NFL Chat Thread...
Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,962
I was all mad about the Pats loss until the Dallas game started.... simply hilarious.
Missed this one lol
Had a second 15 hour day in a row today so missed all the action today (GO BILLS) but my buddy told me Brown Karate Kicked some guy on the return and the first thing that popped in my head was this...
I agree .... Remember a few years ago when the patriots were throttling everyone, and everyone was like WTF is up with Bellichek running the score up ..... I feel and see no reason to take your foot off the throat of your opponents neck..... Get on it and stay on it..... This is the pros sink or swim!
you're OG if you get it
It's going to be a long season for me. First my Yankees bite the dust and now the Giants. Oh well, there's always next year.
Thread over...