Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,555
Has anyone here started a coffee thread? Is this old news! What coffees do you like?
This morning Im drinking a home brewed starbucks dark roast.
My only beef with it is that it only does enough beans for two pots. I will eventually graduate up to one that will handle at least a half pound at a time. Right now tho, these are like $300. I like my beans and fresh coffee but...
There are some good sources even on E-Bay. Search for green coffee beans.
Sells for between $100 and $600 a lb. ($33-$99 a cup)
These beans are worth a fortune at Starbucks or the like and this way I can control the roast so as not to burn them like they do.
Coffee Mate!! The free coffee my work provides sucks, but we keep gallons of coffee mate on hand to mask the taste of ground up donkey beans.
I didnt buy this as it was given to me and the floral notes should have been a dead give away! Im not feeling it.
I think this may not be bad if its cut with another dark roast, but the floral notes leave an unpleasant aftertaste on the pallette.
Best coffee I have ever had was from Costa Rica while I was there. It was beans that they roasted locally in Quepos. We brought back a 5kg sack of the coffee, it was that good!