Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
So with this uptick in a possible strike on the country how do you feel about another war ... even when no hard proof has been presented?
Ironic. Isn't it?
Osama, excuse me, I meant Obama just has to war to feel whole.
He must have had a "different" childhood than the rest of us.
"So what, we're about to become Al Qaeda's air force now?"
So... let me get this straight. We invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 right? I'm not the world's biggest proponent of our current president, but I hardly see how he is to blame for any of our current wars.
Obama's in a bit of a jam.
Let's see, we've de-stabilized, or helped to de-stablize Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Somalia, at the very least, and we've educated and solidified Afghanistan, nuclearized Pakistan, and created Iran in the '50s and 60's.
Not too bright on foreign policy, are we?
Obama draws a line in the sand, "chemicals". Somebody uses chemicals and we're drawn in. Is it horrible? oh, yes. Who used them? Assad? Maybe. After all, who else? Like maybe, anyone who wants us drawn in?
Would they use them on their own people?
Of course they would. The terrorist frequently kills his own friends and neighbors in marketplace bombings etc. What's a few more martyrs for the cause?
Get out! Come home! Quit selling powerful weapons systems to 14th century barbarians.
Anyone else remember when Assad was hailed as a modern leader for the Arab world? Western educated, shy, good-natured bright and friendly. What happened?
The solution is simple: Ban assault weapons and hand out free obamaphones, so that when poison gas comes rolling down the street they can call 911.
Bush's fault. Cheezus Aitch Cripes.
Simply, without an override by congress, he has the final say on any matter concerning "National Security".
Who has the final say if not our current president. Sure Congress can override him and he can also again veto Congress and so forth but when it all becomes plain to the eye, the president chooses where and when to attack. He could have, as promised, stop spending billions overseas but when will even this start? Think................
But if a new country comes within our sights, who do we blame for the new matter at hand?
Surly your not so vain as to blame presidents of the past for they carry the blame of they're own presidencies.
If, indeed we cause strife with a country not involved in the past, with past presidents, then who do we place the blame towards.
There is only one answer.
I leave it to you too decide what that answer may be for yourselves for it is apparent to me already.
False it was not for you see only part of the matter. Who has the power to stop this madness? Obama!
^ This is essentially what is happening right now. Obama is put up a line which he didn't think Syria would cross, but Syria crossed it and he doesn't know what to do next. He is gonna get criticized if he takes no action and criticized if does take action. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.. When the UN inspectors leave the country Sat. it will be surprising what happens then as more than likely they will say chemical weps have been used. Action is inevitable but it will be messy since Russia would lose like $5B in military sales if Syria is lost and Iran would lose their only Mediterranean port and connections with Hezbollah. Leave it to the French to be the ones wanting to invade asap! This won't be an Iraqi invasion, but rather a game of chess with little being done.
Have we not withdrawn most of our troops from Iraq? Are there not plans to cut our military presence in Afghanistan roughly in half by early 2014 and totally by the end of 2014? What exactly do you want here? I think you're looking at it like taking over a failing restaurant. Just hire all new staff and change the menu right? I don't think it's that simple. However, I don't think our discussion really has much to do with what this thread was about. I thinks scarlin pretty well hit the nail on the head there.
And it's hard to justify military involvement in Syria when the U.S. isn't making similar threats to get militarily involved in Egypt, where nearly the exact situation is going on.
Just say the hell out of this stuff...providing weapons to rebels we're pretty sure won't later use them against us is about as far as I'd want to do with Syria.