variant2:I'd like to be part of this but my post whore skills are lacking.
Glock1975: variant2:I'd like to be part of this but my post whore skills are lacking. You are in Nick, no problem.
avengethis:I guess I should ask....Is Gurkha considered a boutique? If not then I might need to bow out. That is all I have.
90+ Irishman:I'm IN like you and Rogaine!
onestrangeone:I'd like to be IN please. I've been practicing and I can math all by myself now!
rsherman24:no promises on the extra bag though
kingjk729:I'm in Ray Ray
jimmyv723:Count me in if there's still room bro
ejgorman:I'd be down if my Viajes and Tat 10ths are welcome.