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Thoughts on passes



  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Jumping to conclusions really is not helping. Can we discuss this thread now?
    If I know what I know after only being back for about 6 days then it's become too public. Lets read what we write from now on before hitting that post button. You have made your feelings very public concerning your actions in previous passes. These were feelings based on actions you seem to have taken out of your own free will and therefore it's not my duty to feel bad for you. You are getting negative attention from the people here because you are acting this way. And to point out that I do not know you is a cry for attention. I know I don't know you, you know I don't you. I was stating my thoughts based on the evidence I have been given. I have jumped to no conclusions, rather simply called out what I see as an attempt to make others feel in the wrong.
    You have missed almost a year here and have been back 6 days. You have missed a bit. If you want to send me a PM go ahead.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Look everybody! Kittens!

    HAHAHAHA I think I almost fell out of my chair! I was certainly not expecting this :-P
    THREE Nermals??? Poor Garfield doesnt stand a chance now. :-( Well done Pascoe!

  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Loved your post above Rudy. C'mere get your hug ya big lug!!! :-)

  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    The Sniper:
    Loved your post above Rudy. C'mere get your hug ya big lug!!! :-)

    I like his post below.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    I feel a song comin on......Kumbayah......
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    The Kid:
    Getting back to the initial post
    I'd like to take a sec and share some thoughts If I may on some good points that Bigharpoon Y2 ad The Sniper have brought up. Let me first respond by saying. I agree wholeheartedly with the approval process taking the fun out of the pass, It did for me. So much I had others help me shoulder the burden of the approval process. As I said before my pass was about the brothers involved not the final destination. The problem with just letting the pass fly without any approval is that some do take advantage of the generosity of others.. Now that wouldnt be such a bad thing if it was just between me and another individual.. I chalk it up as no biggy and move on.. The problem is when others enter a pass, I felt I owed it to them to maintain the consitency of the pass the whole way through,, Is it fair for just the first few guys in the pass to pick the cream of the crop and by the time it gets to the last persons the pass has deteriated so much that they only have run of the mill cigars to chose from? I truly felt obligated to make sure my pass was as good (if not better) when it ended as when it began. This wasnt for me, and (Im sure its not with others) or to increase the callibur of my own Humidor but it it was for each Brother here who volunteered to be apart of my pass.. As you will soon see a good portion of my pass has been gifted away. The Sniper was the only one who knew my intentions of doing this with my pass.
    This brings up another subject one that is frowned upon but if I ever decide to do another "premium" pass it will be by invitation only.. That way I can send it and not worry about approvals and the like and I will be confident that the pass will maintain its integrity throughout. I'm not fond of excluding people as there are so many brothers here who I still dont know and what a great way to get to know people than by a pass.. SO with that being said I will probably wont be doing a "premium" pass again. Glen is right about passes loosing their appeal or fun, unfortunately I think some lose their spirit of giving when involved in passes. I have considered my pass a success and I am still extremely greatful for all who participated.. Thank you all again.
    Well said Rudy, I agree on almost every point if not all of them in which you made. All passes start out in good nature, but it's the few people who ruin it for the people at the end of a pass as to why policing or committees need(at the pass-originators discretion) to occur. There are plenty of examples to cite and I don't think we need to go back and drop names or examples as this portion of the thread has been discussed in detail. It is great to discuss these things in a civil manner and great communication is what keeps this forum thriving and at the top of its game. Passes are just one facet of this great place that many brothers turn to for advice, reviews, friendship, trades, purchases, and etc...let's not let this sidetrack us from the big picture
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Being a noob...and seeing the drama....I'll stick to dealing with the kind gentlemen I have interacted with so far. Two of them have offered to send me sticks for free, which is downright amazing. I'll stay out of the bicker, and trade and bomb with the guys who go out of their way to make me feel welcome.
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    Being a noob...and seeing the drama....I'll stick to dealing with the kind gentlemen I have interacted with so far. Two of them have offered to send me sticks for free, which is downright amazing. I'll stay out of the bicker, and trade and bomb with the guys who go out of their way to make me feel welcome.
    Don't feel discouraged by anyone's comments here about trades or passes. Plenty of the people bickering on this thread have send out great bombs to noobs and are more than happy to help someone get started and to encourage being a part of the community. I know I have sent out about 10-12 noob bombs and I get the most satisfaction out of that versus trading premium cigars and I am sure most other brothers would feel the same way.
  • kevin1323kevin1323 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 294
    The only issue I have with passes is the massive amount of postage we all pay to get these passes through the list. I think we are keeping the USPS in business. HA!
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    I've always avoided passes because there are too many variables that I can't control, and it seems like the potential for hurt feelings and drama is much higher than with a one to one transaction. I think I will continue to avoid them.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,064
    well... I am now reconsidering doing a "Moving Pass"...
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    well... I am now reconsidering doing a "Moving Pass"...
    If I was you, I would pass...
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    well... I am now reconsidering doing a "Moving Pass"...
    If I was you, I would pass...
    lol,,,,Do it Deej or i will be forced to bomb you mercilessly..lol seriously do whats best for you brother!!!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I've always avoided passes because there are too many variables that I can't control, and it seems like the potential for hurt feelings and drama is much higher than with a one to one transaction. I think I will continue to avoid them.
    There you go.. "Back in the Day" we just sent out a package one on one, sent a bomb, or contest winning package. Now, these passes may have been started with good intentions, but there are way too many ways for this to go wrong. THERE IS NO GOOD PASS. Check the track record of passes, they are the second most likely cause of insulted members only to the political forum. I dropped out of two because of bullshitt, I won't take part of any pass. That is my thought on passes.
  • deejmemixxdeejmemixx Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,064
    The Kid:
    well... I am now reconsidering doing a "Moving Pass"...
    If I was you, I would pass...
    lol,,,,Do it Deej or i will be forced to bomb you mercilessly..lol seriously do whats best for you brother!!!
    now why you got to go and say something like that Mr. Stone? i will still prolly do it, just need to figure out a twist on it.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Passes by they're very nature are A dead end. There's no way to have A pass and still maintain good relations with everyone involved. Someone will always feel they've been cheated in one fashion or another. Human nature. Bombs on the other hand will always be well received simply because they are one directional. I recently started what I named A Bouncing Bomb. The way it's set up is this:
    No pictures of the contents of the box.
    Everyone who receives the bomb is to sign the box.
    When and if it stops, all I ask is that the signed box be sent back to me empty.
    To me A empty box covered with signatures form people I probably will never get the chance to meet with is worth more than all the cigars in my collection. There is plenty of ways to keep the fun in trading cigars we just need to get creative about it.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
    The Sniper:
    I believe that if everyone involved in a pass, when it came to them, based their takes and puts as if they were TRADING with the originator of the pass, problems with passes would probably never occur.

    Dennis' "Contents of my Humidor" pass will be the last pass Im involved in, and I wouldnt have gotten involved with that had it not been for A) Dennis asking me specifically and B) seeing the list of people involved so I knew they wouldnt be any drama involved.

    Im so fed up with this shite that Im not even going to read thru the threads of passes. Things like this used to be fun, but now they're just filled with hate & vitriol. I dont have time for that crap. A hobby is supposed to be enjoyable.

    Guess I have been missing out on some BS.... LOL I can tell you I have never had a Problem in any of the passes I have been involved in... but I havent been in one for a long time... the old crew guys that were here and some still are were Solid on the Passes we had a Blast..... Not sure whats up, but what I can say is Stuffing a pass with 1-2 dog rockets or BS is not what the BOTL I have delt with over the years are about! I was thinking of a contest for my 3000 Post to get me back in the swing of it...... Maybe NOT.
  • JSaintJSaint Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,848
    I have enjoyed every pass I have been in. Either because it gives me an opportunity to bomb someone with the included package or because I find smokes that are new to me. But I have also seen the trade out of cheap sticks for premium sticks as well. I'll still always want to be included in the passes if there is ever another one that can go complaint free. I do like posting the takes and puts too. Reason being is yes there should be some kind of judging because if there is no way of tracking what has been taken then who knows who is subbing crap for diamonds. Thats my two cents. Oh I have also never felt jaded so dont quote me on this statement lol!
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    Passes by they're very nature are A dead end. There's no way to have A pass and still maintain good relations with everyone involved. Someone will always feel they've been cheated in one fashion or another. Human nature. Bombs on the other hand will always be well received simply because they are one directional. I recently started what I named A Bouncing Bomb. The way it's set up is this:
    No pictures of the contents of the box.
    Everyone who receives the bomb is to sign the box.
    When and if it stops, all I ask is that the signed box be sent back to me empty.
    To me A empty box covered with signatures form people I probably will never get the chance to meet with is worth more than all the cigars in my collection. There is plenty of ways to keep the fun in trading cigars we just need to get creative about it.
    Well Rodney, to me that's the wrong way to look at it. Passes don't have to, and shouldn't be a dead end by their very nature. It's all in the way the pass participants treat the pass, if everyone is dedicated to sending the pass in a similar or slightly better state than when they received it, then in my eyes that's a success. The problem arises when A) people treat a pass as a way to get more than they give, or B) they simply don't understand the concept of a pass.
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    Passes by they're very nature are A dead end. There's no way to have A pass and still maintain good relations with everyone involved. Someone will always feel they've been cheated in one fashion or another. Human nature. Bombs on the other hand will always be well received simply because they are one directional. I recently started what I named A Bouncing Bomb. The way it's set up is this:
    No pictures of the contents of the box.
    Everyone who receives the bomb is to sign the box.
    When and if it stops, all I ask is that the signed box be sent back to me empty.
    To me A empty box covered with signatures form people I probably will never get the chance to meet with is worth more than all the cigars in my collection. There is plenty of ways to keep the fun in trading cigars we just need to get creative about it.
    Well Rodney, to me that's the wrong way to look at it. Passes don't have to, and shouldn't be a dead end by their very nature. It's all in the way the pass participants treat the pass, if everyone is dedicated to sending the pass in a similar or slightly better state than when they received it, then in my eyes that's a success. The problem arises when A) people treat a pass as a way to get more than they give, or B) they simply don't understand the concept of a pass.
    Agreed j0z3r, and I think there has been a lot of good people contributing to passes, but a few people spoiled the whole lot and really pushed people over the edge
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Marker, for what it's worth now, PM sent. I wanted to give myself a night to sleep on it.

    All, apologies for griping publicly about what should have been addressed in private.

    Mike, I'm especially sorry for blowing up your thread.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Passes by they're very nature are A dead end. There's no way to have A pass and still maintain good relations with everyone involved. Someone will always feel they've been cheated in one fashion or another. Human nature. Bombs on the other hand will always be well received simply because they are one directional. I recently started what I named A Bouncing Bomb. The way it's set up is this:
    No pictures of the contents of the box.
    Everyone who receives the bomb is to sign the box.
    When and if it stops, all I ask is that the signed box be sent back to me empty.
    To me A empty box covered with signatures form people I probably will never get the chance to meet with is worth more than all the cigars in my collection. There is plenty of ways to keep the fun in trading cigars we just need to get creative about it.
    Well Rodney, to me that's the wrong way to look at it. Passes don't have to, and shouldn't be a dead end by their very nature. It's all in the way the pass participants treat the pass, if everyone is dedicated to sending the pass in a similar or slightly better state than when they received it, then in my eyes that's a success. The problem arises when A) people treat a pass as a way to get more than they give, or B) they simply don't understand the concept of a pass.

    That's exactly why I feel as I do about passes. The if factor. Any time you try to get A fair number of people into A pass, human nature dictates that at least A few of those people will have A different set of ideals than everyone else. I wish it wasn't so but that's the way I see it. Possibly if A few passes comes and goes without drama I'll come to see things differently. Hopefully in the future everyone will learn to get along but until then I'll stick to bombing people who I feel have made A positive contribution to the forums.
  • y2pascoey2pascoe Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,707
    Ken Light:
    Mike, I'm especially sorry for blowing up your thread.
    No apologies needed, man. Let's all just get back to business.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Passes by they're very nature are A dead end. There's no way to have A pass and still maintain good relations with everyone involved. Someone will always feel they've been cheated in one fashion or another. Human nature. Bombs on the other hand will always be well received simply because they are one directional. I recently started what I named A Bouncing Bomb. The way it's set up is this:
    No pictures of the contents of the box.
    Everyone who receives the bomb is to sign the box.
    When and if it stops, all I ask is that the signed box be sent back to me empty.
    To me A empty box covered with signatures form people I probably will never get the chance to meet with is worth more than all the cigars in my collection. There is plenty of ways to keep the fun in trading cigars we just need to get creative about it.
    Well Rodney, to me that's the wrong way to look at it. Passes don't have to, and shouldn't be a dead end by their very nature. It's all in the way the pass participants treat the pass, if everyone is dedicated to sending the pass in a similar or slightly better state than when they received it, then in my eyes that's a success. The problem arises when A) people treat a pass as a way to get more than they give, or B) they simply don't understand the concept of a pass.

    That's exactly why I feel as I do about passes. The if factor. Any time you try to get A fair number of people into A pass, human nature dictates that at least A few of those people will have A different set of ideals than everyone else. I wish it wasn't so but that's the way I see it. Possibly if A few passes comes and goes without drama I'll come to see things differently. Hopefully in the future everyone will learn to get along but until then I'll stick to bombing people who I feel have made A positive contribution to the forums.

    I've re-read this entire thread and perhaps my views are A bit on the pessimistic side but it's because since I joined the forums I've seen so much go wrong with passes that I've come to view them as doomed to fail. As I've stated hopefully in the near future A few passes will go off without all the drama that's been the norm lately. Mabe someone should start A Goodwill Gesture pass. I would gladly sponsor it without actually taking part in it. Any takers?
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Jumping to conclusions really is not helping. Can we discuss this thread now?
    If I know what I know after only being back for about 6 days then it's become too public. Lets read what we write from now on before hitting that post button. You have made your feelings very public concerning your actions in previous passes. These were feelings based on actions you seem to have taken out of your own free will and therefore it's not my duty to feel bad for you. You are getting negative attention from the people here because you are acting this way. And to point out that I do not know you is a cry for attention. I know I don't know you, you know I don't you. I was stating my thoughts based on the evidence I have been given. I have jumped to no conclusions, rather simply called out what I see as an attempt to make others feel in the wrong.
    You have missed almost a year here and have been back 6 days. You have missed a bit. If you want to send me a PM go ahead.
    ejeene87. I have sent you a PM and asked again to discuss this but you have not replied. If you want to really discuss this please do so.
  • RedtailhawkozRedtailhawkoz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,914
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    WOW .......
    Good seeing you Ozzie. LOL
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Passes by they're very nature are A dead end. There's no way to have A pass and still maintain good relations with everyone involved. Someone will always feel they've been cheated in one fashion or another. Human nature. Bombs on the other hand will always be well received simply because they are one directional. I recently started what I named A Bouncing Bomb. The way it's set up is this:
    No pictures of the contents of the box.
    Everyone who receives the bomb is to sign the box.
    When and if it stops, all I ask is that the signed box be sent back to me empty.
    To me A empty box covered with signatures form people I probably will never get the chance to meet with is worth more than all the cigars in my collection. There is plenty of ways to keep the fun in trading cigars we just need to get creative about it.
    Well Rodney, to me that's the wrong way to look at it. Passes don't have to, and shouldn't be a dead end by their very nature. It's all in the way the pass participants treat the pass, if everyone is dedicated to sending the pass in a similar or slightly better state than when they received it, then in my eyes that's a success. The problem arises when A) people treat a pass as a way to get more than they give, or B) they simply don't understand the concept of a pass.

    I appreciate your being civil in your disagreement with my opinion. To many times in the recent past comments have evolved into personal attacks on an individual's character. I wish I could share your view on passes but as I've stated I've seen to much negative drama to view them from an optimist's point of view. Hopefully in the future............................
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