
Just wondering what books (if any) people like to read. I'm into more of the fantasy type. Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan (RIP), Song of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, anything by R.A. Salvatore, the Mistborn series and Elantris by Brandon Sanderson, the Halo series, and Hithikers Guide to The Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
In general, I read literary fiction. Right now I'm re-reading Moby ***, to see if I like it any better the second time through.
at the same time though i guess i could understand where they are comming from. they want to keep up the good name that has worked so hard to build. many times four letter words lead to anger and a forum full of angry people will do them no good. they still need to make money. Believe me that if this forum started to lose them money they would shut it downso fast all of our heads would spin.
I just finished the 4th book, and ordered books 5 through 9 from Amazon. There is a total of 11 books in the series. They are a lot of fun, sort of James Bond-ish, but about an American CIA agent. Very well written, if you don't know who Bill Buckley is, he was, among other things, the founder of National Review magazine. The books are very entertaining, with some clever references to Buckley's non fiction works.
Mr. Buckley passed away 4 months ago, which is what prompted me to read these books. Ironically (for discussion on this site), 2 months before his death he blamed his failing health on "the idiocy of cigars inhaled".
Yup, Christopher Buckley wrote Thank You for Smoking, on which the movie of the same name was based. Another of his books I enjoyed is The White House Mess.
I've wanted to settle down and read The Great Gatsby again... that seems like it would be a good cigar book.
Matt: If you'd like, I can lend you my copy of Slaughterhouse Five. At least that way you won't have to go out and buy it. Anyhoo, if you want to borrow it, pm me with your address and I'll lend it out to you.
I just finished a book called Resistance, by Owen Sheer. It's an alternate-history novel set in Wales during a German occupation of England in 1944-45. Good read. Very thought-provoking.
Resistance isn't very military-focused, btw. It's about a group of Welsh farm women whose husbands leave to join the underground, and a German patrol that occupies their valley, and the compromises they all make (or don't make) to get through the winter.