hey everyone, my name is Chris, 29 from Ohio... I've been on this forum for about a week now and I got to say it is filled with some of the nicest people I've never actually met. I made a post last week about suggestions and it wasn't 3 days later I received a package in the mail with a welcome letter. I was in shock! Anyway I love the site and hope to become a regular soon!
Hello everyone. I am new to the forum and new to the world of cigars. I have already filled up two medium sized tupperdors as I cant seem to pass a shop without buying a couple of sticks. I am particularly fond of the Oliva Melanio's but I also like to try what the shop guys recommend as long as it doesn't seem like they are pushing an item on me.
Newbie here..(not even sure if I just posted this correctly) I'm Michelle... my best friend J (Unicorn) brought me here (she's convincing). I'm 36, divorced mom of 2 awesome boys. Had my first true cigar experiences last weekend with J during a girls' weekend of drinks, cigars and lbd's (little black dresses) and enjoyed my first solo cigar just last night. I'm loving it and, what the hell.. I always like to learn new things, meet new people and enjoy life. From what I have seen so far, this community is very friendly so here I am checkin it out.
Newbie here..(not even sure if I just posted this correctly) I'm Michelle... my best friend J (Unicorn) brought me here (she's convincing). I'm 36, divorced mom of 2 awesome boys. Had my first true cigar experiences last weekend with J during a girls' weekend of drinks, cigars and lbd's (little black dresses) and enjoyed my first solo cigar just last night. I'm loving it and, what the hell.. I always like to learn new things, meet new people and enjoy life. From what I have seen so far, this community is very friendly so here I am checkin it out.
Welcome indeed!!! Always good to get new faces round here.this is pretty good group of guys in here,don't be afaraid to ask questions.
Newbie here..(not even sure if I just posted this correctly) I'm Michelle... my best friend J (Unicorn) brought me here (she's convincing). I'm 36, divorced mom of 2 awesome boys. Had my first true cigar experiences last weekend with J during a girls' weekend of drinks, cigars and lbd's (little black dresses) and enjoyed my first solo cigar just last night. I'm loving it and, what the hell.. I always like to learn new things, meet new people and enjoy life. From what I have seen so far, this community is very friendly so here I am checkin it out.
I so tried to come up with something clever to say and welcome you to the forum Michelle but I think the cold weather this morning is throwing off my game. Any friend of J is welcome around here. Please note as you are checking out this community...we are checkin you out too!!!! Just sayin!
Thanks. I have already used the forums to set up my tupperdors. I stash them at work in my bottom drawer and they stay 70 degrees/ 65rh and 70rh.
Too easy. Will I ever be able to pass up a chance to walk into a humidor again?