Top 3 you dont your humi

If this has already been thought of and it failed let me know. I thought since there is a top 3 you want to try. That we should have a Three you dont your humi
Basically post 3 sticks in your humi that you dont like or have simply moved past.
everything else would be the same as top 3. Make a trade or send them on their way to whoever jumps on board.
Read, gather, process and discuss.
Basically post 3 sticks in your humi that you dont like or have simply moved past.
everything else would be the same as top 3. Make a trade or send them on their way to whoever jumps on board.
Read, gather, process and discuss.

2) C'est La Vie Connecticut Robusto (sister site's "house" stick.....meh....gave em to moocher brother-in-law)
3) Partagas Aristrocrat (both that I tried?....not for me, construction/burn issues, no smoke, funky taste.....I have one more that I MIGHT try again someday, just to be SURE I don't like em.)
2. rk
3. ha
Just say'in
La Aurora E. Leon (I can't remember it's other designation, and I'll take the Preferidos any day, any time)
Gotta go with SWAG again, I'd rather smoke a Swisher
1 Oliveros classic
I know I am going to get flamed for this but mine are: MoW PA, MoW Ruination.
Just something about the flavor profile and strength that just does not do it for me. I have tried numerous times and always put them out early. Will definitely trade for something if somebody wants.
2. Bunch of MoW PAs
3. Gurkha Widowmaker
Never mind