You said... "I know, that said, Sniper; if we were on opposite sides of "the front" right now, everywhere you pointed that scope know what you'd see? Me mooning you!!! HAIL BEARD!"
I saw it. I shot it.
Did you see how that worked Counterterro... er... IMPOTENT INFIDEL? You talk smack, "The Beard" talks smack, I fire again, more innocents fall victim to my holy quest. How many more must fall?
You said... "I know, that said, Sniper; if we were on opposite sides of "the front" right now, everywhere you pointed that scope know what you'd see? Me mooning you!!! HAIL BEARD!"
I saw it. I shot it.
Did you see how that worked Counterterro... er... IMPOTENT INFIDEL? You talk smack, "The Beard" talks smack, I fire again, more innocents fall victim to my holy quest. How many more must fall?
Let me just tell you. When I was still home in scotland, I once rode my motorcycle to 21st birthday party in my kilt in December. Cold is one word for it. The other words won't show up on this forum if i type them. Then I got married in GA hot as hell riding the motorcycle I now have in kilt, sash, and claymore strapped to my back. Yes the rednecks just look on dumbfounded.
ive beeen gone for a few days and I see the Insanity hasnt ended! Hillarious.... not Many BOTL left that are active on the Board are there?
I am...
Not Any More!
Fourtotheflush is hit!
Cholmes is hit!
I got sniped and schrapnel that this mortar round sent out hit Cholmes also! Two more BOTL down w a pair of 5 vegas Miami Knuckles!
I'm not sure if shrapnel from SC could make it all the way here! But I dunno, Hayblet... Let's see if we can do some snooping and figure out who the Sniper is and bomb him before he gets anymore of our brothers...
Congratulations bro she's a baby doll .
You said... "I know, that said, Sniper; if we were on opposite sides of "the front" right now, everywhere you pointed that scope know what you'd see? Me mooning you!!! HAIL BEARD!"
I saw it. I shot it.
Did you see how that worked Counterterro... er... IMPOTENT INFIDEL? You talk smack, "The Beard" talks smack, I fire again, more innocents fall victim to my holy quest. How many more must fall?
Better watch out - cos Im the assassin!
Duck and cover seems to work well!!
True, but when its windy and cold things are hiding.
Then I got married in GA hot as hell riding the motorcycle I now have in kilt, sash, and claymore strapped to my back.
Yes the rednecks just look on dumbfounded.
Not Any More!
Fourtotheflush is hit!
Cholmes is hit!
I got sniped and schrapnel that this mortar round sent out hit Cholmes also! Two more BOTL down w a pair of 5 vegas Miami Knuckles!
It wont....Gawd save us all!!!
Your In Sacramento?
Me and Hays are in the Area!
Better watch out - cos Im the assassin!
I love The Snipers avatar ... that is awsome ...