One guy in West Hollywood does something over the top, and you think that pretty much sums up every liberal, Democrat, and/or Obama supporter in America?
Yes, there are total radical nuts on both ends of the spectrum for sure! But if you look on average the left has far more people out on the fringe. If you don't believe it just look up the crime statistics for the protesters at the DNC and at the RNC. Far more protesters against the RNC commited crimes and caused a LOT more damage than the protesters at the DNC. Look how many people made pieces of so-called "art" depicting Pres Bush having horrible things done to him. I'm not saying it doesn't happen on both side, I'm just saying the left tends to go way out there too often.
I'm not about to get into a pissing contest about frequency vs. amplitude. I prefer to stick to relevant issues and facts. Like the fact that a survey of economists (funded by Scott Adams, no less) showed a significant majority of them felt that Obama as President would be better for the economy than McCain. I'll let the armchair economists throw out their crap about trickle-down and socialism. That rhetoric is the main reason political discussions end up going nowhere. Show me facts, studies... not isolated cases. There are isolated cases on both sides of every issue. Until we've examined all isolated cases (and thus, conducted a proper formal study), we're all just blowing hot air, and I'm sick of it.
I was just wondering if they were more to your liking, since they disagree with the sentence or 2 you quoted from Sen. Obama. (What's the source for those, btw?)
But my belief is that redistribution based on race, is racism and would do more to hurt relations in this country that are fragile already. I honestly don't see how McCain is for aditional redistribution. I don't see how tax cuts for people making more money is redistribution. That is just taking less of the money they made, not giving them the money we make...
I honestly don't see how McCain is for aditional redistribution. I don't see how tax cuts for people making more money is redistribution. That is just taking less of the money they made, not giving them the money we make...
i see what you are saying. I tend to agree with this. however, McCain DID vote FOR the Bailout. ... how is that NOT redistribution?
Yes he did, that was a political move, but at the time had he voted against the Bail Out it would have been political suicide. Look at the uproar when the House voted against it and the stock market plunged. I don't agree with the Bail Out bill, but the knee jerk reaction from the country would have been very negative. But the fact that McCain voted for the bail out isn't a reason so support Obama because he voted for it too. If you look at the numbers, a LOT more Republicans voted against the package that Democrats. Just look at Obama's record, he is the most FAR left leaning liberal sen. that has ever held office. It's the usual tax and spend mentallity only amplified...
I've been following this thread for days now, and it only confirms my opinion that people who are constantly talking in extremes eventually lose all credibility and will never convince a single person of their views.
I'm not sure which you are calling an "extreme" but if it was the part about the welfare reciepiants driving new cars and loading up on liquor and cigarettes, I will asure you that it is not rare extreme cases where that happens. I've seen it in person on a daily basis and it is very sad. They don't have the money to buy milk and formula for their children so they have the government pay for it, then they go and buy a fifth of Jack.
You are missing my point Kuz. I'm saying if a person has money for drugs and alcohol and tobacco, then they could spend that money on food instead. Not talking about drugs being right or wrong. That isn't the issue, the issue is they have money for drugs then they have the money to take care of themselves...
Haha Well I don't see the war on drugs as a waste of time simply because most dealers don't target people old enough to make mature educated decisions. They target school children. I know I see things like this differently than you do because I'm a new father and I'm a Law Enforcement officer. The war on drugs also is a war on violent crime. Without it the drug lords would run rampant here like the cartels in Juarez Mexico.
Well we are pretty much the same age and I don't remember being approached with it either, but kids today are being approached as young 10. That is too young to know how to make an intelligent choise. Hell when they cook up a fresh batch of Strawberry Meth that looks like Pop Rocks or a strawberry slushy, of course kids are going to be attracted to it. Its becoming more of a problem for younger kids than I would have EVERY imagined.