So, it just occurred to me that there have been several posts from people who are going through some difficult situations, and the brothers here have expressed their concern and offered their prayers. Then it struck me that it might be a nice idea to have a thread in the NCR section specifically dedicated to prayer requests.
Post here if you want to ask the BOTLs for prayer support.
Post here if you want to ask the BOTLs for prayer support.
If you're so-inclined, I would appreciate it if you'd say a prayer for my 12-year-old son. His name is Sam. He's been having problems for months with what we were told was athsma complicated by allergies. This leads to congestion, which leads to nausea, which leads to not being able to keep anything down for days and, on a few occasions, weeks. He's a skinny kid to start with, but when he goes days without being able to eat anything solid, he wastes away to nothing. He's been having one of those bad times since the end of last week, and it's hitting him really hard. We have an appointment with the pediatric physician tomorrow afternoon, and if they can't give us some answers, I'll press for a referral to Children's Hospital. This has been going on WAY too long and it is definitely not normal. Thanks!
After a solid week of extreme nausea and being unable to keep anything down, Sammy woke up this morning perky and feeling better! Of course, we're taking him to the doctor this afternoon to get him checked out and see if we can figure out what causes these episodes. It's just like when your car's acting up. As soon as you get it to the mechanic, it stops doing what it was doing and runs like a champ.
So, when the doc asks what happened to make Sammy turn the corner, I'll just tell him it was the prayer power of the CCOM forum... then I'll give him a nice premipremiprem! :^)
If you guys could say a prayer for my dad. He's in surgery for complications from his prostate surgery. He is cancer free and has been since the surgery, praise God, but there are a couple small complications they should have wrapped up later today if all goes well. Your prayers are appreciated.
Dennis - prayers heading your way and to your father! Keep us posted my friend!
Took him to the pediatrician this afternoon. Two docs checked him out. Nothing obvious, but they were very concerned (as are we) about his dramatic weight loss, and they seem determined to get to the bottom of this. They ordered a battery of tests, which included a trip to the hospital to have 12 vials of blood drawn, and a stomach x-ray. They're doing tests for everything from diabetes, to thyroid, to cilliac disease. Putting him on prednisone for a week to get him stabilized enough to eat and put some weight back on. We'll see the doc again next week and hopefully have some answers from all the tests. Little man was very brave dealing with an extremely inept lab tech for the blood draws. Seems to be getting his energy and appetite back this evening. Thanks again, brothers! Ya'll are the best!
Keeping you and your family in my thought and prayers, Glad to hear Sam's doing better, hoping God will lead the Doc's to whatever is giving the poor kid troubles !
dennisking ...
In my Prayers Also, asking God to keep your dad in his healing arms, and thanking him that all's well so far
Jsnake ...
Thanking God you guys are getting over the flu, and Praying that he keeps his healing hands on your Boys, & Girl to recover, as well as giving strength where its needed to you and the family