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Sunday Morning smoke , & news from the Kitchen Table



  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    vince, you happen to remember the name of that blender?
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    vince, you happen to remember the name of that blender?
    Sorry not for sure william or bill something an anglo name not latin I do remember that... sorry But If I think of it when I talk to him next time I will ask & write it down ,,,, I havent developed althimizers just yet, but I do see a bit of Somethimerzs creeping in ....... what was a thinking about? dammm I forget ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    Good Morning , It is Sunday 7 Aug.2011 A hot humid day here in Da Burgh. It has been Hazy hot & humid all week, in the low 90's & the humidity in the 75/85 % range , all I can say is THANK GOD for A/C !!! the shop was a little slower than I thought it should be , I figured with all the heat the Guys would be flocking in for the A/C & to enjoy a fine cigar , But they came in grabbed a stick or 2 & out they went ,with out lighting up..... BUT for some reason we went through a lot of coffee ???? Speaking of Coffee this mornings pot is a Sumatra medium dark roast & the Kona is in the Press pot waiting for the water to get Hot......... & when I get back to the kitchen I have the BBQ sauce to "Brew " as the rack of ribs has been on the 140 F grill since 8 AM ,,, L O W & S L O W , lots of Smoke & fall off the bone tender about 4 PM , just a light dry rub a little wet basting with a acid based wet mix & the BBQ sauce on the side AFTER they are cooked , a mix of oak, maple & hickory chips supply the smoke .... I have a few summer squash to go on some time today , Havent thought about what to do or how to do them as yet, , most likly they will get tossed on the grill at some time today , havent thought about if they will get sliced & grilled or smoked Whole or , cut up with onions & peppers & covered with tomato sauce ,,, depened on the amout of scotch I have this afternoon will determine the amount of knife skills needed to bring the squash to the table will set the way they will be cooked, ,,, my guess right now , they will be smoked WHOLE ........ Yesterday was a big day for Birthday partys , Beside Lucy of "I love Lucy" fame as she turned 100 , But My Mother, My Brother ,my Aunt Shirl, MY Buddy George & his son ,Cigar buddy Tiny Tim All celebrated birthdays on the 5, 6, & 7th of August, as well as the BOMB at Hiroshema back in WW2 .. so it was a BUSY day for smoking & drinking with friend & making new friends , & speaking of new friends there were 2 H O T girls at Georges place yesterday compairing there tatoos ,,,, thought there might be a little girl on girl action in the hot tub ,,,, But I had to go home before anything developed ,,,, Dammmmm , & so far today I havent talked to anyone who stayed to see if anything developed , for all I know they are still at Georges place hahahahaha I have a paving company comming in at 8 Am Monday moring to widen my drive way & add 2 inches of asphalt to change the slope & redirect the rain water away from the Qtr.Deck,,,,, next summer I am going to have the area landscaped , remove the 2 x 4 boarders & replace them with cement & add a few tons of river rock to keep the weeds down,,,,, looks like that will be a summer long project ,,,, unless I hit the lottery & move hahahahaha , since the house is paid for I can use the monthy payment to make improvements & add stuff we were not able to afford 20 years ago ,,, I am leaning tward a hot tub BUT the wife isnt thinking that way so I guess I dont get a hot tub...... I will just have to fart in the tub to make bubbles hahahaha ,,,, only trouble with that Idea , I cant get down into the tub anymore, & standing in the shower & farting just isnt the same hahahaha The grandsons have been with thier Dad all week & I havent seen them since last Monday , But I will be taking them to the piano & art lessons on Monday after stopping at the local Tasty Freeze for a cone or a shake & Pizza on the way home , I need to watch my weight , I have noticed the dish of peanut M&M's is always going empty & my pants are a bit snug,,,, I wonder if they go together?????? Thats about it for today , time to press the Kona & turn on the A/C in the Qtr.deck fire up the Don Carlos #3 & wait for the clock to strike Noon ..... ahhhhh its time for a scotch ! hahaha Enjoy, Vince
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    Morning Vince ! Thanks for sharing a few laughs today. Enjoy the day.
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    I plan on it ,,,, the Qtr.Deck is nice & cool, the coffee is hot the cigars are at 70% humity & the scotch is Glenlivette 12YO, the music is a Jazz CD from the late 50's a bit of big band, bebop & smoooooth jazz by about 20 different artists ,,,,, should be a QUIET day hahahahaha Enjoy, Vince
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    We'd love to see pics Vince.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    We missed you this week, Vince. Hope all is well!
  • jacketsrulejacketsrule Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 401
    I was thinking the same thing. Hope all is well.
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    ? Good morning it is Sunday, ?21 ?August, ?2011, a hot humid rainy day here in da Burgh,,,, sorry about no posting last week, the computer crashed & I just got back on line with a new Dell computer my grandson picked out for me ,,,, 4 gig , .5 terrabite , & a bunch of BS that I have no idea what he is talking about,, all I had to do was Pay , he carried it out put it in the car, set it up here at home & gave me my own pass word , for WHAT REASON I NEED A PASS WORD IS BEYOND ME, I guess so when he is here surfing porn I cant see what he is up to haha......... he is 15 & will be driving this fall ( Oct .23 is his birthday I think ) So lets he to the BS at hand, the shop has been holding its own & nwe have been getting a lot of Rain & the roof still is popping leaks here & there , we had over 3 inches of rain in less that one hour that the run off was backing up & flash flooding , 4 people Dead from getting trapped in there cars & over 9 Feet of water ( about 3 meters for our metric friends ) flooded Washington Blvd. , it is a small valley between 3 hills & most of it is paved areas & no place for the water to soak in to the ground, so it runs down the streets & fills up the road at the bottom , & before you have time to blink the water is up the side of your car & BINGO ,,,,, to late to do anything about it, ,,, River rescue saved 11 people but 4 didnt make it out ........ say a small remeberance prayer for them.... On a more joyfull note ... I have a set of rib steaks in a light marinade that will be hitting the grill later today ,along with some yams , onions & peppers ,,, looks like I will be dodgeing the rain drops when I go out to cook , a 30% chance of showers, the same forcaste we had when 4 died..... I am still finding my way arround the windows #7 ,a bit different than the 95,98,xp , I was used to using, I did loose a lot of saved stuff & pass words , so looks like I will be getting a bunch of new ones asap..... & all that Great CIGAR Porn I had saved on the hard drive ,,,, all gone ,,,, & this new keyboard is a little smaller & the letters are just a bit closer, & I find a lot of extra letters from hittinhg, 2 keys at the same time ,,,, as you see the extra H in hitting ,,,, this unit is so much more QUIET that the old one, , I cant tell if itsa on by listening foir the fan or hard drive spinning & the light on the front is so dim I cant tell if its on from that, I need to move the mouse to see if its on !!!!,,,, this morings coffee is a purivian medium dark roast & soon to be brewed will be the Kona & the Don Carlos #3 ,,, I have a Gurhka Shaggy robusto lined up as well as a Montecristo Churchill from the 2001 Cigar crawl , after 10 years in the humi it is looking a bit tired & should be nice & smooooooth , that will be after the rib steak & with a bottle of Chainti from a case I put down in 2007 , made by a local wine maker , it was his last bottling before he retired , & this is the next to last bottle .... saving the last one for his wake & dont hope to drink it anytime soon......... Not much else to tell you about ..... I have been hitting the scotch at work & & a lot of the stuff that happens het forgotten in the whisky ! OHHHH , just remembered , last tuesday a few guys from the shop stopped out here at the Qtr.deck for a cigar & scotch tasting ,,,,, one guy has a BMW convertable & he brought his buddy with him , the next day the guy across the street asked me who the 2 Gay guys were in the convertable hahahahaha, we all got a great laugh about that at the shop..... ,,,, so its feminin color & & he is an airline pilot with a few bucks & dresses a little upscale, he isnt overtly gay & had a wife for a few years, she died from the flu a few years ago when he was out of the area working, he dates a lot of Ladys who are all smoking hot, why the guy thought the 2 of them were gay is beyond me,but it did get a good laugh at the shop....... Enjoy, Vince
  • VinceVince Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 36
    Good morning ,it is Sunday 28 Aug.2011 a Breezy cool morning here is da Burgh , far enough from the hurricane to avoid any damage but close enough to get the breezy over flow over the mountains , we have a 100% cloud cover & a nice 15 MPH wind with a few 25 /35 MPH gust's the temp is forecast for the mid 70's today, the wind chimes on the back deck have been clanging all night . I havent found all the BS this new computer will do yet, I have trouble finding my way arround some of the programs & for some reason the size of the screen changed & now I have an address bar at the bottom of the screen,,,, & have no idea how they got there or what to do to get it back the way it was....... dammmmmm computers ....... we had a red tail hawk nab a few birds at the feeder last week, , with all the development in the area the wild animals are getting squeezed out of thier natural homes & we are seeing a lot of seldom seen spiecies in the populated areas, in the past few years we have seen fox, bobcat & black bears in the area, a lot of wild turkeys are popping up as well as the whitetail deer & the rabbits, skunks,possums & raccoons.... the squirrels & chipmonks are starting to hang out on the back deck & dont run when you open the door to come out , knowing there will be a treat of some kind from nuts to crackers , havent been able to hand feed any as of yet ,,,, & I am in a tuff spot to figure out if I want to do that or not...... I enjoy the wild life BUT being wild my back deck is being used as a toilet by all the birds, I dont need to add more . My daughters step daughter is leaving for school today ..... BUT she just graduated from High school last May,,,, & off to school all ready........ my Oh my , now she knows how I felt when she went away to school...... dammmmmm we are getting old, & FAST This morings coffee is a bold medium dark roast Purivian mixed with a light roast Kenyan.......... I have had better & worse .... just waiting on the KONA & the Don Carlos #3 ,,,,,, next Sunday it will be a DON CARLOS PRESIDENT , I split a box with a buddy , got a great deal & "shared the wealth" with a good friend, I dont mid sharing with a hard working buddy when some thing good comes along , but I hate to pay taxes to cover the A$$ of a lazy drug addicited welfair BOZO who has nothing to do but get high & make babys for the next generation of lazy bums , just like politicans sucking up from the public ,,,,,, GET A JOB , a real JOB ,, if no one will hire you, work for your self, Go clean windows , toilets , what bever it takes to be incharge of your own life & not depending on the government to take care of you ,,,,, If your down & out go to CHURCH , when I was a kid I remember the churches took care of you when times were tuff, not the government , I m not a bible thumper But have a belief that there is a God & the only mistake he made was to give mankind free will to do what they want, that allows the devil a chance to get you over to his point of view , had God not given us free will Eve would have never eaten the apple & today we all would be in EDEN , no war in the middle east, no perverts killing people on the streets , no drug dealers shooting up city parks in turf wars & the single malt scotch would all be 18 years old or older hahahaha .... the grandsons are all ready back in school , summer vacation is over , high school football starts soon & a few local teams will be on the local cable TV station ,,,,, Friday night HS football on ESPN #3 , I wonder if that will cut back on ticket sales at the gate? ,,,, No matter to me, I will be working Friday night till further notice . I have a rack of ribs on the grill ,,,, LOW & SLOW , a dry rub a little heat & a dab of sauce at the end,,, some peacan smoke in the middle & a splash of Beer for me to keep the chill of the day from getting away from me , a wee dab of saint Pauly Girl dark beer with ribs, cornbread & a baked peach,,, all done on the grill outside, I might be able to fire up a few cigars when I am cooking ....... Enjoy, Vince
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Where the He_ll are you Vince ??? I miss your Sunday morning perspective from Da Burgh !!!
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Where the He_ll are you Vince ??? I miss your Sunday morning perspective from Da Burgh !!!

    Does anyone Know Vince personally? We just want to know he's alright.....

  • rossdavey2rossdavey2 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 979
    RCY Cigars:
    Where the He_ll are you Vince ??? I miss your Sunday morning perspective from Da Burgh !!!

    Does anyone Know Vince personally? We just want to know he's alright.....

    Someone called his shop and they said he was OK. Can't remember who it was or what the thread name was.
  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    RCY Cigars:
    Where the He_ll are you Vince ??? I miss your Sunday morning perspective from Da Burgh !!!

    Does anyone Know Vince personally? We just want to know he's alright.....

    Someone called his shop and they said he was OK. Can't remember who it was or what the thread name was.

    Awesome, thanks RossDavey.

  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I think it was geno ( gmill880) that made the call a few weeks ago. Vince is probably just taking a break from here. I believe he will show up soon with his stories of breakfast, family, and whatcha' smokin. Miss that brother.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    I think it was geno ( gmill880) that made the call a few weeks ago. Vince is probably just taking a break from here. I believe he will show up soon with his stories of breakfast, family, and whatcha' smokin. Miss that brother.

    Dont make me havfta call back up there Vince . I'll do it man , in a NY minute , I'm CRAZY dude !!!
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Vince will drop his Sunday morning post in a second if he has something to do with his grandkids. I do know this.
  • JudoChinXJudoChinX Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 775
    Vince will drop his Sunday morning post in a second if he has something to do with his grandkids. I do know this.
    I hope all is well. If this is just a matter of putting family before BORKS, then by all means, take all the time you need good sir.
  • cleakecleake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 21
    I really hope all is alright Vince.......There are too many things going on i miss your perspective on Penn state, whats for turkey day etc.. Ive been along for this ride for almost 2 years , Be good to you Sir!
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Didn't realize that I had read Vince's comments for so long that I find myself a bit empty on Sundays. For those of you not familiar, Vince's blog "Sunday Morning smoke , & news from the Kitchen Table" has been a staple on this forum since its' exception. He actually carried it over from a previous forum. i don't know when he started, but he's been here since 2008. His last post was in August.
    From what I've learned, Vince owned a small tobacco shop in Pittsburgh. He was an all-pro carnivore and we heard so much about grilling and smoking on the quarter deck that you could almost smell it. He loves his grandchildren and would bring them to music lessons and the like, in his car with the sunroof. His tales of the Pittsburgh Cigar Crawls were epic.
    Hope all is well Vince. I took your advice and put some yams on the grill today.

    HIs thread is below.
  • big chunksbig chunks Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,607
    After a long Saturday night, I'm waking up and right now finishing up my rocky Patel Connecticut with some coffee
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    I never had any dealings with Vince and I gave up on reading his Sunday postings because they were so tedious to read - he never used paragraph breaks - but I sure hope nothing bad has happened to him. He is/was a fixture on these boards and I think we sorta feel the void.

    Hang in there, Vince, but do post something to let us know you're alright, wouldja??
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    His posts may have been tough to read sometime ( I use the highlight method to keep my place) but dayum I miss it now that it has been gone for so long, someone needs to call his shop and make sure he hasn't had something bad happen to him, I would say maybe he forgot his password again as most of his posts are under 2 different names.... but this is way too long without hearing about what he's gonna roast in the oven, grill, or cook up. I'm sure he's still having his DC #3, which I am now a fan of after just trying it based on how much he posted about them, and his pot of Kona, but it would be nice to see a post from him.
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    Good afternoon , it is MONDAY12/12/11 just after 1:30 on Monday afternoon here in da Burgh, Sorry for being away for so long, I was having some computer problems back in late August, a few health problems in Sept, Oct & November, & with the BIG holiday selling season I was spending a lot of time at the shop & a lot of CASH was flowing out & the computer had to take a back seat to the cash flow, well i was able to get it back up & running thanks to a few freiend who are computer geeks ...... Now if I could just get the modum to stop buzzing & clicking hahahaha , I see that some of you are having trouble reading my BS, I do use paragraphs & spacing but when i write it on note pad ( for the spell check) & copy & paste it here , it comes out in one big LUMP well today I am not using note pad or word pad or what ever BS program I have , just using my 2 index fingers to bounce all over the keyboard, used to have the dragon speak program BUT it typed what i was saying complete with the bad spelling! I started this COLD monday moring ( 19 F ) with a DON CARLOS PRESIDENT , I did a box split with a buddy & it turned out great for both of us , But 12 presidents will not last long........ 12 days to be exact& then it will be back to the #3 this mornings coffee was a pot of Java jingle, the local roasters Christmas special,,,, no artifical flavors , just a mix of African, Asian & American coffees with 4 or 5 different roasts on them all, all dumped together in a hodge podge & ground a bit on the heavy side, 2.5 ounces of grounds in the press pot 4 minutes with water going in at 197 F ,,,,,, press out the grounds & Enjoy with a weeee dram of Red *** single malt Irish whisky....... The Irish might have invented it but the Scots perfected it,,,, just like the egyptians were the first to make beer & if not them some one in the area did , BUT the Trappist monks were the ones who made it better , along with the German purity laws passed way back in the 1600's ,,,,, JUST Dont mess with my Beer ,,,,, but I need to find a Flat or low carbonation beer, just cant take the bubbles , havent had a soda pop in years , one glass of champagne & I am full, so now I stick to Vodka wen I eat caviar,,, hahahaha say it aint so JOE,,,, that's about all I can say on the Penn State Mess, other than the last few victorys have all been "Come from Behind victorys" ..... bad pun I know but its the shortest one I had , the reast are to much typing ! I should be back this Sunday if i get a chance,,,,, check out my face book page, I have a clip of my grandson playing piano ... I would post a link but this new computer is running windows 7 & I havent found out where all the buttons are located & the term to use to get this boat anchor to do what I want it to do,,,,, what ever happened to my old IBM 386 with a dial up modum? or for that matter my radio shack color computer, NO INTERNET & it ran on a casette tape,,,,,, ahhhh those were the days hahaha Enjoy, Vince
  • Vince OVince O Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    DAMMM I did indent & leave spaces , & it still putit in one big lump ,,,,, what buttons do I need to push?
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Vince. In your lines you need to put the less than sign above the comma 'br' and finish it with the greater sign above the period.

    Hit quote on this post to see how it works.

    Great to see you back Vince.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Welcome back vince

  • RCY CigarsRCY Cigars Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,346
    Had us worried for a second. Happy to know everything is okay and I'm pretty sure everyone understands when stuff starts to happen. And sometimes life gets in the way. Glad your back and look forward to reading your news on Sunday.....

  • TeegeTeege Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 660
    Nice to meet you and have you back. Formatting can be a bitty lol
  • Poker SlobPoker Slob Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 996
    Good to hear from the "burgh". Glad everything is good with you.
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