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Things I Hate



  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    I hate that I can hear my neighbor ask his seven your old son, "what the f** is wrong with you boy?" Because really nothing is wrong with him except that his father is an a-hole.
    That ain't right reminds me of my dad. A-holio
  • curtpickcurtpick Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,600
  • jsnakejsnake Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,037
    The MIZZOU Choke. Never fails. Comes every year.
  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    That we still haven't received the photos from our wedding.
    Typically I'm a calm guy but this is starting to piss me off.

    How long ago was it?
    It took about 3 months for ours.
    Damn that's horrible. I hope that isn't the case got married back in September.

    Congrats on getting hitched Stephen I was completely unaware ...... I think a package is in order for that ...... And when we got married the company gave us two cd's with all the pics and told us that we could use them or anyone we wanted to get actual printed. They did have set packages if I remember the discs had over 1000 pics to view from and they had specials 100 to 500 images with different sizes and quantities and if I remember they said lead time was typically 4-6 weeks for that.
    We went the CD route too .... all digital. Didn't get anything printed from the photographers.
    I know that fall was the "busy season" though for photographers (at least around here) --- lots of weddings, HS senior pictures, etc.

    He gave us all the pictures but it seemed to take a long damn time to get the CDs.

    My wife started calling/emailing him on a weekly then 2x/weekly basis. I think that helped speed things up.
    don't know how long we'd have waited if she wouldn't have "bugged him" for the pics though.

    Stephen, you might want to start "bugging" your photographer for them.
    Just my $0.02.

    Seems like once somebody has your $$$, customer service goes out the window though, doesn't it?
  • macs-smokesmacs-smokes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 585
    Ex's and the state (The Man... whatever you choose to call it)... trying to ruin my happy house by constantly returning me to court over a divorce that was final 5 blessed years ago. I moved on got right with God and myself. Now every month it's a great whoo haha from them about something that is in the paperwork and not in my power to change. I am paying what is required and taking care of my children... not keen on the paying but I love taking care of my kids.

    Gahh... enough yo drive a person to drink. Oh yeah she uses the court trustees because she quit her job.

    Time to find out what my options are for this new attack on my happy home.
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    That my kids are too old for taking out for Halloween, I loved dressing them up and watching scary movies and taking them around to houses..... If you have little kids... Have a great time with them!
  • macs-smokesmacs-smokes Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 585
    That my kids are too old for taking out for Halloween, I loved dressing them up and watching scary movies and taking them around to houses..... If you have little kids... Have a great time with them!

  • pelirrojopelirrojo Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,520
    Trying my hardest not to do this at work.
  • james40james40 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,450
    Trying my hardest not to do this at work.
    LOL, oh man that was me like 3 weeks ago...
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Tunnels. You're smoking along on a good cigar, starts getting funky, weird burn, weird taste, flick the ash to reveal.........freaking tunnel!
  • taythegibstaythegibs Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,024
    That due to personal reasons i have to stop smoking cigars... im going to scale down to almost no stock and keep them for very special occasions.
  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    I don't know whether or not to say I'm sorry to hear this, but good luck with whatever you are dealing with.
  • stephen_hannibalstephen_hannibal Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,317
    That due to personal reasons i have to stop smoking cigars... im going to scale down to almost no stock and keep them for very special occasions.
    enters the woman.

  • allsmokedupallsmokedup Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 738
    Is that the one with Bruce Lee?
  • BigshizzaBigshizza Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 10,949
    Is that the one with Bruce Lee?
    Charlie Chaplin's "The Dictator"
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Chronic pain. It's like every day at this point.
  • Amos UmwhatAmos Umwhat Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,523
    Ken Light:
    Chronic pain. It's like every day at this point.
    Right there with you. Back pain every single day of my life since May 16th 1985. Sometimes better, sometimes worse, NEVER gone.
  • Ken LightKen Light Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,524
    Amos Umwhat:
    Ken Light:
    Chronic pain. It's like every day at this point.
    Right there with you. Back pain every single day of my life since May 16th 1985. Sometimes better, sometimes worse, NEVER gone.
    Yup. This exactly.
  • HaybletHayblet Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,400
    I hate that Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Tony Jaa never fought each other
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    That I got some apple pie moonshine for my birthday and now its all gone. Very sad.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    The Dallas Cowboys.Almost 20 years of mediocrity. I'm sure, somehow, our couches will try and spin this loss in to a positive.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    stubbing my toe
    my wife being diabetic
    going in the dark to get my diabetic wife some juice since her blood glucose is low, and stubbing my toe on a coffee table that my kids moved about 6 inches just so it would get me.
    breaking my toe. Buddy tape is my friend.
  • roland_7707roland_7707 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,647
    Blowing out my flip flop on the way to my first class this morning. Then having to try to walk with it gaggled. I need some duct tape.
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    deciding if i should chase my dreams or stay in a regular 9-5.....

  • jgibvjgibv Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,996
    deciding if i should chase my dreams or stay in a regular 9-5.....

    Go for option 1 .... if it doesn't turn out how you want it, you can always return to option 2

    I went with option 2 ..... wish I'd have done the opposite .... slowly pursuing option 1 myself.
  • MartelMartel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,423
    deciding if i should chase my dreams or stay in a regular 9-5.....

    Go for option 1 .... if it doesn't turn out how you want it, you can always return to option 2

    I went with option 2 ..... wish I'd have done the opposite .... slowly pursuing option 1 myself.

    I went for 1 and hear about it from my wife every. single. day. sometimes. every. single. hour.

    Make sure you have a financial cushion if your dream won't have regular income. Still love the dream job, but it's killin' the home life.
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519

    see im very very torn.... me and some friends did very very well at a large convention and now we have been offered some big corporate help to further our desires to go faster and build bigger. We have the skill set and the team, the offer has enough orders to keep us busy for atleast a year.

    sounds pretty good so far eh? Its always been a dream of mine to just work in the industry... never did i think i would get the chance to build for huge names. the kind of people i used to wait for 2 hours in line just to get there autograph, now blow my phone up wanting a piece.

    But I also know how lucrative and roller coaster like this industry can be. And that is what worrys me. I am a new family man just this last 2 years (stepchildren) and it has changed alot of my outlook on careers and life. I find myself no longer thinking about me... but "us" as a collective whole.

    Since my last days of highschool ive stayed under the wing of uncle sam, passing from the service, to supporting the service, to layoffs, and now to furlows.. riding the roller coaster since 2001 and growing weary of the failures that i have witnessed from the Uncle as well as the lack of real growth to be felt within my particular career specialty.

    Am I unhappy where i am now? well... its safe, and for the most part, fairly relaxed... but I have no love for my job... I just do it cause i know it will pay the bills and keep my family happy. I dont feel challenge anymore, i feel like 90% of my given knowledge is gone to waste and living the career as i am now was a far cry from the image i had in my mind that my father had painted for me so many years ago. His days of govt life are over.... it has evolved from what it used to be to what we see today. So that bids my question.... do I jump ship from mother america to live the American dream? or do i do the sensible thing and protect my family intrests?

    My wife works a good job and for the most part, can support us if things were to fail. She urges me to pursue it since she has expressed her observation that i am clearly unhappy with my current job. And this is one of those areas that makes me so nervous about any kind of attemp... I dont want her to feel that she is going to be our lifeblood, as I dont wish any kind of stress on her, nor do i want her reminding me constantly of my failures.

    I fear failure alot... I come from an old school family and the man is required to have his chit together 100% all the time to pay the bills, make wife/kids happy or your considered weak. I can almost feel the burning eyes of my mother and father looking at me even thinking of making a wild career jump like this. I have a rather well of but mundane future paved for me now, but can I stand to see myself like this 20 years from now and say I enjoyed or made the most of my life?

    I suppose this is what artist feels, torn to have faith in there talents, there vision - yet nervous that no others can see or feel what they do in there form of expression.

    How does one make such a choice? I want to pursue what I love, but I want to ensure those that I do love.

    Sorry if this was rather long winded... i am just honestly scared. Ive never had such an oppurtunity fall in front of me. and im afraid to let one go to regret the other.

  • kaspera79kaspera79 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,144
    A.J. I read your post several times and gather this opinion even with the missing pieces. ( like what is it that you do). I heard a quote one time, " I can accept failure, everyone is human.. What I can not accept is never trying." Your wife supports something you do, and apparently do well if you have people blowing up your phone. You say that she makes enough money to pay bills, that's good money is not a problem.. So what is the problem.. Nothing I can see. So what's this about you don't want her to constantly remind you of your failures.. That can be stated equally for never trying if a person was so inclined to make such statements..
    You mention your dream is already coming to fruition just by making the contacts in this industry. You have the skills, the ability, the right people to make it work, and a years worth on work.. Dude, what's to think about ? Security is nice, but there's only one way to learn to fly, jump out of the nest.
    Re-read your own post, how can you say no ?
  • dr_frankenstein56dr_frankenstein56 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,519
    A.J. I read your post several times and gather this opinion even with the missing pieces. ( like what is it that you do). I heard a quote one time, " I can accept failure, everyone is human.. What I can not accept is never trying." Your wife supports something you do, and apparently do well if you have people blowing up your phone. You say that she makes enough money to pay bills, that's good money is not a problem.. So what is the problem.. Nothing I can see. So what's this about you don't want her to constantly remind you of your failures.. That can be stated equally for never trying if a person was so inclined to make such statements..
    You mention your dream is already coming to fruition just by making the contacts in this industry. You have the skills, the ability, the right people to make it work, and a years worth on work.. Dude, what's to think about ? Security is nice, but there's only one way to learn to fly, jump out of the nest.
    Re-read your own post, how can you say no ?
    I know its slightly broken... "they" (management) are very rough on us about anything we say on the internet so I avoid putting myself in a position for them to have any kind of ammunition on me to get in trouble weather it be from saying to much, or from saying anything at all. but my current job is as an electrical engineer. The job im shooting for, is as a small buisness owner building race cars.

    But what you said is pretty much what I needed to hear. I know ive talked myself into it.... i just need the nudge off the cliff.

    Thank You

  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    A.J. I read your post several times and gather this opinion even with the missing pieces. ( like what is it that you do). I heard a quote one time, " I can accept failure, everyone is human.. What I can not accept is never trying." Your wife supports something you do, and apparently do well if you have people blowing up your phone. You say that she makes enough money to pay bills, that's good money is not a problem.. So what is the problem.. Nothing I can see. So what's this about you don't want her to constantly remind you of your failures.. That can be stated equally for never trying if a person was so inclined to make such statements..
    You mention your dream is already coming to fruition just by making the contacts in this industry. You have the skills, the ability, the right people to make it work, and a years worth on work.. Dude, what's to think about ? Security is nice, but there's only one way to learn to fly, jump out of the nest.
    Re-read your own post, how can you say no ?
    I know its slightly broken... "they" (management) are very rough on us about anything we say on the internet so I avoid putting myself in a position for them to have any kind of ammunition on me to get in trouble weather it be from saying to much, or from saying anything at all. but my current job is as an electrical engineer. The job im shooting for, is as a small buisness owner building race cars.

    But what you said is pretty much what I needed to hear. I know ive talked myself into it.... i just need the nudge off the cliff.

    Thank You

    Do it man! Life is too short.
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