Got a couple of tasty looking cigars from trident, when I met him at a local b&m to pick up rains pass there was also a Muwat baitfish, but it met a fiery demise! while at said b&m I also picked these up, with a little guidance!
Got a couple of tasty looking cigars from trident, when I met him at a local b&m to pick up rains pass there was also a Muwat baitfish, but it met a fiery demise! while at said b&m I also picked these up, with a little guidance!
Very nice! Love the LFD's! Did you guys meet up at CFO?
Got a couple of tasty looking cigars from trident, when I met him at a local b&m to pick up rains pass there was also a Muwat baitfish, but it met a fiery demise! while at said b&m I also picked these up, with a little guidance!
Very nice! Love the LFD's! Did you guys meet up at CFO?
yea. we met up at CFO sterling though. not sure if you have gone to that one or not.
yes we did! it was my first time at a b&m, i was a little overwhelmed, but trident steered me in the right direction...LOL. didnt have time to smoke, but someday in the near future, it will have to be!
Finally got my new 100-ct humidor in the mail today. Watched a few videos on seasoning it and started the process. Hopefully in a few days i'll be able to move my sticks from the cooler in my closet to their new home.
So my Dentist told me I can't smoke still. So it's my bday and I went to my local B&M anyway to take a look. Turns out it's under a new owner and he started to actually take note on some cigars that are out there. I had a great time shopping! Found my ROMEOs!
My kids bought me this knife for Father's Day 4 years ago and I carried it until I snapped the blade trying to pry on the house door!! The original has been placed in my sons chest of knives I've started for him!! I replaced it last year but have lost it so I picked up another 1 today at SMKW!!! We love pocket knives lol bubba wanted a machete thy was bigger than him! LOL
My kids bought me this knife for Father's Day 4 years ago and I carried it until I snapped the blade trying to pry on the house door!! The original has been placed in my sons chest of knives I've started for him!! I replaced it last year but have lost it so I picked up another 1 today at SMKW!!! We love pocket knives lol bubba wanted a machete thy was bigger than him! LOL
My kids bought me this knife for Father's Day 4 years ago and I carried it until I snapped the blade trying to pry on the house door!! The original has been placed in my sons chest of knives I've started for him!! I replaced it last year but have lost it so I picked up another 1 today at SMKW!!! We love pocket knives lol bubba wanted a machete thy was bigger than him! LOL
bwahahahaha I know but I didn't wanna mess up my door facing lol
My PIF from Randy. REALLY been wanting to try the OSOK and the RjY was on my list too. I've been eyeing a couple of the others and the El Titan is one of my favs! This really is way too much for a PIF, man. But I'll take it ! Thanks so much!!
Stopped at CI today and picked these up.. For people who have had the AVO 85th, how is it?
Jhewey, pretty sure joz3r posted a review of one of the AVO anniversary stick a while back, I forget which one though, it might have been the trumpet one. Nice pickup though man.
there was also a Muwat baitfish, but it met a fiery demise!
while at said b&m I also picked these up, with a little guidance!
pm'ed you
Box of Side Project 52C's and the AJ Corona Sampler minus the Diesel which was included in a bomb this week.
Very nice!
From Taythegibs.
From pross(this guy can't count).
From Vision.
Now that I have time to mess with it today I'm hoping to get the rh stable so I can start moving my sticks over.