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Things I Hate



  • camgfscamgfs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 967
    When you are changing a flat tire on the side of the road, and someone pulls over to ask for directions and does not offer to help you! Seriously, you want my help to find your way but you can't take 2 minutes to help me with a flat? I have a handicap sticker in the window for all to see, and they drive away with my "Left from here, 2 blocks then right....find it at the end of the road" directions. Rediculous.

  • JaxcolonJaxcolon Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 24
    Militant f*cking atheists. *** 'em all.

    I don't care if you're an atheist - it's your belief, it's cool. But stop getting in my face with your bullshit arguments that religious = slavery, or calling me a f*cking racist for being a Christian. Fucking little chicken shits think everyone needs to agree with them, that it'd "be better for all of humanity if religion was outlawed".

    Dammit I'm fucking pissed at these assholes; gonna go smoke a cigar with a bottle of wine and calm down now
    image haha had too. It goes both ways haha. Atheists hate militant people of any religion... and there are ALOT more militant religious people. lol
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Insomnia like a boss

  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    Insomnia like a boss

    This. Its been a LONG time since i got to sleep before 2am without being sick or sleeping meds. also, in reference to a previous post, havent seen our cat in two days, im worried about him.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    in reference to a previous post, havent seen our cat in two days, im worried about him.

    I'm unaware of your living situation so this comment may be totally inappropriate but being a cat lover I'll make it anyway and hope for the best.

    Perhaps you should consider making your cat an indoor cat. If you live out in the country that's a different story but if you live in town it's totally irresponsible to let a cat run loose. People continue to believe that a cat needs to be allowed to run free but nothing could be further from the truth. In this regard, a cat is like a 2-year-old child. You wouldn't let your toddler wander the neighborhood on its own because any number of things could happen to that child.

    My child bride and I have been married for 52 years this June and we've had at least one cat and sometimes two for most of those years. I started out believing they should run free but over the years I've learned a lot about cats and I now know that notion was wrong.

    I have what I think is a good bit of knowledge on this subject that I'm willing to share if you're interested. If so, it would probably be better to exchange notes via PM rather than use up a lot of forum space. Please let me know,
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    in reference to a previous post, havent seen our cat in two days, im worried about him.

    I'm unaware of your living situation so this comment may be totally inappropriate but being a cat lover I'll make it anyway and hope for the best.

    Perhaps you should consider making your cat an indoor cat. If you live out in the country that's a different story but if you live in town it's totally irresponsible to let a cat run loose. People continue to believe that a cat needs to be allowed to run free but nothing could be further from the truth. In this regard, a cat is like a 2-year-old child. You wouldn't let your toddler wander the neighborhood on its own because any number of things could happen to that child.

    My child bride and I have been married for 52 years this June and we've had at least one cat and sometimes two for most of those years. I started out believing they should run free but over the years I've learned a lot about cats and I now know that notion was wrong.

    I have what I think is a good bit of knowledge on this subject that I'm willing to share if you're interested. If so, it would probably be better to exchange notes via PM rather than use up a lot of forum space. Please let me know,
    Tay - I'm not a cat person but I do hope your furry friend is alright and that you find it soon.

    And Marty - sounds like you need to talk to my neighbor. They have a *de-clawed* cat that they let run loose outside all the time.
    The thing has gotten stuck in our patio a few times, it must have climbed a tree and jumped in and couldn't get out because we have a 5 ft tall privacy fence.
    We've seen the cat all over our "neighborhood" when we walk the dog - we've seen it up to 1.5 miles away from the house. And last fall it was sitting in our back yard, we didn't see it when we went to let our dog out ... and needless to say she wanted to chase the cat and I think scared the $hit out of it and the cat took off. We didn't see the cat for about 1.5 months afterwards - and we're not sure what happened to it during that time but if it ran away/disappeared we have no idea how they got it back....
    And we've talked to the neighbor a couple times about it and always mention we see the cat outside and she always tell us yes, it's her cat but she "tries not to let it go outside."
    Ummm WTF, try harder! It's outside all the damn time, it has a food and water dish outside....but it does not have claws!!!! Clearly you do not care if the cat is outside or not .... Idiots.

  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    in reference to a previous post, havent seen our cat in two days, im worried about him.

    I'm unaware of your living situation so this comment may be totally inappropriate but being a cat lover I'll make it anyway and hope for the best.

    Perhaps you should consider making your cat an indoor cat. If you live out in the country that's a different story but if you live in town it's totally irresponsible to let a cat run loose. People continue to believe that a cat needs to be allowed to run free but nothing could be further from the truth. In this regard, a cat is like a 2-year-old child. You wouldn't let your toddler wander the neighborhood on its own because any number of things could happen to that child.

    My child bride and I have been married for 52 years this June and we've had at least one cat and sometimes two for most of those years. I started out believing they should run free but over the years I've learned a lot about cats and I now know that notion was wrong.

    I have what I think is a good bit of knowledge on this subject that I'm willing to share if you're interested. If so, it would probably be better to exchange notes via PM rather than use up a lot of forum space. Please let me know,
    Tay - I'm not a cat person but I do hope your furry friend is alright and that you find it soon.

    And Marty - sounds like you need to talk to my neighbor. They have a *de-clawed* cat that they let run loose outside all the time.
    The thing has gotten stuck in our patio a few times, it must have climbed a tree and jumped in and couldn't get out because we have a 5 ft tall privacy fence.
    We've seen the cat all over our "neighborhood" when we walk the dog - we've seen it up to 1.5 miles away from the house. And last fall it was sitting in our back yard, we didn't see it when we went to let our dog out ... and needless to say she wanted to chase the cat and I think scared the $hit out of it and the cat took off. We didn't see the cat for about 1.5 months afterwards - and we're not sure what happened to it during that time but if it ran away/disappeared we have no idea how they got it back....
    And we've talked to the neighbor a couple times about it and always mention we see the cat outside and she always tell us yes, it's her cat but she "tries not to let it go outside."
    Ummm WTF, try harder! It's outside all the damn time, it has a food and water dish outside....but it does not have claws!!!! Clearly you do not care if the cat is outside or not .... Idiots.


    Yeah, I agree. This person obviously doesn't care all that much for her cat. It's a shame, but there are a lot of cat owners who are simply oblivious to proper care of the animal. Folks like that ought not be allowed to have them - dogs, too, for that matter. If you own the animal, it's your responsibility to take care of it.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Yeah, I agree. This person obviously doesn't care all that much for her cat. It's a shame, but there are a lot of cat owners who are simply oblivious to proper care of the animal. Folks like that ought not be allowed to have them - dogs, too, for that matter. If you own the animal, it's your responsibility to take care of it.
    Amen to that.
    If you don't know proper care/etc. - ask a vet/breeder/someone more knowledgable, get a book, or at the very least do an internet search.
    And if you still can't take care of the animal then you shouldn't have that animal and need to give it up to a better home.

    Oh and BTW the neighbor lady who has the cat, also has 2 dogs which are also treated just about the same as the cat. The dogs just bark and bark and bark all day long inside the house, and my fiance and I have never seen the dogs outside for more than 10 mins at a time or further than 100 ft away from the house....(other than when they escape out their back door and run off about once/month) I think all the neighbors do is take the dogs out to go to the bathroom and after they're done it's back inside.
    We've also heard them scream at the dogs on multiple occasions....

    It's a single mom and 2 teenage kids - I understand they probably have a lot going on but you're telling me between the three people living there they can't find the time/effort to properly take care of their animals???
    It just bothers me to no end how those dogs are basically trapped inside 24/7. We've thought about calling animal control, but since it's all relative, we don't know if it's "that bad" for the animals. And plus if the animals are taken away I'd hate if they were put down.....sad

    It's a shame really....
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    I had a dream over the weekend...

    I dreamt that my best friend had an affair with my wife while we were engaged.

    I dreamt that I didnt find this out until four years later, after my wedding - in which said best friend served as my best man.

    I dreamt I found that I found that out the night before I had to leave my wife for a year. A year in which she would be in the same town with that friend.

    I dreamt that like an idiot I stayed with my wife despite this knowledge.

    I dreamt that friend, who I hadnt spoken to since I found out about the affair, ended up a loser alcoholic who couldnt hold down a job to save his life. I dreamt that 20+ years later, while my wife and I were doing thru our divorce, she was seeing him again.

    My recovering alcoholic soon-to-be ex wife. Who has my children.

    Not before the ink was dry on the divorce papers.

    I dreamt that this was happening before the divorce papers had even been drawn up.

    Then I woke up from this dream.

    And realized it wasnt a dream after all.

    It was my life.

  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    in reference to a previous post, havent seen our cat in two days, im worried about him.

    I'm unaware of your living situation so this comment may be totally inappropriate but being a cat lover I'll make it anyway and hope for the best.

    Perhaps you should consider making your cat an indoor cat. If you live out in the country that's a different story but if you live in town it's totally irresponsible to let a cat run loose. People continue to believe that a cat needs to be allowed to run free but nothing could be further from the truth. In this regard, a cat is like a 2-year-old child. You wouldn't let your toddler wander the neighborhood on its own because any number of things could happen to that child.

    My child bride and I have been married for 52 years this June and we've had at least one cat and sometimes two for most of those years. I started out believing they should run free but over the years I've learned a lot about cats and I now know that notion was wrong.

    I have what I think is a good bit of knowledge on this subject that I'm willing to share if you're interested. If so, it would probably be better to exchange notes via PM rather than use up a lot of forum space. Please let me know,
    It'd be nice if he was an indoor cat, but it cant happen, and i do live somewhat out in the country (started growing up a few years ago though). He hangs out in our fenced in backyard (about two acres) so the bigger animals cant get in, and he's been out there since he showed up and adopted us many years ago. Before this pack of strays started taking over there wasn't much of a problem, but even with catching a few of them they still get in.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    How old is he? Is he neutered? Why can't he be an indoor cat?
  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    Im not sure how old he is because he was an adult when he showed up but he is at least 8yo. He has been neutered, and has been vaccinated pretty recently. He still has his claws, and we feed him daily, but he still gets the occasional mouse or rabbit (although that is getting rarer due to his age) My Stepmom is VERY allergic to pets so we cant have him inside, which sucks because she is his favorite.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    Ah, okay. I'm getting a clearer picture now. I understand why he can't be an indoor cat. Living in a country setting, though, I'd say you're doing what you can with the old boy. At lease he's been neutered which ought to keep him out of a lot of fights over the ladies in the neighborhood. Before I got smart and started having our toms neutered, the vet bills were horrendous due to having to have them patched up after a fight.

    I guess I'm not able to offer as much help as I thought 'cause I was thinking in terms of how to deal successfully with an indoor cat and the attendant problems such as odor, litterbox, clawing furniture, to de-claw or not to de-claw, training methods, etc.

    You're doing all you can and I hope the old guy gets home sometime soon.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    Ah, okay. I'm getting a clearer picture now. I understand why he can't be an indoor cat. Living in a country setting, though, I'd say you're doing what you can with the old boy. At lease he's been neutered which ought to keep him out of a lot of fights over the ladies in the neighborhood. Before I got smart and started having our toms neutered, the vet bills were horrendous due to having to have them patched up after a fight.

    I guess I'm not able to offer as much help as I thought 'cause I was thinking in terms of how to deal successfully with an indoor cat and the attendant problems such as odor, litterbox, clawing furniture, to de-claw or not to de-claw, training methods, etc.

    You're doing all you can and I hope the old guy gets home sometime soon.
  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    i was out at my grandmas (next door) working on the jeep and making a lot of noise and he showed up! didnt seem to be in too bad of shape but he had a few places on his ear and he STINKS lol, he followed me to the house and got some food and water.


    [/thread jack]
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    i was out at my grandmas (next door) working on the jeep and making a lot of noise and he showed up! didnt seem to be in too bad of shape but he had a few places on his ear and he STINKS lol, he followed me to the house and got some food and water.


    [/thread jack]
    Glad he's back Taylor,,,,, it's like he knew you were talking about him and decided to show up
  • *Petey**Petey* Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 375
    i was out at my grandmas (next door) working on the jeep and making a lot of noise and he showed up! didnt seem to be in too bad of shape but he had a few places on his ear and he STINKS lol, he followed me to the house and got some food and water.
    glad to hear it man.

    I've got a little "cat guy" in me, I'll be honest, even though I like Dogs way more, but a couple of cats have found their way into our home over the years. One of them was a feral little 3 week old psychopath that showed up in our dorm in college after the kittens momma was eaten by a coyote on my roomate's family farm. So we took care of him as a 5th roomate, and named him Dave. Since he hadn't ever really been inside, we used to have him be indoor outdoor but had to break him them of that after we had an incident. We lost him for 10 days once when he was about 2 yrs old. becuase the little guy used to nap in a neighbors garage. . . . . which is a great idea until they go on vacation and lock up. We posted signs up and my wife (GF at the time) used to go to the local animal control everyday after that checking the road kill for orange tabbys. The whole time he was about 3 doors down. Luckily another neighbor saw the signs and heard a faint yowling coming from that garage, and broke the window, opened the door and let Dave out, becuase the home owners we're still on vacation. Dave had lost about half his body weight, and wasn't orange anymore, just sorta tan, but after a few days of food and LOTS of water he looked much better. He never put all the weight back on but man did that anger come back and then some . . . hahahah. Anyway it took a while to break him of the outdoor habit, and he still yowls at the door sometimes, and we kinda feel bad, but we're thankful that we have him at 12.

    Anyway, was waiting to post to the happy ending lost cat story until yours returned. Real happy to hear it man.
  • jlmartajlmarta Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,440
    The Sniper:
    I had a dream over the weekend...

    I dreamt that my best friend had an affair with my wife while we were engaged.

    I dreamt that I didnt find this out until four years later, after my wedding - in which said best friend served as my best man.

    I dreamt I found that I found that out the night before I had to leave my wife for a year. A year in which she would be in the same town with that friend.

    I dreamt that like an idiot I stayed with my wife despite this knowledge.

    I dreamt that friend, who I hadnt spoken to since I found out about the affair, ended up a loser alcoholic who couldnt hold down a job to save his life. I dreamt that 20+ years later, while my wife and I were doing thru our divorce, she was seeing him again.

    My recovering alcoholic soon-to-be ex wife. Who has my children.

    Not before the ink was dry on the divorce papers.

    I dreamt that this was happening before the divorce papers had even been drawn up.

    Then I woke up from this dream.

    And realized it wasnt a dream after all.

    It was my life.

    Damn, Glen. That really stinks. I don't know quite what to say except that we're all here for ya. If you feel like unloading, do it. If a PM is more comfortable for you, that's okay too. I think the main thing is that you shouldn't hold it in. Pressure cookers are known to blow up occasionally, ya know?

    It's incomprehensible to me why a guy would do something like that to his best friend. Is there no such thing as honor anymore? I dunno, my friend. I'm just sorry you're having to deal with it. And with your kids involved, no less. Will you at least have visitation rights?
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    Coming back to work after an 11 day vacation and everythings a total fuster cluck!!

  • armaes8armaes8 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 279
    So I Bartend part time on the weekends while Im a high school teacher during the week. I hate when a group of ladies come in and say what do you have on tap. Im thinking......do you know how to read, they are right in front of you eye level. Then I read them aloud and one says I'll have a Marg, the next says, me too! while the third one says can you make me something fruity but not sweet. and the last one says Ill have a dirty martini, not too dirty just kinda dirty with lots of olives....can you make a good dirty martini with lots of olives? I feel like asking if this is their first rodeo. lol
  • xmacroxmacro Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,402
    The Sniper:
    I had a dream over the weekend...

    I dreamt that my best friend had an affair with my wife while we were engaged.

    I dreamt that I didnt find this out until four years later, after my wedding - in which said best friend served as my best man.

    I dreamt I found that I found that out the night before I had to leave my wife for a year. A year in which she would be in the same town with that friend.

    I dreamt that like an idiot I stayed with my wife despite this knowledge.

    I dreamt that friend, who I hadnt spoken to since I found out about the affair, ended up a loser alcoholic who couldnt hold down a job to save his life. I dreamt that 20+ years later, while my wife and I were doing thru our divorce, she was seeing him again.

    My recovering alcoholic soon-to-be ex wife. Who has my children.

    Not before the ink was dry on the divorce papers.

    I dreamt that this was happening before the divorce papers had even been drawn up.

    Then I woke up from this dream.

    And realized it wasnt a dream after all.

    It was my life.

    Damn, Glen. That really stinks. I don't know quite what to say except that we're all here for ya. If you feel like unloading, do it. If a PM is more comfortable for you, that's okay too. I think the main thing is that you shouldn't hold it in. Pressure cookers are known to blow up occasionally, ya know?

    It's incomprehensible to me why a guy would do something like that to his best friend. Is there no such thing as honor anymore? I dunno, my friend. I'm just sorry you're having to deal with it. And with your kids involved, no less. Will you at least have visitation rights?
    To add to this, Glen, I went thru something like this - only advice I can give is to fight for your kids; you'll regret it it you don't and something happens to them. Shoot me a PM if you wanna talk more.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Damn, Glen. That really stinks. I don't know quite what to say except that we're all here for ya. If you feel like unloading, do it. If a PM is more comfortable for you, that's okay too. I think the main thing is that you shouldn't hold it in. Pressure cookers are known to blow up occasionally, ya know?

    It's incomprehensible to me why a guy would do something like that to his best friend. Is there no such thing as honor anymore? I dunno, my friend. I'm just sorry you're having to deal with it. And with your kids involved, no less. Will you at least have visitation rights?
    To add to this, Glen, I went thru something like this - only advice I can give is to fight for your kids; you'll regret it it you don't and something happens to them. Shoot me a PM if you wanna talk more.
    Thanks for reaching out fellas. I think I did unload (somewhat anyway) when I made that post Marty. LOL To answer your question, the agreement is for joint custody. There is also a clause that allows the kids to choose which of us they live with, at any time and for any reason. I reaised smart girls, I dont think its going to take them long to figure it out. :-)

  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    The Sniper:
    Damn, Glen. That really stinks. I don't know quite what to say except that we're all here for ya. If you feel like unloading, do it. If a PM is more comfortable for you, that's okay too. I think the main thing is that you shouldn't hold it in. Pressure cookers are known to blow up occasionally, ya know?

    It's incomprehensible to me why a guy would do something like that to his best friend. Is there no such thing as honor anymore? I dunno, my friend. I'm just sorry you're having to deal with it. And with your kids involved, no less. Will you at least have visitation rights?
    To add to this, Glen, I went thru something like this - only advice I can give is to fight for your kids; you'll regret it it you don't and something happens to them. Shoot me a PM if you wanna talk more.
    Thanks for reaching out fellas. I think I did unload (somewhat anyway) when I made that post Marty. LOL To answer your question, the agreement is for joint custody. There is also a clause that allows the kids to choose which of us they live with, at any time and for any reason. I reaised smart girls, I dont think its going to take them long to figure it out. :-)

    Unload away Glen....as others have said, I too am sorry to hear about this - that's truly a crap situation and I just can't wrap my head around why someone could do that to their "friend".

    Despite everything bad about the situation, it's good that you have that agreement worked out for your kids, glad to know you'll be getting to see them.
  • skweekzskweekz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,218
    Laying in bed, flipping through the channels after a long night at work and having the remote control die....just as I hit the channel with The Golden Girls. Shoot me.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    The Sniper:
    I had a dream over the weekend...


    Oh man! That made me hurt for you. Hope things get better soon.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    Amos Umwhat:
    The Sniper:
    I had a dream over the weekend...


    Oh man! That made me hurt for you. Hope things get better soon.
    Thanks Amos. And jgliby too. :-)

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    Having to read of such atrocities as this.
    I feel for you.
    I too once had A wife that was untrue. The only good that came from that fiasco was my daughters.
  • The SniperThe Sniper Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,910
    I too once had A wife that was untrue. The only good that came from that fiasco was my daughters.
    LOL Once again, RBecks coming to the rescue - summing up where Im at very succinctly. :-) Count me part of that club brother!

  • RBeckomRBeckom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,099
    The Sniper:
    I too once had A wife that was untrue. The only good that came from that fiasco was my daughters.
    LOL Once again, RBecks coming to the rescue - summing up where Im at very succinctly. :-) Count me part of that club brother!

    I'll smoke to that!
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    That with all the good music to come out this year Meshuggah had to release the most boring album of their career.

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