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Here we go again...

Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
Just as things show a small improvement.

Crack head in re-hab stepson's fruitcake wife starts major problems. There will be no more spending, it will all be going to lawyers.

It was nice while it lasted, and we got a new stove and a really spiffy toaster. Even got my wife a new PC which she has desperately needed to keep her on line business going for a long time. It was also needed to complete the myriad of redundant IRS requests. Got a "Foot Locker" humidor and a fan driven humidifier and lot of cigars. We actually felt better, you know, like we had turned a corner.

But no, it wasn't meant to be.

Little ms prim a dona(?) and very sneaky grand daughter (un trust worthy) was grounded for a day and her fruitcake mother has convinced a judge and her lawyer we are abusing the grand kids.

Some very casual investigating has turned up selling drugs. She is still filling her been gone for re-hab husbands scripts and lord knows what else. I have not told my wife but I have called the drug task force and when we go to court I am going to do everything in my power to have her put in prison.


  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I'm a bit confused, but I'm sorry to hear this.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    That sucks. Hopefully, this wraps up quick and your life can return to normal.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,664
    Sorry JD. Let me know when you run low on Cinco Vegas. I have a couple of fivers with your name on 'em.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    I'm a bit confused, but I'm sorry to hear this.

    We were given (and we fought for it) guardianship of the grand kids when the "parents" were caught manufacturing crack.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    That sucks. Hopefully, this wraps up quick and your life can return to normal.

    Normal? Whats that?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Bob Luken:
    Sorry JD. Let me know when you run low on Cinco Vegas. I have a couple of fivers with your name on 'em.
    Cinco Vegas?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I'm a bit confused, but I'm sorry to hear this.

    We were given (and we fought for it) guardianship of the grand kids when the "parents" were caught manufacturing crack.
    Ah, clears it up. Speaks well about you and your wife to step up and raise someone else's kids.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    Good luck jd!!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 352
    Best of luck. I can't stand people like that. Might just be me but eh anyway best of luck. Good vibes your way as well man!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,295
    That sucks. Hopefully, this wraps up quick and your life can return to normal.

    Normal? Whats that?
    It's having toaster money. As long as I can afford a toaster, I know I'll be alright.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Well, my wife, her daughter and someone who knows the fruitcake well just left for a meeting with a lawyer and we haven't even been served yet. Hopefully the fruitcake won't even know what hit her.

    I have been sitting here smoking a big Cinco Vegas Gold and just thinking about the step son and his wife. We brought them down here from MN because "we want to get away from the drugs". At the time I had no idea how bad the drug situation is in this area. It was a ruse.

    We supported them in every way you can imagine. Put a roof over their heads, fed them, "loaned" them money and gave them a van to drive. They ripped us off at every turn. There are no bridges left, and I could care less about them.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,277
    Good luck with all this, cannot be easy I am sure. Sounds like you are moving in the right direction.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Brother I've been there. A meth-head has no soul, just a black hole that sucked their life down, and now it's looking at yours. I'll be thinking about you, praying that this soon will be just an unpleasant memory.

    Is completely getting them out of your family's life possible? Or will there always be a gateway back in? People can change, but you can't change them, all you can do is let them go and hope they decide to wake up and find their way back to life.

    I know you know these things, but sometimes it's nice to hear it from someone, lest you start to think ..."Am I just freaking crazy myself? Surely these people can't be this evil!" Yeah, they can, if there's meth involved. Hang in there.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,423
    That sucks. Hopefully, this wraps up quick and your life can return to normal.

    Normal? Whats that?
    Normal is a setting on the dryer. Amos has it right, close as many doors as possible, as long as there is someone to "help" they will NOT change for the better only worse. They will not even consider change until ALL options are gone, maybe not even then. Harsh but true. I work with people just like this every day.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    Well, my wife, her daughter and someone who knows the fruitcake well just left for a meeting with a lawyer and we haven't even been served yet. Hopefully the fruitcake won't even know what hit her.

    I have been sitting here smoking a big Cinco Vegas Gold and just thinking about the step son and his wife. We brought them down here from MN because "we want to get away from the drugs". At the time I had no idea how bad the drug situation is in this area. It was a ruse.

    We supported them in every way you can imagine. Put a roof over their heads, fed them, "loaned" them money and gave them a van to drive. They ripped us off at every turn. There are no bridges left, and I could care less about them.

    Ive had friends who moved outta state "to get away from the drugs" then came back to Texas and told me the state they ran to had just as much, its not the state, its the state of mind To quote Dave Chappelle playing Rick James..."Cocaine is a hell of a drug" Not to make light, sorry JD
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,691
    So sorry to hear this JD.I will agree with all other postings you need to cut this cancer out of your life!! You have definitely done anything possible to help them> My grandfather used to say " Some people cant be saved,They need to be stopped" Hope you stay strong brother!! We are keepin you inour thoughts and prayers.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    Sorry to hear that jd, you did all you could for them and more than most would do. Is the granddaughter still under the prima donna's influence too much or is she just sneaky now from all the years with her?

    They are very quick sometimes in opening abuse cases, maybe that's good, but it's just an investigation. In the end they will probably be sorry they even started this, may turn against them.

    I was investigated for elderly abuse of my mother, long story. When it was all said and done I told the cop leading the investigation, no need to apologize, I was glad they took this stuff seriously. Let them do their investigation and try and keep your temper in your pocket, if you can. Anything I can do let me know, even if you end up needing a safe house, lol.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131
    Feel good. There's times grandparents have to do right for its own sake; not because the right outcome is guaranteed. Regret is out of place. Been in your shoes.

    What's your wife's business? Shoot us a URL. Maybe someone here will need what she does.

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Sorry to hear that jd, you did all you could for them and more than most would do. Is the granddaughter still under the prima donna's influence too much or is she just sneaky now from all the years with her?

    They are very quick sometimes in opening abuse cases, maybe that's good, but it's just an investigation. In the end they will probably be sorry they even started this, may turn against them.

    I was investigated for elderly abuse of my mother, long story. When it was all said and done I told the cop leading the investigation, no need to apologize, I was glad they took this stuff seriously. Let them do their investigation and try and keep your temper in your pocket, if you can. Anything I can do let me know, even if you end up needing a safe house, lol.

    It has a lot to do with both parents. They both lied and ripped off people so much, and then they bragged about it. The little girl probably spent a lot of time wondering if it was normal, I would loved to have heard how the mother explained stealing from the girls piggy bank.

    Back from the lawyer and the wife says we can't do anything or change anything (like visits) until we are served, or we will seem hostile. I am feeling way past hostile.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Feel good. There's times grandparents have to do right for its own sake; not because the right outcome is guaranteed. Regret is out of place. Been in your shoes.

    What's your wife's business? Shoot us a URL. Maybe someone here will need what she does.

    I have posted some of her stuff in the past. www.Chaeyahne.net, or https://www.etsy.com/people/sylverkestral

    Thanks for asking.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 519
    Feel good. There's times grandparents have to do right for its own sake; not because the right outcome is guaranteed. Regret is out of place. Been in your shoes.

    What's your wife's business? Shoot us a URL. Maybe someone here will need what she does.

    I have posted some of her stuff in the past. www.Chaeyahne.net, or https://www.etsy.com/people/sylverkestral

    Thanks for asking.

    Super talented stuff!
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,608
    It has a lot to do with both parents. They both lied and ripped off people so much, and then they bragged about it. The little girl probably spent a lot of time wondering if it was normal, I would loved to have heard how the mother explained stealing from the girls piggy bank.

    Back from the lawyer and the wife says we can't do anything or change anything (like visits) until we are served, or we will seem hostile. I am feeling way past hostile.

    Past hostile, may want to let the lawyer do the talking, lol. So this kind of crap is normal to your grand kids from their upbringing, as the twig is bent, so grows the tree. Normal to turn on those that try and help you and still want to be with those that bring you down. I really hope this works out for you and them, the grand daughters I mean. Getting the prima donna out of their heads and lives will be the best thing for them.

  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 707
    I'm sorry to hear this stuff JD. You are trying to do the right thing. You cannot protect people from themselves. junkies are not people they are junkies. I hope you can help the children.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Well we finally got served.

    In the plea to the court she listed all the her wonderful accomplishments and reasons the kids should be returned to her care.

    Maintained a good home environment.
    My family has been paying her bills, I just found out. That has stopped.
    She was caught by a friend selling drugs out of the home. This information has been passed on to one of the many local law enforcement folks we know. Stay tuned.
    ....bought and maintained a vehicle...she bought it 2 weeks ago with her tax return. She got a nice return because she claimed the kids. Strange, the kids live with us.

    Completed drug counseling and passed all drug tests. Completed parenting classes. She will be forced to submit to a drug test other then pissing in a cup because of her actions and she has completed none of her classes.

    On and on and on. She just does not get, you can not tell such outrageous lies and to so many people and expect to get away with it. As long as her lawyer gets paid he could care less, which is a major problem in this country. And why won't the courts pay for our expense incurred in this farce?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Can't you ask for court expenses?
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Can't you ask for court expenses?

    If it gets to court I will find out.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Just had a State kids counselor (read shrink) and she is solidly in our corner and we have to pay for her services in court. She stopped seeing the kids some time ago because the TN DCS would not pay for her visits anymore, but she would visit on her own and it was more then once.

    It has just occured to me that the fruitcake's husband who has been in re-hab a couple of states away does not know a thing about what is going on. We are going to have to do everything in our power to make sure he does not get wind of this.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,109
    Reading some other posts has put this in a not so bright light. Ain't so bad.
  • Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 395
    Ugh, JD, sorry to hear this. My sister and her husband go through some of the same stuff with her step-daughter's biological mother. Unfortunately, in what I believe is meant to be the best for the kids, the system is skewed towards keeping the kids with their mother :( Best of luck to you, someday we will get it right and the system will do what is best for the kid on an individual basis. Luckily for my sister, the bio mother's lawyer conceded that he didn't have a case against why they should have custody and had them draft up a custody agreement where they have full custody and the mother has supervised visits over the summer and holidays. She rarely follows the rules and has not paid one dime of child support in 8 years, but the judge will not take away the visitation. The mother does not call or send cards or have any contact until visitation time. It's really sad. I'm not trying to bash the system either, I know a lot of people that work for CPS and the courts and they work very hard to keep kids in safe and loving environments, but they have to operate under the constructs they are provided with!! I know that there are cases where those guidelines work for the best too.
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