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AJ Blends Just Suck



  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    The Kid:
    Imagine if there was a NUB size AF Curly Head. Now that would SUCK!
    NOT if AJ BLENDED it....because apparently AJ can blend anything
    He'll probably just make a maduro out of it. A 4 x 60 curly head maddy........Omg BARF
    Im finding this thread becoming more and more offensive and I must say I am truly dissapointed by many of your comments, I would respectfully ask that "you" discontinue this bashing.
    I didn't intend to offend any botls with my comments. Just being silly here. I'm an AJ fan myself. I'll admit that I'm bashing on the Curly head
    And nubs bro... I don't like nubs, but I love me some shortys
    What's a shorty?? Lol
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    If you get any....just put them in my box ;)
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
  • asianbiker8asianbiker8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 551
    Opinions, everyone has a different one. Why can't we just leave it at that? Personally I am an aj fernandez fan, but i'm not a fanatic. Like most blenders out there, there are some sticks I like, and some I don't. I can't just lump together and say that all his stuff sucks, or rocks. These are my 2 cents.
  • Russ55Russ55 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,762
    Well there's a thread title you don't see everyday. I'm not much of a fan of AJ's blends for some of the reasons the original poster listed, but mostly it's just that I'm not that into Nicaraguan tobacco. I did like his stuff at one time, but as my palate evolved/changed I stopped liking most of his blends. I do keep some of his sticks around because they're a nice change of pace every now and then. I do respect AJ's passion for tobacco. Some of the stories I've read, and heard, are quite impressive. Also, he has excellent taste in hats.
  • rzamanrzaman Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,604
    There is no comparison of Don Alejandro cigars with AJ's cigars. Many people learned about cigar from Don Alejandro and can declare themselves as his protege. Cigar taste is subjective so different opinions are obvious. In my case, I am not a AJ fan. However if someone enjoy his cigar then that is the right cigar for him/her.
    I'm totally smoking a fuente right now because of this thread
    Great, does that mean I have to light up a MOW now?? LoL
    Nope...but if you don't like AJ, them you must not like Don Alejandro....fail lol
  • blurrblurr Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 962
    "I jumped into this hobby not because cigars tasted good, the first stick I ever smoked was a baccarat, I got into this hobby because of the history behind it. Cigar smoking was once and kind of still is a very classy thing to do. Cigars were smoked for special occasions and to celebrate new life and for the more avid smokers, cigars were a treat or a show of status."

    I like a few AJ blends, but not all. And of course you are entitled to your opinion. However you are supposed to smoke cigars because you enjoy them, or enjoy the flavors, or enjoy the relaxation and time spent relaxing with friends/family. Whatever your reason matters not, except when its to impress other people or as a means of showing off with the "hey look at me look how elite I am smoking dis here cigar!!!". I think you didn't mean it the way it came out, just saying smoke because you enjoy it, not to appear elite, or refined, or upper class.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    "I jumped into this hobby not because cigars tasted good, the first stick I ever smoked was a baccarat, I got into this hobby because of the history behind it. Cigar smoking was once and kind of still is a very classy thing to do. Cigars were smoked for special occasions and to celebrate new life and for the more avid smokers, cigars were a treat or a show of status."

    I like a few AJ blends, but not all. And of course you are entitled to your opinion. However you are supposed to smoke cigars because you enjoy them, or enjoy the flavors, or enjoy the relaxation and time spent relaxing with friends/family. Whatever your reason matters not, except when its to impress other people or as a means of showing off with the "hey look at me look how elite I am smoking dis here cigar!!!". I think you didn't mean it the way it came out, just saying smoke because you enjoy it, not to appear elite, or refined, or upper class.
    After 10 pages of having to defend myself yesterday, this is what my toughts were as I was going to bed.

    A person that can offer their own opinion on what they are reading is no different then someone trying to give a review on what they are smoking. Your either like what your reading/smoking or not. If you love or hate it you find things to talk about that enjoy or did not enjoy, and in reading a review as in comparrison to smoking a cigar you point out the things that hit home with you, a kind of flavor or how someone could be comming off like a snob. At the end of the day when reading a review and smoking a cigar you leave with your own thoughts and feelings on it. It doesent mean that they match what other people think, it only means that this is what you got out of what you read or smoked.

    I am not a snob or a guy that likes to show off anykind of status. I wrote what I did because it is my opinion that if you enjoy a hobby, you should know everything about it. Kind of like a guy saying, yeah I like cars, it's my hobby and then says, I really know nothing about the history of my hobby, I just like to drive!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    "I jumped into this hobby not because cigars tasted good, the first stick I ever smoked was a baccarat, I got into this hobby because of the history behind it. Cigar smoking was once and kind of still is a very classy thing to do. Cigars were smoked for special occasions and to celebrate new life and for the more avid smokers, cigars were a treat or a show of status."

    I like a few AJ blends, but not all. And of course you are entitled to your opinion. However you are supposed to smoke cigars because you enjoy them, or enjoy the flavors, or enjoy the relaxation and time spent relaxing with friends/family. Whatever your reason matters not, except when its to impress other people or as a means of showing off with the "hey look at me look how elite I am smoking dis here cigar!!!". I think you didn't mean it the way it came out, just saying smoke because you enjoy it, not to appear elite, or refined, or upper class.
    After 10 pages of having to defend myself yesterday, this is what my toughts were as I was going to bed.

    A person that can offer their own opinion on what they are reading is no different then someone trying to give a review on what they are smoking. Your either like what your reading/smoking or not. If you love or hate it you find things to talk about that enjoy or did not enjoy, and in reading a review as in comparrison to smoking a cigar you point out the things that hit home with you, a kind of flavor or how someone could be comming off like a snob. At the end of the day when reading a review and smoking a cigar you leave with your own thoughts and feelings on it. It doesent mean that they match what other people think, it only means that this is what you got out of what you read or smoked.

    I am not a snob or a guy that likes to show off anykind of status. I wrote what I did because it is my opinion that if you enjoy a hobby, you should know everything about it. Kind of like a guy saying, yeah I like cars, it's my hobby and then says, I really know nothing about the history of my hobby, I just like to drive!
    I really don't think anyone wanted you to defend yourself because of your not liking AJ sticks. As was said many times yesterday it was the words you used to say it. Over the top comments always invoke a response. This time it may have been a larger response then you anticipated. Your opinions are valid... even if they are wrong LMAO. Don't sweat the small stuff guys.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    "I jumped into this hobby not because cigars tasted good, the first stick I ever smoked was a baccarat, I got into this hobby because of the history behind it. Cigar smoking was once and kind of still is a very classy thing to do. Cigars were smoked for special occasions and to celebrate new life and for the more avid smokers, cigars were a treat or a show of status."

    I like a few AJ blends, but not all. And of course you are entitled to your opinion. However you are supposed to smoke cigars because you enjoy them, or enjoy the flavors, or enjoy the relaxation and time spent relaxing with friends/family. Whatever your reason matters not, except when its to impress other people or as a means of showing off with the "hey look at me look how elite I am smoking dis here cigar!!!". I think you didn't mean it the way it came out, just saying smoke because you enjoy it, not to appear elite, or refined, or upper class.
    After 10 pages of having to defend myself yesterday, this is what my toughts were as I was going to bed.

    A person that can offer their own opinion on what they are reading is no different then someone trying to give a review on what they are smoking. Your either like what your reading/smoking or not. If you love or hate it you find things to talk about that enjoy or did not enjoy, and in reading a review as in comparrison to smoking a cigar you point out the things that hit home with you, a kind of flavor or how someone could be comming off like a snob. At the end of the day when reading a review and smoking a cigar you leave with your own thoughts and feelings on it. It doesent mean that they match what other people think, it only means that this is what you got out of what you read or smoked.

    I am not a snob or a guy that likes to show off anykind of status. I wrote what I did because it is my opinion that if you enjoy a hobby, you should know everything about it. Kind of like a guy saying, yeah I like cars, it's my hobby and then says, I really know nothing about the history of my hobby, I just like to drive!
    I really don't think anyone wanted you to defend yourself because of your not liking AJ sticks. As was said many times yesterday it was the words you used to say it. Over the top comments always invoke a response. This time it may have been a larger response then you anticipated. Your opinions are valid... even if they are wrong LMAO. Don't sweat the small stuff guys.
    Oh I wasn't offended at all, I think it was the other way around for some people though. All I was trying to say Is I think AJ blends suck. Even if that is all I wanted to write, it still would have been my opinion. I found myself having to give reasons and examples of why I think AJ blends suck, which I was happy to do, but did not have to do at all. If I think they suck, then I think they suck. Just like I think the Tigers suck, are people going to want to know why I think the Tigers suck now! I chose the vocabulary I did cause I know people were going to get upset either way. I know AJ fans are die hard, and I respect that and I was ready for it. The way people acted yesterday was like I was trying to get ccom to realize how much AJ sticks suck so they wouldn't sell them anymore, which couldn't be further from the truth. If anyone is reading this and you smoke AJ cigars please know, that I don't hate you, I don't think bad of you, I respect that you know what you like and it would thrill me to no end for you to smoke AJ cigars forever.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I think you should buy me a fiver of UHC...cause that LG you gave me for my birthday...sucked
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    I think you should buy me a fiver of UHC...cause that LG you gave me for my birthday...sucked
    No way, really it did? Now I feel bad!
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I think you should buy me a fiver of UHC...cause that LG you gave me for my birthday...sucked
    No way, really it did? Now I feel bad!
    And you should....for f'in with AJ beotch!!!! LMAO
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    I think you should buy me a fiver of UHC...cause that LG you gave me for my birthday...sucked
    No way, really it did? Now I feel bad!
    And you should....for f'in with AJ beotch!!!! LMAO
    Now how in the hell does and LG stick have to do with AJ. I don't feel bad anymore!!! LOL
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I think you should buy me a fiver of UHC...cause that LG you gave me for my birthday...sucked
    No way, really it did? Now I feel bad!
    And you should....for f'in with AJ beotch!!!! LMAO
    Now how in the hell does and LG stick have to do with AJ. I don't feel bad anymore!!! LOL
    It was ok, good cigar but I guess I'm just not a fan; thus, it sucks.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    I think you should buy me a fiver of UHC...cause that LG you gave me for my birthday...sucked
    No way, really it did? Now I feel bad!
    And you should....for f'in with AJ beotch!!!! LMAO
    Now how in the hell does and LG stick have to do with AJ. I don't feel bad anymore!!! LOL
    It was ok, good cigar but I guess I'm just not a fan; thus, it sucks.
    What do you mean it was "ok", What do you mean your not a fan, and LG's don't suck, YOU SUCK!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    I just now read all of this. I like quite a bit of AJ's stuff (so far), I like Jason, but I really love lamp! Ok, but seriously, I do love the shorty's and the ruinations, as far as the rest of them, I have not had much else outside of the MOW line to compare. Thats why my humi is filled with a giant mix of singles, except for the AJ FR's, but I needed a bunch of budget sticks because I too odten than not, don't get to make it all the way through an entire stick without waiting until the middle of the night. Now, when I get home next week, I am going to smoke myself retarded and enjoy all of it!
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    I just now read all of this. I like quite a bit of AJ's stuff (so far), I like Jason, but I really love lamp! Ok, but seriously, I do love the shorty's and the ruinations, as far as the rest of them, I have not had much else outside of the MOW line to compare. Thats why my humi is filled with a giant mix of singles, except for the AJ FR's, but I needed a bunch of budget sticks because I too odten than not, don't get to make it all the way through an entire stick without waiting until the middle of the night. Now, when I get home next week, I am going to smoke myself retarded and enjoy all of it!
    Can you pretty please send me your addy, I have some stuff to send. You know the stuff we talked about before wink wink.
  • KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
    Sorry to hear that u didn't find anything AJ u liked bud. Have u tried LHC Core? just curious.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    Sorry to hear that u didn't find anything AJ u liked bud. Have u tried LHC Core? just curious.
    I have, you know I will say that I did really enjoy the Hen Oscuro.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Sorry to hear that u didn't find anything AJ u liked bud. Have u tried LHC Core? just curious.
    I have, you know I will say that I did really enjoy the Hen Oscuro.
    A.J Fresh rolled were a big surprise to me. Got one in a pass or trade here and this is truly a cigar I could smoke every day. And a STEAL at the price point. I do not expect much from a two or three dollar cigar, and this is better than many I've had at twice the price.
  • SmokindaddySmokindaddy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,107
    Sorry to hear that u didn't find anything AJ u liked bud. Have u tried LHC Core? just curious.
    I have, you know I will say that I did really enjoy the Hen Oscuro.
    A.J Fresh rolled were a big surprise to me. Got one in a pass or trade here and this is truly a cigar I could smoke every day. And a STEAL at the price point. I do not expect much from a two or three dollar cigar, and this is better than many I've had at twice the price.
    I smoked a couple and found them to be ok, kind of bland. I do have one more, I was thinking about lighting it up and seeing if I find a change of heart.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    Wow take a few days off and look what I miss! No secret here I think AJ hung the moon because I do think he is the most talented guy in the business but everyone knows that. I write a lot about him not because I want to sell more of his stuff, I write about it because I believe it and I like to write about what interests me so I hope no one mistakes some of the catalog copy as shameless selling. Remember, I am in this because like you guys I love cigars and my own passion sort of guides me professionally. That said, i certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me. For me, the fact that his cigars have some similar characteristics is one of the reasons I keep loving his stuff. His process is different and they are uniform throughout his lines. Well his premium lines. That said, I don't like everything. I personally don't care for morro castle or some of the cheaper blends but I do love me his premiums.

    Like many said here, there are several lines/ brands/ cigar makers I don't care for. I don't think I would ever use the word suck no matter how much I dislike something. Cigar making is an art, a passion and a labor of love and I respect the work that goes into and know what it takes so I don't think I would personally use the word or make such a strong statement just out of respect for the work it takes process tobacco and make cigars. But again, that is just me and everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions, strong ones too.

    I don't think the original post tied quality to dollars, but you do see a lot of that out there. I will say, you can evaluate a cigar on any number of things and many times it comes down to preference which is what makes this hobby so special. However, a cigar should never be evaluated on price. I am amazed that some of the $10 brands out there are also marketed at $2 with a different band and it will always amaze me that people love the $10 one and don't like the $2 one. Ironically, many of the cigars out there, national brands and private labels alike that sell for $3 and $4 actually cost more to make, use better tobacco than many I know of that people buy for $10 day in and day out yet I hear people refer to them as "cheap" or "dog rockets" and base their opinion on price alone, many times without even smoking it. PLEASE NOTE I AM ON A TANGENT HERE AND THIS IS NOT IN RESPONSE TO THIS POST BUT IT JUST WHERE MY FINGERS ARE TAKING ME. Lew Rothman (former president and owner of JR) said it best, "there are far more brands out there than blends". He is right. It isn't a huge difference but I think what he is getting at is that there are a lot of blends that are repacked and sold the same way and it is interesting to see how peoples opinions change. I can point to a dozen brands that sell for $8+ in the big list and could point out the same blend with a different name that sells for $3 elsewhere. Unfortunately, that stuff is always so hush hush. I am getting into wine and see the same thing at Trader Joes. Many of their private labels or "Trader Joes Reserves" are the same juice as some of the $50 bottles but sell for $12. For me, I love it!

    Okay now circling back to the topic at hand. No way am I shutting this thread down. I love the "different strokes for different folks" aspect of cigars. The key is to enjoy the culture of cigar smoking and when it comes time for recommendations, get with the guys your palate aligns with and swap info on what you are trying. Im sure guys who are into AJ may take my opinions to heart. Others may identify with one of our consultants preferences more or a buddy. Its just the way of the world my friends.

    I do however feel the industry is reaching critical mass here on confusion. Too many brands, too many limited releases (that are gone by the time the press release comes out). I thought about it the other day as I thumbed through the hundreds and hundreds of new releases coming out at the show next week. I haven't heard of half of the companies, some seem to making brands just to make brands and the drive of consumers always looking for something new I fear will have the reverse effect in about two years when people just want quality releases that were the product of long nights blending by cigar makers. Id rather see one great product from a company once a year or even two vs 10 things out of every camp every month. Sighhhh.... I remember when things were simple.

    Sorry this thread bumped around and really went in about 8 tangents. Guess it has been a while since I posted and I had more to get off my chest than I thought LOL. Smoke if you got em.
  • scarlinscarlin Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,592
    So you are saying I can take a swisher sweet blend, reband it, then sell it for $10?! I'll bite! Nah jk, but I really really really must agree with your last paragraph Alex dealing with the releases.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Nice post Alex. Do you think AJ has lessened his ability to move up in the market place as he has his hand in so many projects? I really enjoyed the Emilio cigars and felt like that was his best blend in regard to the boutique market. For example, I find it hard to jump into anything RP or Gurkha due to the excessive branding. I am finding it with AJ the more I smoke too, even though I have plenty of his smokes and neither of the latter. DPG is also all over the place, but it seems he and Pete have nailed the boutique limited release market to a T. While I am not a fan of most of their blends, I get pissed when I find one I like...and then can't find it...so it's a Catch 22. I really do hope the new blend nails the profile you spoke of, because I am really finding myself drawn to the medium complex profile. I'll be the first in line, and if I like it, shove it down the OP's throat.

    I have to hand it to you on Bueso too, I was not impressed at first and ate crow. I liked it enough to review it, and look forward to exploring them as they get some rest and the oils marry.
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    Nice post Alex. Do you think AJ has lessened his ability to move up in the market place as he has his hand in so many projects? I really enjoyed the Emilio cigars and felt like that was his best blend in regard to the boutique market. For example, I find it hard to jump into anything RP or Gurkha due to the excessive branding. I am finding it with AJ the more I smoke too, even though I have plenty of his smokes and neither of the latter. DPG is also all over the place, but it seems he and Pete have nailed the boutique limited release market to a T. While I am not a fan of most of their blends, I get pissed when I find one I like...and then can't find it...so it's a Catch 22. I really do hope the new blend nails the profile you spoke of, because I am really finding myself drawn to the medium complex profile. I'll be the first in line, and if I like it, shove it down the OP's throat.

    I have to hand it to you on Bueso too, I was not impressed at first and ate crow. I liked it enough to review it, and look forward to exploring them as they get some rest and the oils marry.
    I don't think it will effect his ability to move up. When you start and grow a factory you have to make cigars to keep your people busy but once you get the hang of it you can start to narrow your focus a bit and I think that is the stage he is in. He is making cigars now for less and less people, focusing on his own brands and most anything that comes out now or for the last year really that has had his name associated with it has been strictly premium and I think that is a move in the right direction. I think what hurt him the most is the fact that his cigars are so reasonably priced. Again, I think there is a lot of misconceptions about price. The only way he can break out of that though is to just set minimums but then all his stuff would be expensive and I think that is a losing equation for the consumer so he will never do it. Accessibility is a big thing for him.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    Nice response Alex as I do enjoy the little devils but I have to say ccom better get the new oliva v sumatras in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But yes all tastes do differ I'm not a big fan of aj and do think of him more of a yard gar then anything else! But I do as mentioned really enjoy the little devils!
  • Alex SvensonAlex Svenson BlogAdministrator, Everyone, ForumsAdministrator, Moderator, Owners, Registered Users Posts: 1,204
    Just thought about this thread more. The truth is, not only do certain people prefer certain makers, but people smoke differently. For example, I smoke with my nose and mouth but I don't inhale. Some people smoke with just the mouth, some mouth and inhale without nose, etc etc. Each style provides a very different experience. Sometimes I smoke the same blend every which way and in some instances it tastes like a completely different cigar. Sometimes I love a cigar on the palate but the second I use my nose I find a distaste. For me, the blend has to be good when I use the palate and nose. But that is how I smoke. Others just want all palate and no aroma. I wonder if the folks out there that have similar tastes smoke the same way too. Maybe that has more to do with it than anything else. Bueso is a great example. If I don't use my nose, I don't like it. If I use my nose, I love it. Two completely different animals. This would be an interesting experiment. Going to start a new thread.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    taste is so subjective that even price can change the flavor.
  • Lee.mcglynnLee.mcglynn Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,228
    taste is so subjective that even price can change the flavor.
    I agree but dis agree I feel some people think the more they spend the better... This is true to a extent but I all honesty one of my favorite got to sticks is cheap! I think sancho panza is a very under rated stick and the qc is very good. I have never been disappointed with a well rested extra fuerte
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