kuzi, I agree with you. I think it will just continue, it needs to stop. I'm all for letting these companies fail, as there are many other small organizations that have new tech which is being hindered by these larger companies that are doing the same old thing.
Just an observation/musing -- executive bonuses(any industry),salary again any industry, professional atheletes (any sport) . Is there really any ONE person worth 80,90,100,120 million dollars a year. I know the revenue argument about what they generate for their team,city etc. But really, unless you could lay your hands on someone and cure say cancer or aids or insert your own worst imaginable disease here , is any one human being worth that much money in one year. Please only members making less than 100,000,000.00 a year should respond to this question as any making more than that I am sure is biased as hell !!!
One reason it will be an ongoing process to "fix" the economy and one of the main problems with american socio-economics is on full display in the following video. Enjoy, but you must watch all the way thru as the last 30 seconds tell the real story. Not that long so won't be hard to watch. Very interesting.
read lewis' book years ago. (liars poker) wall street deserves their fair share of credit/blame however there were plenty of idiots on BOTH sides of that table.
I'm saying there is no excuse for their tactics. They aren't attacking troops in the Gaza strip, they are attacking cafe's and markets in Isreal killing hundreds of people who have absolutely nothing to do with any kind of occupation.
One reason it will be an ongoing process to "fix" the economy and one of the main problems with american socio-economics is on full display in the following video. Enjoy, but you must watch all the way thru as the last 30 seconds tell the real story. Not that long so won't be hard to watch. Very interesting.
I agree with everything in the above post Jet