So, I didn't follow this story at all. I heard occasional references to it, but never really looked into it. Now reading this article, I'm confused. He broke a law while in Mexico and was jailed. Why is there outrage? I'm guessing if a military member from some other country was traveling in our country with weapons illegally, no one would be opposed to jailing him. I'm assuming there is more to this story that I'm just not aware of.
So, I didn't follow this story at all. I heard occasional references to it, but never really looked into it. Now reading this article, I'm confused. He broke a law while in Mexico and was jailed. Why is there outrage? I'm guessing if a military member from some other country was traveling in our country with weapons illegally, no one would be opposed to jailing him. I'm assuming there is more to this story that I'm just not aware of.
No, it seems that is the story. He took a firearm in to Mexico and was arrested for it. Montel Williams believes that he should be released because of his military service and ptsd. Mexico has very tough laws for firearms, so he's looking at some serious time.
....when you have to tell your own VP to stop talking. All the rats are leaving the half sunk obozo mystery ship. Last week when mr tingles turned I could only think of one thing...between LMAO and getting off the floor, and I can't say it here.