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Are you an optimist or pessimist?



  • ctschirgictschirgi Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 63
    Humans are by necessity optimistic. We are all a heart beat away from death, we know this to be a fact, and yet we live our day-to-day lives in a somewhat sane manner. Whether or not we chose to live our lives in a positive or pessimistic manner is really the question. For me, like the pop song about diamonds in the sky, I choose happy.
  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Don't know about insightful, brother, but I try to be a student of human nature. Like you, I am intensely interested in what makes people tick.

    The funny thing is that I am in no way disappointed as I learned much though it was not for which I sought.

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Those who claim to be "realist" are simply trying not to let they're true nature known.
    Look at it this way for a moment.
    Do you smile when you greet people on the streets, at work, home or where ever your day takes you.
    Do you have foul thoughts and bitter words for everyone?
    I disagree on the realist cop-out gesture but to answer your other question: It depends on the person. If I don't know them, I'm generally a very friendly person and greet everyone with a smile. If I know them and like them, they get a smile. If they're an ***, they get the ignore button. That's a realist.

    Your words prove you a optimist by there very nature in which they were worded.
    Sorry to have burst your bubble.

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    I by my nature am an optimistic person and wonder just how many people here share my views toward life in general?
    If I am right there will be three optimist for every pessimistic person who will post not that there will be an accurate figure presented here because most who lean towards pessimism will regard this thread as trivial and not worth their time to answer or will want to hide this fact about themselves which they have forgotten has already been presented through the writings of said individuals for a lengthy period of time.
    So who is game enough to state the truth about themselves?
    And yes this is one of my little social experiments, I admit it up front.

    While I like to be an optimistic person, I find, I rather be pessimistic, for fear of disappointments. I don't handle disappointments very well. I have found by being pessimistic you don't lose out on anything. When hoping for something you want and yet worry, if you get it or not, is being pessimistic. I do believe in this saying however, which is in the Dutch language. De nee heb je, maar de ja kan je krijgen! Translated: You have the "no", but the "yes", you can get!

    Another optimist trying hard to hide it.
    Need we prove this one too?


    Remember the story you posted on The Rambling Thread?
    Page twenty five.

    Soft as the voice of an angel, Breathing a lesson unheard, Hope with a gentle persuasion, Whispers her comforting words: Wait till the darkness is over, Wait till the tempest is done, Hope for the sunshine to-morrow After the shower is gone. If in the dusk of the twilight, Dim be the region afar, Will not the deepening darkness, Brighten the glimmering star? Then when the night is upon us, Why should the heart sink away? When the dark night is over, Watch for the breaking day.

    You could have chosen a negatively inspired story to write and claimed it for your own but you did not. Your Personality was deeply revealed through both the writing and the fact that you told from whom it came. Your words belie your testimony about being a true pessimist.
    Need we delve further?
    Or does this suffice?

    Just for fun let's go a little further.
    You say in your post, "I rather be pessimistic, for fear of disappointments. I don't handle disappointments very well". This alone tells me what I already knew from your previous posting on the forums you are optimistic but try to be pessimistic for fear of disappointment alone.
    Sound about right?

    I patiently await your response.
    When your ready.
    If none comes, I understand you already anyway and you are one of the good ones!

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Oh how we seek reasons to explain our personalities, sometimes before we take a long, hard and truthful look in the mirror.
    We are quick to use a word that we fully do not understand, or even care to understand for that matter.
    To be pessimistic would naturally lead to being depressed over the woe's of life.
    How many of you so called self proclaimed pessimistic people take medication for depression?
    Why waste it with pessimism when to do so takes away from the pleasures that abound in all of our lives?
    A newborn child the first time you see it be it male or female, who has not shed a few tears?
    The joy on the face of a child on Christmas morning?
    The list is endless and I see no need to list our Blessings further in length.
    With a long think on the matter many will see the truth, others are just to bullheaded to admit the truth.
    They think that if they show optimism it is a show of weakness in their character when actually the opposite is true.
    A strong personality will show it's true self without regard as to what others might think.
    I am optimistic and not afraid to admit it!
    Sure I have had my share of disappointment's, deaths in my family, a divorce and many misfortunes that could affect my personality but I am far greater than they and will not bend towards pessimism!

  • timtomtimtom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 40
    Still and always will be optimistic!
    Life is too short to always be walking around sour faced.........
    You will feel better and everyone around you will catch on and be happy as a result!!!!!
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    We can certainly hope for such an outcome.
  • timtomtimtom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 40
    We can certainly hope for such an outcome.

    Smiles breed smiles and pessimism breeds pessimism.
    Why not enjoy life with a happy thought and a smile while smoking a truly great cigar. Though I have had to cut it back somewhat on the smoking, I find that when I do smoke, while I don't experience quiet as much variance in taste as I once did I find more pleasure in the process.

  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Bank on the positive power of negative thinking.
  • timtomtimtom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 40
    Bank on the positive power of negative thinking.

    One way, though slightly pessimistic, to look at life. A honest response if there ever was one even with the obvious undertones of searching for a true way of wanting to really view the word.
    Great answer!
  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Bank on the positive power of negative thinking.

    How about a controlled pessimist, is there such a thing? Like to think I'm optimistic but always try and look at what can go wrong, contingency plan I guess. Now at work when I'm working on a project or developing a new process I try and get negative/pessimistic people involved, as a check and balance I guess. Found I get much better feedback and idea's from them to actually improve something instead of just them just agreeing with my idea's. I don't want a bunch of people just nodding approval, there're everywhere. When management asks why I choose some people I do I tell them, "I'd rather be negatory than a suppository", they don't get it, lol.
  • First WarriorFirst Warrior Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
    Optimiist or pessimist I don't know. One thing I know for sure is that I'm a survivor.
  • timtomtimtom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 40
    Bank on the positive power of negative thinking.

    How about a controlled pessimist, is there such a thing? Like to think I'm optimistic but always try and look at what can go wrong, contingency plan I guess. Now at work when I'm working on a project or developing a new process I try and get negative/pessimistic people involved, as a check and balance I guess. Found I get much better feedback and idea's from them to actually improve something instead of just them just agreeing with my idea's. I don't want a bunch of people just nodding approval, there're everywhere. When management asks why I choose some people I do I tell them, "I'd rather be negatory than a suppository", they don't get it, lol.

    Nothing wrong with a optimist being prepared . In fact a true optimist should be prepared for anything life trough's at him, or her, so they can still smile and move forward with their lives. I, myself, have a bug out kit, just for emergencies that will keep me well equipped if and when a catastrophic event does occur. Still I smile and enjoy life and take the time to smell the flowers in my yard.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Still and always will be optimistic!
    Life is too short to always be walking around sour faced.........
    You will feel better and everyone around you will catch on and be happy as a result!!!!!
    Life is obviously not too short to make up a fake name on a site you got banned from for going crazy. That's just odd.
  • SM0K3YSM0K3Y Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    Eternal optimist with a pessimistic angel on my shoulder
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