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  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Senator Jacobsen:
    "Soda is clearly one of the most harmful products in the food supply, and it's something government should discourage the consumption of," Mr. Jacobson said.

    Health advocates are floating other so-called sin tax proposals and food regulations as part of the government's health-care overhaul. Mr. Jacobson also plans to propose Tuesday that the government sharply raise taxes on alcohol, move to largely eliminate artificial trans fat from food and move to reduce the sodium content in packaged and restaurant food. The beverage tax is just one of hundreds of ideas that lawmakers are weighing to finance the health-care plans. They're expected to narrow the list in coming weeks.

    Ummm, I was just kidding guys when I suggested all that here. I think that SOB is on our boards!! o.O

    Where does it stop ?!?!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Senator Jacobsen:
    "Soda is clearly one of the most harmful products in the food supply, and it's something government should discourage the consumption of," Mr. Jacobson said.

    Health advocates are floating other so-called sin tax proposals and food regulations as part of the government's health-care overhaul. Mr. Jacobson also plans to propose Tuesday that the government sharply raise taxes on alcohol, move to largely eliminate artificial trans fat from food and move to reduce the sodium content in packaged and restaurant food. The beverage tax is just one of hundreds of ideas that lawmakers are weighing to finance the health-care plans. They're expected to narrow the list in coming weeks.

    Ummm, I was just kidding guys when I suggested all that here. I think that SOB is on our boards!! o.O

    Where does it stop ?!?!
    it wont.

    wanna know what the tea parties are about Phobic?

    THIS is what they are about.

  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I've said it before and I must state it again. Government control is growing at the fastest rate in the HISTORY of our nation! Anyone who can read this, and countless other things our government is doing, and not see the making of a facist state is burrying their heads in the sand and not wanting to see the truth.


    This one isn't any better!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Is there anyone here who doesn't think things like this just deepen racial divisiion in our country? We should all be striving for equallity and to be working together as a whole. Things like this are a HUGE step backwards...

  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    Is there anyone here who doesn't think things like this just deepen racial divisiion in our country? We should all be striving for equallity and to be working together as a whole. Things like this are a HUGE step backwards...

    but if only bought from white guys id be a racist.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Is there anyone here who doesn't think things like this just deepen racial divisiion in our country? We should all be striving for equallity and to be working together as a whole. Things like this are a HUGE step backwards...

    but if only bought from white guys id be a racist.
    You are correct! And these people are just as racist as an employer who won't hire a man because he is black no matter how qualified he is. Reverse racism IS still racism...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Move over Dale Earnhardt Sr. There is a new Intimidator in town now! I say Intimidator because obviously President Obama isn't spreading confidence in the consumers of the country. Once again in the month of April consumer spending fell another .4% despite poll numbers that say the majority of Americans approve of his job performance. This leads me to believe these polls are either flawed, or that the President himself has instilled so much fear in the American public that even if they think he is doing the right things, they are afraid we are beyond help. I hope the later isn't true because the American people usually have a "Never give up" attitude that I pray is strong enough to withstand the constant barrage of doom out of the White House everyday.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Move over Dale Earnhardt Sr. There is a new Intimidator in town now! I say Intimidator because obviously President Obama isn't spreading confidence in the consumers of the country. Once again in the month of April consumer spending fell another .4% despite poll numbers that say the majority of Americans approve of his job performance. This leads me to believe these polls are either flawed, or that the President himself has instilled so much fear in the American public that even if they think he is doing the right things, they are afraid we are beyond help. I hope the later isn't true because the American people usually have a "Never give up" attitude that I pray is strong enough to withstand the constant barrage of doom out of the White House everyday.

    I think its more like "The Instigator" instead of "The Intimidator" ...just my opinion ...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    More of the fear tactics, intimidation, corruption, and all around intolerance of the democratic party!


    It doesn't even matter if you are a member of their own party!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    It pisses me off very bad, but damn sure doesn't supris me coming from our current government! They already dropped $400G on a study of gay sex in Argentina.
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    Awesome, now when I go to China, I don't have to worry about getting HIV from a prostitute (wait, sorry I mean Female Sex Workers) because she is tanked, because only drunk prostitutes give you STDs, right?

    Disclaimer: I have never been to China or used a prostitute.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    heard on the radio this morning:

    the old news: obama wants to regulate the salaries of Execs at Banks who accepted TARP money. there can almost be an argument to this because we are using public money to fund them.

    the new news: Obama is now looking into regulating the salaries of execs at ALL banks even if they took no TARP funds.

    this is another reason why government involvement is BAD. if it can happen to that industry, it can happen to your industry.

    welcome to Fascist America.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    corporate greed rears its ugly head in the medical world when Pfizer Launches Free Medicines Program For Newly Unemployed Americans

    those greedy bastards!
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    corporate greed rears its ugly head in the medical world when Pfizer Launches Free Medicines Program For Newly Unemployed Americans

    those greedy bastards!
    Those damn greedy drug companies!!! I guess it is just another case of a big corporation taking advantage of the little guy like SO many people claim they always do.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    our tax dollars at work again.
    Barbara Barrett, McClatchy Newspapers:
    The biggest bedbug outbreak since World War II has sent a collective shudder among apartment dwellers, college students and business travelers across the nation... Democratic Rep. G.K. Butterfield just introduced legislation that would authorize $50 million that's already in the Department of Commerce budget to train health inspectors how to recognize signs of the insects The Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite Act of 2009 also would require public housing agencies to submit bedbug inspection plans to the federal government....It also would require the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to research bedbugs' impact on public mental health.
    just wow. whats next? $50 million for flies?
    bedbugs are annoying at worst. they carry no known diseases. this is crazy. it shouldnt cost $50 million to tell people to keep a cleaner house and wash the damn sheets.
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    You know what? We need another party. The Republic Reform Party...Common Sense Govt. administered by people with common sense for the common good of this country while we still have a country. This countrys govt in the beginning was manned by common people not politicians with agendas for their state, precinct etc.. Another recognized party is the only way to change our direction and not be held hostage by the Dems or Repubs. So much for big mouth Obama and his change change change...where you at Obama, Wheres your lame Change spouting butt at when we need you to stop the excessive nonsense bull chit blow the taxpayers money mentality on any stupid a$$ thing somebody can think up no matter how damn stupid and worthless it is !?!?!?!? One of the reasons this pi_sses me off so bad is because of an error my FORMER (emphases on former) Tax preparer made I got audited for 06 and 07 and just ended up sending in the past 10 days over (deleted dollar amt because it makes me sick on my stomach) into this dumba$$ government cash wasting bullsh_it machine. Do you think maybe that money could have helped me out better than some dumba$$ study on drinking and chinese prostitutes or bedbugs or why pigs like mud or how cow farts effect the ozone ??? You f_king right it would have. This is going to be the smartest generation in the history of time on useless knowledge and worthless information ...hope that helps them out as the nation crumbles ...DUMBA$$ES !!!
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    again, id like to say:
    this is why there are tea parties across the nation.
    people are tired of this micro-managing of our lives.

    leave me alone.

    ....and quit raising my taxes.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132

    You know your plan has to be screwed up BAD when Harry Reid won't even back you on it!!

    All jokin aside, President Obama's narrow mindedness just amazes me. It goes all the way back to the campaign trail when he promised daily that Gitmo would be closed by 2010. I don't understand is crusade against a building and a facility... If you own a store, and disagree with the way your manager is running it, do you doze the whole store, or do you just replace the management staff? Honestly what sense does this make?
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    this is one of those issues that im fairly torn on.

    im all for holding people that want to blow up people and things in the US. thats cool. im down.

    i am however, against doing so without charging people on an indefinite time frame. it isnt right for either group. THe US people dont get the justice and have to foot the bill and the people there are stuck in limbo. lets have the damn trials and move on with life.
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    does this need to be a law? damn. how about spending your time talking about how we are actually gunna stop Iran from nuking their neighbors. it may be a bit more important.

    ...not to mention letting companies dole out vacation as they see fit.
  • Garen BGaren B Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 977
    Damn Kuzi, that's a really stupid act, and I wonder if he thought about those repercussion thingys that are always getting in the way? I mean say I own a coffee bean roasting plant, it is over the 100 person threshold and now I have to somehow come up with the money to pay everyone a week's vacation and also have to somehow come up with a replacement for the work they would do while on vacation. Now where the hell am I going to get that money? Laying employees off, downsizing my operations, reducing production, and that pretty much accomplishes nothing because now I'm adding to the unemployment rate.

    Politicians are idiots, especially ones that come up with a bill while riding a teacup.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    does this need to be a law? damn. how about spending your time talking about how we are actually gunna stop Iran from nuking their neighbors. it may be a bit more important.

    ...not to mention letting companies dole out vacation as they see fit.
    You hit the nail on the head a few days ago with your post about this becoming a Nanny State... Why do people think stripping away our freedoms are always "for our own good"???
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Next it will be the "Adopt A Illegal Alien" law. Where all tax payers must adopt one illegal alien ,house, feed, cloth,provide medical care and entertain said alien for one year. You of course will be required to learn said aliens language, prepare food satisfactory to said aliens homeland diet, learn aliens culture so you can communicate with and keep alien from becoming despondent and be sensitive to the aliens religous needs. This way the government can shift this cost to us directly instead of thru taxation and use our taxes for bigger problems like that bed bug thingy ...
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    Next it will be the "Adopt A Illegal Alien" law. Where all tax payers must adopt one illegal alien ,house, feed, cloth,provide medical care and entertain said alien for one year. You of course will be required to learn said aliens language, prepare food satisfactory to said aliens homeland diet, learn aliens culture so you can communicate with and keep alien from becoming despondent and be sensitive to the aliens religous needs. This way the government can shift this cost to us directly instead of thru taxation and use our taxes for bigger problems like that bed bug thingy ...
    Yea, but after you fix the food from their homeland, the government will then step in and tax you on the fat and sugar content of it.
  • PuroFreakPuroFreak Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,132
    I think it's about time Obama and Cheney step into the ring and throw down! lol These two keep going at it and it's turning into a WWE Summer Slam type event build up. I say they are each allowed their best weapon to bring in the ring with them for the fight, Obama and his tele-prompter, and Cheney with his shotgun! No hitting below the belt, LETS GET IT ON! haha
  • zoom6zoomzoom6zoom Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,214
    That wouldn't even go a full round. Cheney has "teh One" outclassed in every way. Wouldn't even need the shotty. (edited because I got censored for using his first name. Board doesn't like D*cks.)
  • kuzi16kuzi16 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 14,471
    I think it's about time Obama and Cheney step into the ring and throw down! lol These two keep going at it and it's turning into a WWE Summer Slam type event build up.
    even if this was for pure comedic value, i would pay to see that.

    seriously, i would.
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