I think because its as basic as it gets Beat, and sadly---both sides cant get much beyond basic. Healthcare we can pollute with ideas of dead fetuses or poor Grandmas. Finances we can f' up with with wall street vs unions or govt. control vs personal choice. Even personal freedom we can screw with gay marriage and gun control. But going to war in a country most of us cant pick out on a map with people our public sees as 'not able to fix' (at least any time soon? Thats easy enough for anyone to see the answer----other than elected officials of course.
Do you think this is possible Amos, or do you think that if said 3rd party gained steam----they would eventually become tied to the same money, interests, corruption, and desires as our 2 party system already? I think I could hear both sides.
A sad part of it is that this issue is being used by the administration politically. They are at odds with the American public, which is hurting them politically. And now any decision they make will have that American Political side to it. This is not just a foreign policy failure. JMO
Ok, as of right now, if we move against Syria, Russia, Iran, and now China will stand with them. And in the case of Iran " till the end". True, false? Do i have the wrong info? Us against the world? Anybody else think this is a bad idea?
Ok, as of right now, if we move against Syria, Russia, Iran, and now China will stand with them. And in the case of Iran " till the end". True, false? Do i have the wrong info? Us against the world? Anybody else think this is a bad idea?
Quite a cast of characters, isn't it. Anyone else had a peek at Revelations 16:16 lately?
Not going to get partisan Web, but i will disagree about any victory in Afganistan or Iraq considering we still have people in both. Also, I think any president wouldve acted wquite quickly after 9/11 and also quite decisively. Bush (like Clinton) never made a priority to kill Bin Laden----not giving Obama ll credit here, just saying it was never the priority (even if symbolic) it shouldve been. I would counter the Libya was quick and successful....as much as any mes we should not be inovlved in could be-----and moreso than Iraq and the WMDs that never existed.
I'm reminded of the news reports during the Iraq war that many had postulated that Sadam's chemical weapons had been moved into Syria. It seems ironic that we may be dealing with those same chemicals here.
I love this thread as it captures the unending growth and evolution of the forums as it morphs itself into a place where even politics can be discussed in a rational manor without conflict, not so even a year ago. Congratulations gentlemen and gentlewomen, we have all grown up. Myself included.
I'm reminded of the news reports during the Iraq war that many had postulated that Sadam's chemical weapons had been moved into Syria. It seems ironic that we may be dealing with those same chemicals here.
Possible, however there was a lot of bs about Iraq