Puro's Rants

Ok, well I wrote a rant a while back and thought this might be a good place to blow off some steam from time to time so I'll just have a continuos thread of rants going. I used to have a great outlet for this when I hosted a radio show but now I work in Law Enforcement so poitical views are kept more bottled up and I'm REALLY about to explode.
I have never in my life been so sick and tired of the F***ING media in this country! It doesn't matter which way you lean on the issues there is absolutly no way you can deny the total liberal media bias almost everywhere you look! CNN is by far one of the WORST offenders as always! I actually read the headline "GOP to Blame for Economic Meltdown" today in big bold letters on the screen. Now this was about a subtle as Morton Downey Jr on a 3 day scotch binge. If they aren't bashing the entire republican party then its the hourly public dismemberment or Sarah Palin. You would think she was Courtney F***ING Love to hear the media and the Hollywood "Deletes" talk about her. But anything negative said about Obama is just a "Lie from the Right Wing Propaganda Machine" that is the McCain Campaign. I have never in my life been so totally disgusted with what I see on TV. I always wonder why all the idiots are against us... then it becomes very clear why!
I have never in my life been so sick and tired of the F***ING media in this country! It doesn't matter which way you lean on the issues there is absolutly no way you can deny the total liberal media bias almost everywhere you look! CNN is by far one of the WORST offenders as always! I actually read the headline "GOP to Blame for Economic Meltdown" today in big bold letters on the screen. Now this was about a subtle as Morton Downey Jr on a 3 day scotch binge. If they aren't bashing the entire republican party then its the hourly public dismemberment or Sarah Palin. You would think she was Courtney F***ING Love to hear the media and the Hollywood "Deletes" talk about her. But anything negative said about Obama is just a "Lie from the Right Wing Propaganda Machine" that is the McCain Campaign. I have never in my life been so totally disgusted with what I see on TV. I always wonder why all the idiots are against us... then it becomes very clear why!
CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and FOX NEWS all have agendas that they push. they all claim to be fair and impartial, but none of them are.
"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
No wonder he is so interested in talking to Kim Jong Ill and Hugo Chavez... He is looking for tax plan advice!! This is Socialism plain and simple! There is no other word for this. I am not poor by any means, but I am in no way wealthy. My family does without a lot of things because we can't afford them and we do struggle, but I do not expect or even want assistance from the government. I work hard and am doing things to improve our situation and I am proud to support my family. It's INSANE!!! Thats like saying there are people on this site that can afford to order more cigars than I can so they should have to send me 2 or 3 smokes from every box they order. Hey... Maybe it isn't such a bad idea! haha
when the tests were graded and handed back there were two grades:
one in blue
one in red.
the teacher then explained that the blue score was a "capitalist" score and the red score was the "communist" score.
to the the good students who worked hard and studied hard had a blue score in the 90+ range
the decent students who studied but not as hard had a blue score of 80- 90
the average students who either coasted, didnt study but were smart, or who studied hard but just didnt understand the concepts well got a score in the 70-80 range.
the students that didnt study much if at all were 60-70
the rest of them who didnt study at all and didnt care got even lower, some as low as a 20%
there was a bell curve in the class. the two smallest groups were the top few and the bottom few. most were average or slightly above.
the class average was a 72%. that was the score in red that everyone got.
the majority of the class had a score higher than that but the few at the bottom were so low that the class average was brought down by this. most of the students were mad. the lowest scoring students were in the minority but were quite happy.
the day after the tests were handed back the teacher asked the students with above the average score if they knew they would only end up with a 72% no matter how hard they studied would they have tried so hard. all of them said they wouldnt. ...this would only lower the average score more. this was the introduction into Capitalism.
i hope when i have kids i can find a teacher like that.
Awesome point Kuzi! I hope my son has a teacher like that when he gets older too, but with the way things are in the academic world, I seriously doubt there will be any around.
That's not how it worked for me. When my poor brother would roll into my line of hotels, and exhaust his resources, with all his properties mortgaged, I didn't want the game to end. See, I didn't yet have all the hotels and houses possible, and he still had some mortgaged properties. Also, there was still a lot of money in the box that didn't belong to either of us.
So rather than let the game just end, and snuff him out, I'd buy his mortgaged properties for outrageous sums of money (how about I give you $5,000 for Baltic Avenue?). I tell you what... I'll give you a refund on you utility bill and I'll cut your railway fares in half. Of course, this only extended the game to his inevitable bankruptcy.. but that still wasn't enough. I needed to have everything. I'd waive his hotel fees until he had the money. I'd spot him some dough.
If you've ever played against someone like me, it's not any fun. You see, my brother knew he had no chance, and he would eventually refuse to sell me his properties. I'd have to offer him quite a bit just to get him to play along. It was a delicate balance between total game domination and having him suddenly fly into a rage and throw the board across the room. That was the worst possible outcome for a greedy, anal-retentive perfectionist such as myself. I wanted the perfect game, and his broke ass wasn't about to stop me.
So I'd feed him enough money to keep him happy while I grew my interminable wealth. Rebates, refunds, reductions in fees, waivers. I'd bail him out of jail just so he could keep hitting my properties. I loved it. Just sitting here thinking about it makes me smile.
I love that game.
A good extension would be to remove the artificial certainty in it. That is, the kids already knew how well they'd done on the test, before they were asked which grading system they preferred. This is like asking the already-wealthy whether they prefer a progressive income tax or a flat one.
Salient point...it would be interesting to offer it before they knew their grades and see what played out. My guess is, the smart kids know they're smart and by and large, know they did well. So they wouldn't go for a commy grading system.
I do agree that capitalism is the way to go, but to say that Obama's tax plan is socialization is just plain WRONG.
Now if you were to say that he wanted to take over all the countries oil and use the profit from that to fund Oh Health Care or Welfare or any other social program now thats socialism.
I think a better vision of socializing our economy is with this BAILOUT plan.
Lets see, lets let private companies profit in a capitalist market place
But when these companies make bad decisions and start going under at a record rate, lets socialize those losses to stem the tide of fearful investors
Definition from Dictionary.com reads:
Socialism- Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
OTOH, insofar as the Paulson plan involves the gov't buying an ownership stake in these banks, that is socialism. (Actually, even that is slightly problematic since banks don't produce or distribute anything, but close enough.)
In the line"government that often plans and controls the economy." Also the other half of the Definition explains it better
so·cial·ism /'so????l?z?m/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[soh-shuh-liz-uhm] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun 1. a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
I'm sorry, I can see that it wasn't explained clearly in that little clip of the definition. The fact that the government controls the distribution of capital is one of the main foundations of socialism. It is also in the Marxist Theory the stage following capitalism in transition to communisim. I'm not saying Obama wants to turn the U.S. into a communist country, but I do believe that he has socialist views that he wishes to impose.
those who went to Harvard
and those who failed to graduate high school or dropped out.
i do know what you are saying though. it isnt a direct connect but what better way to teach a 14 or 15 year old who on average wont have the same concept of a dollar the way an adult would?
...that, and this is the real world. not monopoly. that game is set up to be like that. Hell, its CALLED "MONOPOLY." In the real world there is so much competition that the analogy you made could almost never translate into real life (much like there is a disconnect in my analogy) if a true monopoly does come into existance the US has laws to keep it from being a problem.
i learned from my Dad.
my mom calls him mean when he plays too.
If you don't want to read this or other socialism sites then here is the definition of socialism:
"Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means the resources of the world being owned in common by the entire global population."
Second if you are scared of Obama socializing are government then you should look at what the last 3 republicans presidents have do, or you can just look at what the Bush administration just did by forcing 9 US banks to accept partial nationalization.
As a conservative (from a governance standpoint, not socially), I am disgusted by how large and unwieldy the federal government has become over the last 16 years.
I should also say that I have no problem with a socialist governing body with a capitalist free market as long as they are that and not some half-assed version. I think that health care, banking, social security and other programs should be setup as socialist industry, owned by the people to support the people. I also agree with taxing the rich, if you think that Obama's plan is to high at only about a 60% tax then look at some of the other well known presidents, like JFK you will see it was around a 75% or Eisenhower witch was around 90%.
Also for the BS about Joe the plumber, if you look at most small business's 90% or more make a NET profit of less then $250k so they will not see an increase in taxes in most cases they will see a drop.
What makes me think we are moving towards a police state? well lets take the patriot act that was a big jump, and then we can look at Guantanamo, or the blatant push to allow spying and detaining of US citizens. You can also look at what the police are getting away with, look at the WTO protests in Seattle. There is also the problem with private military gaining power and influence in the US.
Those are just some reasons why I think we are moving towards being a police state.