Air purification for smoking room

I can't beleive I'm asking this question. My wife is getting pissed everytime I have a cigar in the garage with the door closed ('cause it's cold). We just did a Renovation/Small Addition on our house last year which has left a 12' X 20' space under the addition. She said, "I should use that space to smoke in during the Winter".
The thing is, this space is directly under our bedroom. It is currently un-finished so, I have plans. One of the first things I want to consider is Air Purification. If I smoke one per week, I'm lucky. So, it won't be used (for smoking cigars) every day. But when I do smoke a cigar in there I want to make sure no smoke/odors get into the bedroom above or remain in the room as I plan on making it like "Man Cave" and finish it off. I know some of you guys use or at least researched them (air purifiers). I was wondering what advice people who have a smoking area have for me. Thanks in advance. (I'm Giddy like a kid at Christmas).

So, how well did they work in the dorm rooms? I'm guessing they weren't used for cigar smoke but what's your best guess as to how effective one of these units would be against cigar smoke?
I have a couple questions, Krieg. Which model Rabbit are you referring to? And have you looked at the Atlas electrostatic ionic carbon filter air purifier? If so, what is your opinion of it? What features of the Rabbit impressed you most?
I'm really interested in pursuing an air cleaner/deodorizer for my own use. Anything you can tell me would be appreciated. Thanks.
1) The filter is permanent and you just have to clean it when it notifies you to clean it. No replacing.
2) The Electrostatic units are supposedly quieter.
3) Both are recomended for smoke by certain manufacturers.
Good info. Have you made any decisions as to brand/model? Was one of the ones you looked at the Atlas electrostatic/ion one?
Is this the one: Atlas?
I would think that, since the spray foam fills all the nooks and crannys, you could use that for insulation and skip on the HD plastic sheeting.
I don't know if the extra cost of the spray foam would be worth it though.