
Been thinking of this one for awhile now. and finally remembering to do it. Simple thread really... just a place to list a song or two as the mood hits you which you think is a really great song for people to listen to or check out. I dont mean necessarily the "hot hits" of the day, just something from childhood, or a moment in your life, or lyrics that hit you-----that you want to share with others as a way of saying check it out.
Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good
Nirvana - Rape Me
Sublime : Santeria
Joni Mitchell- Blue
"I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings, I have no rival, No man can be my equal, Take me to the future of your world"
For some reason I've been really into jazz lately so for my contributions:
Peggy Lee - Black Coffee
Benny Goodman and Peggy Lee - Why Don't You Do Right?
Tiesto ft Sarah McLauchlin- Silence
Tweakbird - shivers
Pearl Jam ---Wish List
Oh man I love that song
Me too Joe, the Stones are in my top 5 or 6 of all time ...I just love'em