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Towns get MRAPs



  • The3StogiesThe3Stogies Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608

    can't go wrong raising awareness

    Post of the week.

    +1 on that

    Why so many going to Texas, are we going to invade Mexico? Move the border back and fill it up with illegals? Maybe we need them but it makes us look like Russia in a way, are we getting that much out of control?

  • Beaker38Beaker38 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 184
    I just checked and my county has 4 Humvee's. I could see border states to mexico getting them because of the problems that mexico is starting right now. I do not think we are turning to Russia because we still have nicer looking firetrucks then them :). From a standpoint as a Eagle Scout and a Firefighter I like to to be over prepared then to be under prepared.
  • jd50aejd50ae Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    What about for personal use to get around all the zombies. We are forgetting all about that threat and the possibility of having to get from point A to point B by driving over the damn things. I realize that for now, most zombies are in Calalafornia, but you never know when they will break out. I have bought all kinds of zombie ammunition and 2 firearms to handle it, but a personal armored vehicle could be a real necessity. image
  • Beaker38Beaker38 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 184
    While my kia is in the shop getting its nice upgrade I will just have to use are brush truck for now if the zombies start walking.image image
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