That I went to work and got a faint whiff of cat piss... And then a short time later figured out that it was my shirt. My cute wittle kitty pissed on my clean clothes!
Being between a rock and a hard place at work because I can't leave because I have bills and a wedding to help pay for, yet can't stand the work environment. Also hate being at work and being unable to perform my job because I have clinical depression. Seems fair right? Oh and my fiance can no longer go into the navy because of an extra vertabrae she didn't know about and on top of that she's in constant pain. I'm going to be going to grad school (which means MORE debt) and I'm worried about providing for my fiance and I. Reallllly don't know what to do brothers...
Animal Lovers-------sorry for those of you here who are, no offense meant.....but cmon now people, really?
What ?!. I love all animals, Especailly Cows and pigs, chickens, fish and deer, and maybe cats and dogs. The health inspector is still running test on my last Chinese take out order.