New Gun

I've searched the forums and haven't seen an UP TO DATE thread on guns, and the one that was the "Newest" had a little flame war in it, so I'll start a new thread, if you don't like it, just remember, I'm now armed and a borderline alcoholic!
But anyway, as mentioned in another thread I DID buy a shotgun pump action with exchangeable barrels, haven't fired it a single time yet, for it's broke out of the box and no one is helping me, but I digress...
I will be buying a handgun this friday. Most likely a 9mm for it will be my first handgun and want to move UP in ammo to get a feel for it.
I'm thinking Sig p250, Beretta PX4, S&W M&P or a Springfield XD...
Anyone have any experience with these? I'm looking for ease of cleaning from a n00b standpoint, somewhat aesthetics (it's dumb, but blocks are ugly for my FIRST gun) and ACCURACY!
At this point I'm getting a semiautomatic 9mm, My future plans are to have a .22 handgun and rifle for plinking, the pump action for home defense, an over under for trap and skeet and a few handguns from 9mm up to .45.... But for now, I'm just looking at a 9mm
But anyway, as mentioned in another thread I DID buy a shotgun pump action with exchangeable barrels, haven't fired it a single time yet, for it's broke out of the box and no one is helping me, but I digress...
I will be buying a handgun this friday. Most likely a 9mm for it will be my first handgun and want to move UP in ammo to get a feel for it.
I'm thinking Sig p250, Beretta PX4, S&W M&P or a Springfield XD...
Anyone have any experience with these? I'm looking for ease of cleaning from a n00b standpoint, somewhat aesthetics (it's dumb, but blocks are ugly for my FIRST gun) and ACCURACY!
At this point I'm getting a semiautomatic 9mm, My future plans are to have a .22 handgun and rifle for plinking, the pump action for home defense, an over under for trap and skeet and a few handguns from 9mm up to .45.... But for now, I'm just looking at a 9mm
I carry a Kahr 40 or my 40 subcompact everyday.
Congrats on the shotgun, shotguns are like cigars you can never have to many.
For learning how to shoot, zero a scope, and gun cleaning I purchased a GSG-522. This is a fun little gun to shoot and don't be surprised if everyone at the gun range wants to shoot it! I've had lots of people trade me magazines of .45's, 30-06, 9mm, for a magazine in this thing! Now that's economical shooting because I can pick up 555 rounds for under $20 and shoot all day! Also, this thing is ridiculously complicated to take apart and put together, so if you can clean it, you can clean anything!
Third gun, hand gun, was a Taurus 809 9mm. Probably not the best hand gun in the world, but it's super easy to take apart and clean, and came in a case with all sorts of accessories at Academy Sports for only $299. I like it so far.
Last gun I bought was a Mossberg ATR 100, 30-06. I put a CenterPoint 4-16 x 40mm and a tripod on it and had a nice day at the shooting range! Look forward to learning how to hunt with this gun.
All-in-all, I came away with 4 guns that I'm well pleased with, I've obtained an incredible wealth of information, and I spent less than $1500 on everything (not including ammunition).
A shotgun full of 00 buck is still the best home defense gun of them all. Nothing will scare off a intruder faster then a shuck of a pump shotgun in the darkness.
And I'm torn on 00Buck... The collateral damage seems to great to go with that round. I definitely want to stop an intruder, but don't want to have to patch three slates of drywall or worry about who else is in the house when I shoot. Although, if someone is in my house, I don't want to second guess the shot in my gun.
It fits my needs perfectly. Super easy to clean, nice comfortable grip, shoots where I point it, and I love the looks. I shoot cheaper ammo for targets and it hasn't hesitated.
For a handgun, I have a Ruger GP 100.
I prefer a revolver to the semi's, and this is a very good, reliable handgun. If money had been no object, I'd have bought this Smith & Wesson 357 7 shot revolver instead of the Ruger, but I'm very happy with the choice I made.:
I'm generally a SIG guy when it comes to carry guns, and generally in .40 or .45. I do have some smaller .38's and a nice little Kel-Tec 9, but I only carry them as back ups.
SIG229's. I generally carry these as .40.s but can swap barrels and go with .357Sig if desired. I have a .22 conversion for them as well:
SIG220, in .45:
Why I prefer .45 to 9. Your 9 may expand, but my 45 will never shrink.
But that brings another question up.
I've heard for shotguns that Remington STS and Winchester XX are good shots to use, but what about Handguns? What's a good, reliable ammo? I've read Hornady is superb, but depending on where you buy it, it goes from .87-1.20 a round. Are there any other rounds you guys buy? I'm not looking for cheap, I'm just looking for good, reliable and consistent.
During my research I've been thinking that Federal seems to be a good cross-section of value and reliability.
Now there's some CHEAP ammo !!!