I hate the fact that my belongings from the deployment, to include both my Humidors are still stuck in Germany because my supply guy couldn't fill out one shipping document correctly. Now my cigars are sitting in bags awaiting their humidor. Guess I will have to put them in the cooler now. Just rediculous that someone can't do a simple thing like their job, and I have to be the one who gets shafted.
I hate the fact that my belongings from the deployment, to include both my Humidors are still stuck in Germany because my supply guy couldn't fill out one shipping document correctly. Now my cigars are sitting in bags awaiting their humidor. Guess I will have to put them in the cooler now. Just rediculous that someone can't do a simple thing like their job, and I have to be the one who gets shafted.
I feel for ya Lakota. I know exactly how you feel. That's all I'm going to say about that .
When the person you try to help has complete lack of confidence and gives up before they even start towards their goal. What's the point of me helping if they don't give a sh*t?
Losing our power for the evening. Luckily, I have awesome neighbors and we randomly just congregated and started drinking beer. As far as the beer, well it started ok and went to hell. We had a few yuenglings then downgraded to bud light before completely devolving to Miller Lite. Sorry lassy, but that beer is the most bland crap and I almost wanted to sop drinking ranted than drink that. Almost.