I have also enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on this matter. I for one am proud to be who I am and will not hesitate to speak my mind on this matter. I would like nothing better than to keep this discussion going indefinitely. If more people would follow suit and stand up for they're beliefs, instead of bowing down to public opinion, our world would be much nicer and everyone could have A chance at true peace.
I may be wrong but what I really think Ken was trying to say is no matter what one believes in and or worships , whether it be the Sun, a Tree, a Cow or a flying spaghetti monster then thats up to the said individual and he should be free to think and choose his own god/beliefs whatever they may be...at least thats the way I took it
RB, my message to you still stands. Lots of folks read this stuff and are reluctant to speak their minds on the subject. Most are afraid of the ridicule. I'm not.
I may be wrong but what I really think Ken was trying to say is no matter what one believes in and or worships , whether it be the Sun, a Tree, a Cow or a flying spaghetti monster then thats up to the said individual and he should be free to think and choose his own god/beliefs whatever they may be...at least thats the way I took it
That's the way I took it too. I myself am an atheist. I would never take it upon myself to call someone wrong for their beliefs . My disbelief comes from the part about an omnipotent presence creating everything. Was there a man named Jesus? I believe there was . My biggest problem is with interpretation. The bible has gone through more revisions and versions than we will ever possibly know. I don't think that anyone here is a bad person, I've seen everyone of you jump at the chance to help a brother out as have I. If you believe in God,the sun, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster (that really is a religion) its your actions as a person that I'm gonna judge you on.
Wow, guys. Google the flying spaghetti monster. As far as I'm concerned/know, It's pretty much a standard straw man to stand in instead of "insert god here" so that one doesn't have to pick on a particular diety or faith. That's how I meant it. As for FSM as a real religion, I think it's only done ironically, but I apologize to any who have been touched by His Noodly Appendage if you're serious about it.
Wow, guys. Google the flying spaghetti monster. As far as I'm concerned/know, It's pretty much a standard straw man to stand in instead of "insert god here" so that one doesn't have to pick on a particular diety or faith. That's how I meant it. As for FSM as a real religion, I think it's only done ironically, but I apologize to any who have been touched by His Noodly Appendage if you're serious about it.
On re-reading my original post, I'd like to apologize for confusingly using the term "you" when I probably should have used the term "one." I was using it colloquially, so it meant "any person," not any individual or any religious person in particular.