Chuck Norris Jokes

When Chuck Norris's *** hits the fan, the fan breaks.
Chuck Norris once beat IBM's Deep Blue computer in a chess match in three moves with only a pawn, thimbol, and a red checker
Every piece of furniture in Chuck Norris's house is a Total Gym
Every cell in Chuck Norris's body has a beard
Chuck Norris can kick the inside of a man's face
When the sun goes down, it lingers on the horizon for a couple of extra minutes to get one last look at Chuck Norris
One the first day, God created the planets and cosmos and looked down and said, "Holy ***!!! Is that Chuck Norris?!?
When Chuck Norris breaks wind, it stays broken.
Chuck Norris once beat IBM's Deep Blue computer in a chess match in three moves with only a pawn, thimbol, and a red checker
Every piece of furniture in Chuck Norris's house is a Total Gym
Every cell in Chuck Norris's body has a beard
Chuck Norris can kick the inside of a man's face
When the sun goes down, it lingers on the horizon for a couple of extra minutes to get one last look at Chuck Norris
One the first day, God created the planets and cosmos and looked down and said, "Holy ***!!! Is that Chuck Norris?!?
When Chuck Norris breaks wind, it stays broken.
chuck norris once struck lightning
chuck norris is so patriotic that he eats tyranny and shits out apple pie.
chuck norris once ate three 72oz porterhouse steaks in one hour. He spent the first 45 minutes fucking his waitress.
Chuck Norris once went into a McDonald's and asked for a Whopper.......and got it.
Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered with human skulls.
Chuck Norris can win Connect Four in only three moves.
If you spell Chuck Norris in Scrabble, you win. Forever.
When Chuck Norris goes to out to eat, he orders a whole cow, but he only eats its soul.
Tornadoes do not exist, Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.
chuck norris can divide by zero
now he wants yours.
When God said "Let there be light." Chuck Norris said "Say Please."
Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door
Chuck Norris used to be pro life, then he started eating babies.
Wait, I don't think I have the hang of this, yet.
...he waits.
That's still not right, is it?
He'll find you...