I'm currently training for my 5th half marathon and hope to finish around 1:45. When I'm not running I'm in the gym all the time. I suppliment pretty heavily when I'm not running and can typically put on about 8-10lbs of retainable weight a year for the past 4 years. Thinking that it's gonna taper off soon though and drop to 3-5 lbs a year. I really only use Beverly International products besides N.O.Xplod and a few cycles of CellTech.
Very nice. Good luck on the half marathon man. No way I could do that ish lol I do a lot of lifting and core work. Stuff like tire flips, warrior ropes. Right now I'm trying to put some on some of my old size. I used to be about 25 pounds heavier. Have put about 5 pounds back in in the last 3 weeks but that'll slow down once I hit the 10-12 mark.Just got some new supplements. I currently am use Optimum Nutrition's Natural Whey for my post workout and that's been it since I've been focusing on mainly core work. Tomorrow I have a ton of stuff coming in the mail. ON's multi, a new thing of wild alaskan fish oil, a new thing of Echinecea complex, some new probiotics, MusclePharm's Assault, Combat, and Battle Fuel.
I am a gym rat too. I mainly stick to doing p90x at home though and playing raquett ball for my cardio. Its been tough lately with my course load so i have had to cut my work outs down and just get them in when i can ( 12 hours in a masters program, a grad assistantship and a part time job is alot). I also work at a GNC part time so that helps with my supliment cost. To be honest i dont use a lot. Mainly stick to the basics: protein powder. Sometime i do a pre-work out drink ( jak3d, c4, 1mr those kind of things).
Man supplement discounts would be amazing! lol How do you like jak3d? Out of my friends who have tried it it's been very mixed results. I'm very excited to give MP's Assault a try
Man supplement discounts would be amazing! lol How do you like jak3d? Out of my friends who have tried it it's been very mixed results. I'm very excited to give MP's Assault a try
The discount is ok. If you look hard enough you can find it way cheaper on line ( beats my discount most of the time) if you ever need any thing let me know i can see what i can do ( some stuff i cant get the discount on). I started with jack3d i loved it!! made me want to rip *** in half at first ( but i have a low supliment tolerance) 1mr is proboly the most intense out of all of them. I have heard great things about the MP assault. A ton of military guys use it but i can not really comment on it since i have not used it. I might have a few samples of the 1MR if you want to try it i also have a few samples of the Musclecore c4 too
I'm gonna be mowing my yard in the morning and lifting after work tomorrow night. Gonna do shoulders, traps and abs. Did legs yesterday and took today off
Man supplement discounts would be amazing! lol How do you like jak3d? Out of my friends who have tried it it's been very mixed results. I'm very excited to give MP's Assault a try
The discount is ok. If you look hard enough you can find it way cheaper on line ( beats my discount most of the time) if you ever need any thing let me know i can see what i can do ( some stuff i cant get the discount on). I started with jack3d i loved it!! made me want to rip *** in half at first ( but i have a low supliment tolerance) 1mr is proboly the most intense out of all of them. I have heard great things about the MP assault. A ton of military guys use it but i can not really comment on it since i have not used it. I might have a few samples of the 1MR if you want to try it i also have a few samples of the Musclecore c4 too
I really do a lot of my buying online. It's def a lot cheaper than whenever I walk into GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. I may have to take you up on those. Esp if Assault doesn't work out for me. Really hoping that my stuff gets in before I have to leave for work tomorrow. I'll def be hitting you up since you offered and see what we can do. Always love to support my fellow borks. What are you getting a masters in?
I love Beverly stuff. Clean, not a lot of filler, great taste and result driven. I really get the best longest lasting results with Beverly.
I can honestly say I've never heard of them. I'm gonna have to check em out though. I def try to get the least amount of BS in everything. Supplements and food.
if by "rat" you mean working out in my basement before the family wakes up, then count me in. Just me and my boy Petey (my avatar) are up usually and even he looks at me like "don't you have anything better to do?" haha.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
if by "rat" you mean working out in my basement before the family wakes up, then count me in. Just me and my boy Petey (my avatar) are up usually and even he looks at me like "don't you have anything better to do?" haha.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
got your email btw E, I'll fire one back shortly.
Back then they didn't have supplements! lol you act like you're old brother. I was hoping you'd pop in here. Boyd is a beast fellas! Sounds good. I have a bad feeling you didn't get my last one before that though.....f'in yahoo lol
Man supplement discounts would be amazing! lol How do you like jak3d? Out of my friends who have tried it it's been very mixed results. I'm very excited to give MP's Assault a try
The discount is ok. If you look hard enough you can find it way cheaper on line ( beats my discount most of the time) if you ever need any thing let me know i can see what i can do ( some stuff i cant get the discount on). I started with jack3d i loved it!! made me want to rip *** in half at first ( but i have a low supliment tolerance) 1mr is proboly the most intense out of all of them. I have heard great things about the MP assault. A ton of military guys use it but i can not really comment on it since i have not used it. I might have a few samples of the 1MR if you want to try it i also have a few samples of the Musclecore c4 too
I really do a lot of my buying online. It's def a lot cheaper than whenever I walk into GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. I may have to take you up on those. Esp if Assault doesn't work out for me. Really hoping that my stuff gets in before I have to leave for work tomorrow. I'll def be hitting you up since you offered and see what we can do. Always love to support my fellow borks. What are you getting a masters in?
Public administration I plan on using it natural resource administration or some kind of environmental policy work. Ya just give me you address and i will send them your way.
if by "rat" you mean working out in my basement before the family wakes up, then count me in. Just me and my boy Petey (my avatar) are up usually and even he looks at me like "don't you have anything better to do?" haha.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
got your email btw E, I'll fire one back shortly.
+1 I do not care how many sups you take you can not beat a good DIET and a healthy amount of excercise. I get the best results when i just watch my macro nutrients, eat clean food, eat at the right times, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. It makes you feel amazing. Hard not to take the pre work outs though they realy help me power through my some of the workouts if im doing a doubles routine. Protein powered is also a nice super cheap way to get 30 grams of protein quick.
if by "rat" you mean working out in my basement before the family wakes up, then count me in. Just me and my boy Petey (my avatar) are up usually and even he looks at me like "don't you have anything better to do?" haha.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
got your email btw E, I'll fire one back shortly.
Back then they didn't have supplements! lol you act like you're old brother. I was hoping you'd pop in here. Boyd is a beast fellas! Sounds good. I have a bad feeling you didn't get my last one before that though.....f'in yahoo lol
LOL, yeah dude not really that old, just very old school I guess.
We definitely kept it old school for the dry land crew workouts. Lots of Circuits, Power lifts, way too many squats, Plyometrics, medicine ball junk, and a lot of time running the hills in the canyon behind campus. I actually miss that canyon these days. Oh yeah, and of course it was crew so way too many hours spent on the Erg . . . . . . watching that little screen . . . . . . .
I obviously don't put in the time I used to in college, but I still try to keep the workouts varied enough that my body never quite gets used to it.
if by "rat" you mean working out in my basement before the family wakes up, then count me in. Just me and my boy Petey (my avatar) are up usually and even he looks at me like "don't you have anything better to do?" haha.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
got your email btw E, I'll fire one back shortly.
+1 I do not care how many sups you take you can not beat a good DIET and a healthy amount of excercise. I get the best results when i just watch my macro nutrients, eat clean food, eat at the right times, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. It makes you feel amazing. Hard not to take the pre work outs though they realy help me power through my some of the workouts if im doing a doubles routine. Protein powered is also a nice super cheap way to get 30 grams of protein quick.
heck yeah man, I totally agree here on the best supplement being real food. I avoid empty calories as best I can but aside from that I eat real food. Nothing immitation, avoid all of the fake sugars, fat free stuff, and just eat a balanced diet. I've always tried to focus on being strong and fit rather than cut and when I'm really on it, I've found it gets the best results for me.
I've also learned that that everyone's body responds differently to differnet plans though so this might not work for everyone.
Sleep though . . . wish I got more of that.
allright fellas their literally turning the lights out on me here at work. . . .
Ya its tough though if you on a budget and a time crunch but if you make an just make the effort you will have decent results. The good thing is you can cut alot of the fake crap out and save money though so that's good. IF you can every one should look up how to figure out what macro nutrients you need on a daily basis and track them. Best way to learn exactly what you should eat.
I work out three days a week at the gym. Used to lift pretty heavy and do a little cardio. Now I do a lot of cardio, about 45 min per and burn about 800 clories and then do some kettle bells, no more heavy lifting. But...I eat and drink beer like its my job, so I'm still fat. I have my fingers crossed that at least my heart is in moderately good shape.
I work out three days a week at the gym. Used to lift pretty heavy and do a little cardio. Now I do a lot of cardio, about 45 min per and burn about 800 clories and then do some kettle bells, no more heavy lifting. But...I eat and drink beer like its my job, so I'm still fat. I have my fingers crossed that at least my heart is in moderately good shape.
Ya its hard to give up beer lol I know i couldnt do it.
Who all here is a gym rat? I know I'm one. I figured it'd be good to have a thread where we can talk about workouts, supplements, food, etc.
I am something like a gym rat....gym has has 3 letters and bar has 3 letters and I do 22 ounce curls quite religiously. Good 3 to 4 hour workout 2 to 3 times a week and I am a happy camper. Always workout on the weekends..........
I've been lifting for the past 5 years real heavy. I've prob tried almost every supplement out there. Have any of you guys tried crossfit? I've been doing a navy seal type crossfit. The website is sealgrinderpt.com they are about an hour or so everyday. I've had some great results. And my cardio has shot they the roof. All the workouts are different so you don't get bored. I wasn't sold at first but have been doing it for about 3 months and have noticed a huge difference. Always sore the next day. It's a great feeling the day after a hard training session.
I've been lifting for the past 5 years real heavy.I've prob tried almost every supplement out there. Don't take anything crazy now just some whey here and there. Have any of you guys tried crossfit? I've been doing a navy seal type crossfit. The website is sealgrinderpt.com they are about an hour or so everyday. I've had some great results. And my cardio has shot they the roof. All the workouts are different so you don't get bored. I wasn't sold at first but have been doing it for about 3 months and have noticed a huge difference. Always sore the next day. It's a great feeling the day after a hard training session.
I've been lifting for the past 5 years real heavy.I've prob tried almost every supplement out there. Don't take anything crazy now just some whey here and there. Have any of you guys tried crossfit? I've been doing a navy seal type crossfit. The website is sealgrinderpt.com they are about an hour or so everyday. I've had some great results. And my cardio has shot they the roof. All the workouts are different so you don't get bored. I wasn't sold at first but have been doing it for about 3 months and have noticed a huge difference. Always sore the next day. It's a great feeling the day after a hard training session.
I am going to have to check this out. I am getting real bored with p90x. I cant wait till summer so i can just swim laps in the pool. today i did an ab routine and plan in going on a hike with my girlfriend. It is gourgous today and we both have the day off so i cant be wasting my time working out inside .
You Have to take advantage of that. Those days are far and few between. At least with my wife and I. The cool thing about those workouts some of them have a swim portion and a trail run. They have a huge variety and tailor it if you don't have access to certain machines.
me sir. i love working out (mainly lifting weights and doing cardio). reduces stress. makes me have a bigger appetite. it's all good haha
Yeah man I love the ridiculous appetite I get. Although at times it can be a real PITA lol
haha for sure. have you experimented with whey protein? i mainly just do whey protein, fish oil pills, and multivitamin (from GNC to be more specific). i cycled off of whey for about 2 months (after using it for about 2 months) to see if it really makes a difference. it didnt... still lifted the same weights, had the same stamina. just felt less..... gassy hahah
Man this topic took off quick. I am training for a tough mudder in late summer. I have been eyeing some supplements on line and was wondering if anyone has had any luck with Hyper shred or Oxy Elite pro? I have recently got back into lifting heavier. I was just doing cardio for a while but that gets boring and with the events in tough mudder I will have to at least have some strength built up.
if by "rat" you mean working out in my basement before the family wakes up, then count me in. Just me and my boy Petey (my avatar) are up usually and even he looks at me like "don't you have anything better to do?" haha.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
got your email btw E, I'll fire one back shortly.
+1 I do not care how many sups you take you can not beat a good DIET and a healthy amount of excercise. I get the best results when i just watch my macro nutrients, eat clean food, eat at the right times, drink enough water, and get enough sleep. It makes you feel amazing. Hard not to take the pre work outs though they realy help me power through my some of the workouts if im doing a doubles routine. Protein powered is also a nice super cheap way to get 30 grams of protein quick.
heck yeah man, I totally agree here on the best supplement being real food. I avoid empty calories as best I can but aside from that I eat real food. Nothing immitation, avoid all of the fake sugars, fat free stuff, and just eat a balanced diet. I've always tried to focus on being strong and fit rather than cut and when I'm really on it, I've found it gets the best results for me.
I've also learned that that everyone's body responds differently to differnet plans though so this might not work for everyone.
Sleep though . . . wish I got more of that.
allright fellas their literally turning the lights out on me here at work. . . .
Gotta agree here! A great diet is the key to everything from feeling good to being healthy.
I'm all natural though man, no supplements for me except extra helpings of dinner. You know I'm old college rower, and thats the way we did it back then so I just keep on keeping on. Of course I'm not exactly a house either . . . . so I don't know if its working per say . . . . but I'm thin, I gave up along time ago of gaining much weight. Working out keeps my head on straight though, and its always been a huge part of my life.
got your email btw E, I'll fire one back shortly.
We definitely kept it old school for the dry land crew workouts. Lots of Circuits, Power lifts, way too many squats, Plyometrics, medicine ball junk, and a lot of time running the hills in the canyon behind campus. I actually miss that canyon these days. Oh yeah, and of course it was crew so way too many hours spent on the Erg . . . . . . watching that little screen . . . . . . .
I obviously don't put in the time I used to in college, but I still try to keep the workouts varied enough that my body never quite gets used to it.
I've also learned that that everyone's body responds differently to differnet plans though so this might not work for everyone.
Sleep though . . . wish I got more of that.
allright fellas their literally turning the lights out on me here at work. . . .