Top 3 Best/Worst Actors.

Just see what everyone thinks...
1.Tom Hanks
2. Johny Depp
3. Robert De Niro
1. Ashton Kutcher
2. John Travolta
3. David Spade/Rob Schneider (They are the same to me)
Who do you think?
1.Tom Hanks
2. Johny Depp
3. Robert De Niro
1. Ashton Kutcher
2. John Travolta
3. David Spade/Rob Schneider (They are the same to me)
Who do you think?
1. Daniel Day Lewis
2. John Hurt
3. Niro... no, wait, DiCaprio... maybe Henry Fonda... I give up.
1. Taylor Lautner
2. Michael Cera
3. Steven Seagal
Everyone except Adam Sandler
Worst Actor
Adam Sandler
Van Damme
1) Marlon Brando
2) Al Pacino
3) Morgan Freeman
honorable mention to Jack Nicholson
1) Rob Schneider
2) Tommy Wiseau
3) Quentin Tarantino (not just a bad director (sorry all you Tarantino fans out there, he hasnt been good since Pulp Fiction))
1 Jack Nicholson / Meryl Streep tie
2 Daniel Day Lewis
3 Robert De Niro
1 Jan Michael Vincent
2 Jean Claude Van Dame
3 Stephen Segal / Sylvester Stallone tie
1, Al Pacino
2, Clint Eastwood/ Sean Connery
3,Jack Nicholson
Ron Jeremy
John Holmes
Rocco Siffredi
1. Denzel Washington/ Susan Sarandon
2. Morgan Freeman/ Natalie Portman
3. Tie between Kevin Spacey and Leonardo Dicaprio/ Meryl Streep and Rachel McAdams
1. Rob Schneider/ Renee Zellweger
2. Nicolas Cage/ Kristen Stewart
3. Keanu Reeves/ Megan Fox
Robert Downey Jr.
Robert De Niro
However Fav of all time for just this role Val Kilmer (Tombstone)
John Travlta
Ben Affleck
Heath Ledger as Joker, Tom Hanks in any role (tie imo)
Robert Downy Jr.
Sean Connery
1 Ham Affleck
Most roles for Will Ferril
Quientin Tarintino as an Actor, not Director
Jimmy Stewart
Kevin Spacey
Humphrey Bogart
Tom Cruise
Steven Segal
Martin Lawrence
Al Pacino
Robert Downey Jr./Emma Watson
Jackie Chan (As an actor. As a director/producer, he's mediocre)
Kristen Stewart (Worst. Ever.)
Tommy Wiseau (Horrible, but it's almost entertaining how bad his acting is)
Hayden Christensen
As a side note, something my Dad said once. Ever notice how the great male leads are perennial, while the females come and go? That's because basically all females are acting most of the time.
It's their gift.
Much rarer for those of us with a Y chromosome.
If I had to pick one, it would easily be Bogart. I'm kind of a Bogart nut, though. I'm looking for a good (and there are cheap ones out there, but not great) reproduction of the Maltese Falcon.
My next favorite performance is Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Arabia.
Steve McQueen is great too.
Stewart, Denzel, Nicholson, Brando, there are many more to list.
For actresses, Audrey Hepburn rises to the top. I can't bring myself to put Julia Roberts on the list, because I just don't like her that much, but she's made some good movies. Eve Marie Saint would be on my list, too. Maybe Janet Leigh.
As far as worst, I'm not even going to attempt, because there are so many bad actors that make a living doing comedy, but their skill isn't acting, it's making you laugh. There is one non-funny "comedian-actor" whose movies I will never watch-Pauley Shore. Put him at the top of my bad list. I'm tempted to put Keanu Reeves on here simply for the Matrix movies (and Devil's Advocate and Chain Reaction), but he's redeemed by Bill & Ted, and one of my guilty pleasures, The Replacements. I'll give him Point Break, too.
The test I use for deciding whether someone is a good actor or not is whether I can forget who it is that I'm watching. For instance, whenever I see a movie with Tom Cruise in it, I never forget for a second that I'm watching Tom Cruise. He is the exact same person in every movie I've seen him in, whether he's a Nazi, or a fighter pilot. It's the Tom Cruise persona. He never once convinces me that he's the character he's playing. By that rationale I think Jeremy Brett, Peter Sellers, and Brad Pitt are at the top of my list of best actors. There are so many bad actors I don't think I could list them all. Tom Cruise is up there obviously.
Then there are actors that I think are ok, but really good at picking scripts. Tom Hanks is one of those to me. He doesn't really impress me as an actor, but damn, most of his movies are really good, entertaining, massive money makers. Maybe not what I'd choose to watch, or fit with my personal tastes, but they are wildly successful.
But Big Daddy and all the films before it, I liked him for the most part.
And so hard to pick for "the best", because I could make a "best" list for each genre. But overall, I'd have to say my "favorite" actors are:
Christian Bale
Marlon Brando
Johnny Depp
Keanau Reeves
Ashton Kutcher
Entire cast of Twilight
Men - Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Pacino, Tommy Lee Jones, Ed Harris, Billy Bob Thornton, Denzel Washington, John Malkovitch, Bruce Willis (even though all his movies are about the same)
Women - Kathy Bates, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Helen Hunt, Julia Roberts, Sandra Bullock
Bad Men - Arnold, John Cena, Nicholas Cage, Van Damme, Hulk Hogan, Segal,
Bad Women - Elizabeth Berkley, Lindsey Lohan, Marilyn Monroe
Now that's not to say I won't sit and watch Bloodsport start to finish, because I do even through commercials, and I own the DVD. I love Marilyn, but damn she couldn't act, nice to look at though.
There are a ton of other actors / actresses I could put up there that I like, they just haven't done it for me.. Kevin Spacey, Ice Cube... I can go on and on.. love their movies, but they just aren't in the same class as the others.
Worst----Nick Cage, Keanu Reeves, Vin Diesel
you may be right.
i may just have to watch more movies. got any good examples that are a "must see" for me?
Lee Marvin endless list really. Probably one of the best Villian performances for me is Rutger Hauer in original The Hitcher.