Smoking Bans.
I am a college student at UW Stout and there is discussion going around banning smoking. First it oblivious to have people stop smoking cigarette around building and to not bother other students with the smoke. But having a completely banned on campus is ridiculous. I do not smoke cigarettes, I enjoy the cigar I have once every couple of weeks with my friends when the weather is nice. I am not mad about this for personal reasons, I am mad because my liberal based college is going after people's rights to be able to smoke. This is a school that gets funding from the government, if it was a private college I believe they can do whatever they want. But we have a school here that is receiving money from the government that receives taxes from people who smoke... as a government based college we should not be banning anything that is human right, but along with that not to ban anything that our government is so bluntly in favor for.