we just need more people to partake. the forum is still small for too many games and there are several new people that wont because 3-5 cigars is a good percentage of their collection. someone will claim it sooner or later. its all good.
Well I don't know if this is a good thing or not, but since I am new at this my PIF will be coming from cigar.com because my collection is small. I hope that's ok. Also, whoever takes me up on it can make a suggestion for 1 of the cigars. I have a few picked out already though.
Thank you god.
Send me a PM with your info and let me know if there is any specific cigar you want to try or one specific kind you hate so I dont send that kind.
Sorry for you Scrambler, were you on the scrambler when the officer mistakenly pulled you over ? I got a ticket about a month ago and the cop showed me the video of me rolling through a stop sign.. How do you fight that one in court? A hundred buck later, I stop at signs now, well most of the time anyway.
Speaking of PIF's and such, Scrambler I trust you received my prize package from the Fun and Games thread a little while back? The tracking said it was delivered, but I never saw any mention of it from you, so I just wanted to make sure you had received it.
I'm thinking about taking those backwoods of your hands but I'm going to wait and see if anyone else wants some well aged BW's before I take those and pass on my Macanudos!
I know a guy who only smokes backwoods. He must like them a lot too, because he smokes about 1/4 of the stick and sets it down somewhere and leaves it. Now, if that's not a testament to a great smoke, I don't know what is
Some of the guys like to smoke them on the fireline when we have a dinner break. Wait till I pull out a nice Robusto from my mini-humi while they are taking a pull on a poorly wrapped dachsund turd. I may make a few converts