.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Good morning, all. Just a note regarding a slight change of schedule. I had originally set each Thursday as the 'burn day' for the great sticks Glen bombed me with but, I'd like to do the next one on New Years Day as a celebration - rather than on Thursday 12/29. Hoping that's okay with everyone.

    Since I elected to burn them in sequence based on their length, this next one will be the Opus X. I'm looking forward to it.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    wafted off to Nirvana? LMAO
    Plus one here......
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Good morning, all. Just a note regarding a slight change of schedule. I had originally set each Thursday as the 'burn day' for the great sticks Glen bombed me with but, I'd like to do the next one on New Years Day as a celebration - rather than on Thursday 12/29. Hoping that's okay with everyone.

    Since I elected to burn them in sequence based on their length, this next one will be the Opus X. I'm looking forward to it.
    I think thats a great idea brother! In fact, so great I may have to join you and have one New Years Eve as well.

  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    I'll join in on that too
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    And now, boys and girls, on to chapter 3. You'll recall that, at the end of chapter 2, we left our hero clinging by his fingernails... er, uh,... Oops! Wrong story. Sorry.

    Actually, it was time to fire up that Opus X that Glen (The sniper) bombed me with a while ago. Our son, Mike, and his wife came over for dinner so I threw a nice sirloin roast on the smoker and fired it up. Simultaneously, we poured drinks and Mike and I moved to the patio to enjoy them and a coupla nice sticks while we waited for dinner.


    Here's Mike with one of the cigars we got at Casillas but we couldn't remember which blend...image

    A snifter of Booker's and an Opus X, life is good.


    After using my punch on it, the draw was just a bit tight so I used my poker to solve that problem.. The first inch or so I thought was a bit harsh but I find a lot of sticks are like that so I shrugged it off. Once I got into the sweet spot things got decidedly better.

    This one had a very nice flavor, lotsa smoke, even burn, etc., and I enjoyed it. My palate must be retarded, though, because it still tasted like a cigar. Like a lot of cigars I've smoked pver the past few years. I guess I keep expecting to find a brand/blend that lives up to the hype that's disseminated about it. One that has a completely distinct flavor. Maybe I'm hoping for too much. Didn't keep me from nubbing it, though.


    Anyway, Glen, many thanks for this opportunity. It was a very agreeable prelude to dinner and the timing worked out perfectly. Just as we were finishing our sticks, the roast was ready to come off the grill.


    And here's the final result: image

  • DirewolfDirewolf Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,493
    A great cigar, A big slab of smoked bovine goodness, and brusslesprouts (my fav veg). Looks like good times to me.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Dinner looked EXCELLENT Marty! Sorry the Opus X wasnt the be-all, end-all you were searching for but again - at least you know what one is like now....

  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Yeah, I was kind of amazed that I wasn't amazed.... if you get my drift. I had always expected that I'd be blown away by an Opus X. Oh, well...

    As always, Glen, thank you for the opportunity. This is turning out to be a real learning experience for me and I love it.

    The diamond Crown is up next and, as usual, I'm looking forward to it. We'll see what thursday brings.

    As for dinner, it WAS excellent. Nothing better than some rare/medium rare angus beef along with veggies, salad, etc. and some Booker's to wash it down. This bottle turned out to be 128.6 proof but it's so smooth I drink it from a snifter. Great stuff.
  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    I have had different results with the opus and I think it is all based on current mood. Some have been epic smokes and others have been just OK.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    You know, now that Goldy mentions it, Ive had a bit of the "results may differ" with Opus X's as well. Ive had a whopping TWO of them now... the first one I smoked the night I left my previous job, and thought "Ah, now THIS is the cigar I want my last stick on this earth to be!"

    Had the second a couple weeks back on vacation and it was HELLA strong (which the first wasnt) and was nowhere the nirvana-like experience the first one was.

    I dont know that mood had as much to do with my experiences (was in fine spirits both times). I cant help but wonder if the different Opus X lines have something to do with it. Other than teh Lost City, I cant tell by looking at the bands which is which. I do know none of the ones Ive had, nor the one I sent to jlmarta, were Lost City's - which I have seen several BOTL here declare are not up to the other Opus X's they have smoked.

    Perhaps the lucky boys who have more experience with Opus X's will weigh in here. Until then, this requires more research, which leads me back to my standard answer to 99% of cigar related questions - SMOKE MORE!!! :-)

  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Yeah, I was kind of amazed that I wasn't amazed.... if you get my drift. I had always expected that I'd be blown away by an Opus X. Oh, well...

    As always, Glen, thank you for the opportunity. This is turning out to be a real learning experience for me and I love it.
    Hey, this was one of the two points of the exercise brother - to find out what super premium sticks you love, and which ones you dont. He11, if we quit the experiment right now at least when your loved ones ask what you want for birthdays, holidays, etc you now know to hollar "DAVIDOFF!!!!" at the top of your lungs. LOL

    By the way, you DO realize that you are now the Official CCom Forums Super Premium Taste Tester, right? :-D

    Much love brother, keep on puffin!

  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    The Sniper:
    By the way, you DO realize that you are now the Official CCom Forums Super Premium Taste Tester, right? :-D

    Right!! Me and my severely ignorant palate. I can see that I'm a real force to be reckoned with. Yuk, yuk.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Beautifully constructed. Creamy smooth. Perfect draw. Even burn. Very good flavor - excellent with a cup of dark roast around mid-day. This was the Diamond Crown Robusto #4 with a connecticut wrapper, and I really enjoyed it. It's listed as mild-medium and I think it's spot-on.

    Of course, being created by Carlos Fuente would cause one to expect these attributes.


    Sorry about the crappy phone-camera photo.

    Another extremely good smoke, Glen. As always, thank you very much.

    Next week we come to the God of Fire. Can't hardly wait.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Alright, another winner! Cannot WAIT to hear your take on the GoF Marty - HURRY UP THURSDAY!!! LOL

  • GoldyGoldy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,636
    Beautifully constructed. Creamy smooth. Perfect draw. Even burn. Very good flavor - excellent with a cup of dark roast around mid-day. This was the Diamond Crown Robusto #4 with a connecticut wrapper, and I really enjoyed it. It's listed as mild-medium and I think it's spot-on.

    Of course, being created by Carlos Fuente would cause one to expect these attributes.


    Sorry about the crappy phone-camera photo.

    Another extremely good smoke, Glen. As always, thank you very much.

    Next week we come to the God of Fire. Can't hardly wait.
    I'm going to need to get my hands on one of those. Sounds like a pretty good stick.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    The Sniper:
    Alright, another winner! Cannot WAIT to hear your take on the GoF Marty - HURRY UP THURSDAY!!! LOL

    I'm beginning to wonder who's enjoying this more? You or me? LOL. For my part, I'm loving it!
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Well, this one was just outstanding. CigatCyclopedia lists all of Carlito's God of fire 2007's as full-bodied but, I gotta tell ya, I don't believe I've ever burned a full-bodied stick that was as smoooth as this one. It was dee-licious, dee-lectable, dee-lightful.... I wish I knew more words. There were other full-bodied ones that were smooth and good, but they didn't match up to this one.


    It had a bit of a tight draw in the beginning but a couple inches of my coathanger-turned-poker took care of that little problem. That's it, laying there toward the upper center of the photo.

    This cigar had a nice, even burn and it was slowww, giving me all that much more time to enjoy it. It had a very nice flavor and produced a good amount of smoke.


    It's listed as a pyramide but it's just a torpedo. I've noticed that a good many figurados that I've smoked started out with a tight draw and I attribute it to the way they have to be rolled - with the tobacco having to taper down into a point. Just a guess on my part.

    Anyway, Glen, this is another winner, and I thank you very much. I enjoyed it immensely. Next week we come to the last of the group - the Ashton. Lookin' forward to it, as always.
  • SalemSalem Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 717
    I'm enjoying your reviews, and this is just funny: "I can sometimes pick up a chocolate flavor or maybe coffee, etc., but to detect honeydew blossoms with just a trace of anise, earth, and road-apples is beyond me." LOL!!!!!!!!
  • docbp87docbp87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,521
    Nice reviews brother. Thanks for sharing them with us. Some of my favorite cigars ever getting reviewed here! As for the Opus X... any idea how old it is? They really need a year at least, and honestly, preferably 3 years before they turn into the masterpieces that have earned their earth-shattering reputation.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Nice reviews brother. Thanks for sharing them with us. Some of my favorite cigars ever getting reviewed here! As for the Opus X... any idea how old it is? They really need a year at least, and honestly, preferably 3 years before they turn into the masterpieces that have earned their earth-shattering reputation.

    No, I don't have any idea how old it was before Glen bombed me with it. He might know, though.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Sorry for the delay here fellas, work has been INSANE this week! The Opus X came to me in a deal with another BOTL from the forum here. Should have just shy of six months on it during its stay with me, and I have no earthly idea how long it was in the care of said BOTL before I got it (zeebra, if you read this care to weigh in?). On a personal note, the Opus X's really kind of cheese me off - it seems that they wait for a couple years before they release them for purchase. With that kind of age on them already, plus the super premium context of them, WHY should I have to wait A year, much less THREE, to make the experience of smoking them properly amazing??? I realize good things come to those who wait but DAMN!

    Marty, glad you dug the GoF so much - Im a tremendous fan as well. Makes me a little sad though... Ive seen a LOT of super premium cigars go for a LOT less than what you'd normally pay for them, but Ive NEVER seen GoF's go for less. If I ever catch such a deal, Im going to load up big. :-) Keep the excellent reviews coming my friend, cant wait for the next installment. And thanks again for sharing your experiences with us, this has been a lot of fun. :-)

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