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Supreme Court fight looms over right to carry a gun



  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Enough is enough. The US is no longer a civil society. It is a combat zone. I do not want to live in a combat zone. If we cannot become a civil society, then I will self deport. Simple as that.

    Your combat zone is safer now than it was last year... and that year was safer than the year before. Don't let the media's sensationalism of singular acts sway you to believe the US is becoming a war zone. Also, don't delude yourself that crazies who want to kill innocents are localized in the good ol' USA. Norway proved that just last year.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    As I see it, Firearm restriction and or banishment isnt gonna happen. There are too many politicians in congress who do Not agree with Mr Scarborough and/or those who are in agreement with him. The American people although sympathetic to the tragedy which has occurred will not Tolerate our civil rights to continue to be diminished. At the end of the day the people will not allow it to happen
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    How can you "demand" people change? Who are you talking about? Why is it lawful citizens who are taking blame for what criminals do? I own a gun, I did nothing wrong, and you want my gun? No, thanks.
    I demand nothing. I believe enough Americans are sick and tired of these mass killings, and the regularity with which they are occuring, to require by majority rule,and through the civil discourse of our Democratic form of government for change to occur.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Ah. I was worried, but I'm secure enough that the common person sees that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will only make things worse. You know, because when someone uses a gun for evil...you call on someone with a gun to stop him.How you can see the above information that shows crime is going down and refuse to acknowledge it shows that you will not listen to reason.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Ah. I was worried, but I'm secure enough that the common person sees that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will only make things worse. You know, because when someone uses a gun for evil...you call on someone with a gun to stop him.How you can see the above information that shows crime is going down and refuse to acknowledge it shows that you will not listen to reason.
    I have not insulted you, nor do I intend to, even though you have chosen to insult me.

    When someone can explain to me why the civilian population should have access to military grade battle weapons with the ability to kill so many people so quickly in a civil society, and how that "right" is more valuable than the life of one innocent person who just wanted to go to a movie or to school, whether to teach or to learn, then I will listen to reason. I do not believe that the general population needs acccess to these weapons or the ammunition they fire. No six year old kid should be murdered by a crazy person with an assult weapon in a civil society. It's just that simple.

    I do not buy the argument that we should be armed to the teeth because we have to be ready to overthrow the government. Period. That dog won't hunt on my farm. We have elections, and can overthrow the government at the ballot box. You'll have to come up something else, because no six year old kid's life is less valuable than someone else's "right" to own a bushmaster.

  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Enough is enough. The US is no longer a civil society. It is a combat zone. I do not want to live in a combat zone. If we cannot become a civil society, then I will self deport. Simple as that.

    Your combat zone is safer now than it was last year... and that year was safer than the year before. Don't let the media's sensationalism of singular acts sway you to believe the US is becoming a war zone. Also, don't delude yourself that crazies who want to kill innocents are localized in the good ol' USA. Norway proved that just last year.

    Read the article.

    Since 1982 there have been over 60 mass shootings in the US; that averages out to over two mass killings every year. This article outlines fairly specifically the details of these shootings. No other country on earth tolerates this kind of slaughter. I do not think it is possible any longer to argue that the US does not harbor a viloent gun culture, because it does.

    The only sane question is; When are we, as a nation, going to face the reality of what is happening, and take steps to prevent these things from happening?

  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    That does not say they are occuring more or less, just that they have. Thanks. From your article..."A majority were mentally ill—and displayed signs of it before setting out to kill"
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    Walmart has pulled the Bushmaster Patrolman's Carbine M4A3 Rifle from its web store, The Nation reported on Monday. The gun, a military-style assault rifle that uses .223 caliber ammunition, is in the same family of guns as the one reportedly used by Adam Lanza to kill 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary school on Friday. In addition to the one offered by Walmart, there are several other Bushmaster rifles that use .223 caliber ammunition. The authorities did not disclose the exact model used by Lanza. Walmart, the world's largest retailer with 4,602 locations in the U.S., sells more firearms and ammunition than any national competitor, according to several news outlets. While Walmart stopped selling guns in a third of its stores in 2006, citing low demand, the company has in recent years beefed up its sale of weapons. Walmart expanded guns from 1,300 to 1,750 stores in 2011, a Walmart spokesperson told The Huffington Post earlier this year. (excerpt) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/1...n_2318158.html
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    Cheaper Than Dirt! is suspending online sales of firearms effective immediately. We are reviewing our policy internally, and will continue to be the leader in the outdoor industry with our full line of gear and accessories. Cheaper Than Dirt They are getting slammed on facebook. Thousands of upset customers posting.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    Just got this info via email.. I just noticed that Academy has removed all AR type rifles from their website as well (with the exception of .22 versions). http://www.academy.com/webapp/wcs/st...632024&Nao=100 All of their Red Jacket line has been removed too, clothing, rifles, and handguns.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Funny...I was teaching kindergarten today and a parent was concerned over the inability to lock the doors during class time to prevent someone from coming in. I asked her if she would have a problem if I concealed carry in the class. Her response, after the Connecticut shooting hell yeah. She then told me she was not a gun owner, single mom whom had questions, and felt the safety of her child was In jeopardy with the status quo. I for one, would love to carry at school and my guess is these problems would begone in no time and move to other gun free zones... Hell even a few armed security guards would be nice and prevent this crap.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    That does not say they are occuring more or less, just that they have. Thanks. From your article..."A majority were mentally ill—and displayed signs of it before setting out to kill"
    That's exactly right. Mr. Scarborough points out that we have a growing mental health crisis in this country, especially among young people, and it is long overdue to be addressed, on a national level, as part of the solution to the problem we are discussing.
  • jthanatosjthanatos Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,563
    Ah. I was worried, but I'm secure enough that the common person sees that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will only make things worse. You know, because when someone uses a gun for evil...you call on someone with a gun to stop him.How you can see the above information that shows crime is going down and refuse to acknowledge it shows that you will not listen to reason.
    I have not insulted you, nor do I intend to, even though you have chosen to insult me.

    When someone can explain to me why the civilian population should have access to military grade battle weapons with the ability to kill so many people so quickly in a civil society, and how that "right" is more valuable than the life of one innocent person who just wanted to go to a movie or to school, whether to teach or to learn, then I will listen to reason. I do not believe that the general population needs acccess to these weapons or the ammunition they fire. No six year old kid should be murdered by a crazy person with an assult weapon in a civil society. It's just that simple.

    I do not buy the argument that we should be armed to the teeth because we have to be ready to overthrow the government. Period. That dog won't hunt on my farm. We have elections, and can overthrow the government at the ballot box. You'll have to come up something else, because no six year old kid's life is less valuable than someone else's "right" to own a bushmaster.

    Define military grade assault weapon. And why do you think the crazy person or the criminal will respect a law against a weapon any more than a law against murder? Also, your argument at the end is a false dichotomy, either we are for gun control or we are for the murder of six year olds.

    Let me get personal for a second. My brother was killed in a car crash when I was very young. Do you mean to say that despite this and countless other people's brothers being killed throughout the years, that the right to own a car outweighs my brother's right to life?

    Crime rates are going down. Another thread here indicates mass shootings are becoming less common. And now one person...ONE LONE GUY... does something disturbingly evil, and you suggest that this one incidence is enough to punish those that have abided the law for their entire lives, those whose livelyhoods rest on producing the weapons this guy used? An entire company must be punished because someone missused their product? Where is the accountability? If little Billy kicks little Suzie at school, we don't have an uproar at Nike for making shoes that protected his foot.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Funny...I was teaching kindergarten today and a parent was concerned over the inability to lock the doors during class time to prevent someone from coming in. I asked her if she would have a problem if I concealed carry in the class. Her response, after the Connecticut shooting hell yeah. She then told me she was not a gun owner, single mom whom had questions, and felt the safety of her child was In jeopardy with the status quo. I for one, would love to carry at school and my guess is these problems would begone in no time and move to other gun free zones... Hell even a few armed security guards would be nice and prevent this crap.
    I have absolutely no problem with some members of the teaching staff in our schools to be carrying concealed as long as they are regularly trained, possibly by their local police department in proper gun safety. I see that as a common sense precaution, given the random gun violence we are facing with growing regularity.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    That does not say they are occuring more or less, just that they have. Thanks. From your article..."A majority were mentally ill—and displayed signs of it before setting out to kill"
    That's exactly right. Mr. Scarborough points out that we have a growing mental health crisis in this country, especially among young people, and it is long overdue to be addressed, on a national level, as part of the solution to the problem we are discussing.
    I can agree with saying we need to focus more on help for people with mental problems, I can even say they need more help so they don't do crazy things. But I won't say you should make guns harder to get, or take away law abiding citizens' guns so that people with mental problems don't get them.This is, sadly, a reaction. We need to work on being proactive. Even if we focus on mental health, those little kids paid the ultimate price. The public is very fickle, though. I remember how much people wanted war after 9/11...and then the new iPad came out.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Ah. I was worried, but I'm secure enough that the common person sees that taking guns away from law abiding citizens will only make things worse. You know, because when someone uses a gun for evil...you call on someone with a gun to stop him.How you can see the above information that shows crime is going down and refuse to acknowledge it shows that you will not listen to reason.
    I have not insulted you, nor do I intend to, even though you have chosen to insult me.

    When someone can explain to me why the civilian population should have access to military grade battle weapons with the ability to kill so many people so quickly in a civil society, and how that "right" is more valuable than the life of one innocent person who just wanted to go to a movie or to school, whether to teach or to learn, then I will listen to reason. I do not believe that the general population needs acccess to these weapons or the ammunition they fire. No six year old kid should be murdered by a crazy person with an assult weapon in a civil society. It's just that simple.

    I do not buy the argument that we should be armed to the teeth because we have to be ready to overthrow the government. Period. That dog won't hunt on my farm. We have elections, and can overthrow the government at the ballot box. You'll have to come up something else, because no six year old kid's life is less valuable than someone else's "right" to own a bushmaster.

    Define military grade assault weapon. And why do you think the crazy person or the criminal will respect a law against a weapon any more than a law against murder? Also, your argument at the end is a false dichotomy, either we are for gun control or we are for the murder of six year olds.

    Let me get personal for a second. My brother was killed in a car crash when I was very young. Do you mean to say that despite this and countless other people's brothers being killed throughout the years, that the right to own a car outweighs my brother's right to life?

    Crime rates are going down. Another thread here indicates mass shootings are becoming less common. And now one person...ONE LONE GUY... does something disturbingly evil, and you suggest that this one incidence is enough to punish those that have abided the law for their entire lives, those whose livelyhoods rest on producing the weapons this guy used? An entire company must be punished because someone missused their product? Where is the accountability? If little Billy kicks little Suzie at school, we don't have an uproar at Nike for making shoes that protected his foot.

    "Define military grade assault weapon." No, with all due respect, you know what we're talking about.

    "...either we are for gun control or we are for the murder of six year olds." Not so. I maintain that the right to own a military grade firearm and the ammo it uses is not more valuable than the life of one innocent person that has been lost. It becomes a choice of which is more valuable, and are these innocents "expendable" and acceptable "collateral damage" in order for the general population to have these weapon.

    "And why do you think the crazy person or the criminal will respect a law against a weapon any more than a law against murder?" I don't. But if they cannot have access to these weapons, then the probability of these mass killings will go down. Additionally, as a nation, we must do better in our treatment of mental health problems.

    "Do you mean to say that despite this and countless other people's brothers being killed throughout the years, that the right to own a car outweighs my brother's right to life?" First let me offer my condolences for your loss. That must have been tough. To answer your question, absolutely not. I hope I am not wrong in assuming that your brother died in an accident. There was no accident at Sandy hook, or any of the other mass killings outlined in that article. That is a huge difference.

    "And now one person...ONE LONE GUY..." There have been over 60 mass killings since the 1980's. Please read the article I posted. It's not just one guy. This is happening on average twice ever year now.

  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    alot of these type weapons were used by store owners during the la riots years ago to protect their stores from being looted and ask those store owners why they would want an ar 15 etc,, they helped from the stores being stripped!
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I also think most people know this will never happen. People will be able to own guns, it is one of the principles our nation was founded on. From my understanding, none of the first 10 Amdendments has ever been changed, and only the 18th (Prohibition) was ever repeled. I think focusing on the mental health issue would be much more productive and it is, afterall, the root of the problem.If my 4 year old uses crayons on the wall, I don't yell at the crayons.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I also think most people know this will never happen. People will be able to own guns, it is one of the principles our nation was founded on. From my understanding, none of the first 10 Amdendments has ever been changed, and only the 18th (Prohibition) was ever repeled. I think focusing on the mental health issue would be much more productive and it is, afterall, the root of the problem.If my 4 year old uses crayons on the wall, I don't yell at the crayons.
    I have no problem with people being allowed to own guns. I was raised around guns, and own two deer rifles: a 30.06 and a Winchester 30-30, two shotguns; a Browning Citori over & under 12 guage, and a 20 guage Remington, and a Ruger 357 handgun. However, nobody has ever been able to convince me that the general population in a civil society needs access to military grade battlefield weapons. Like I said, I don't buy it.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistol is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistil is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
    Why does the general population need a bushmaster, or any other military grade weapon with the ability to fire multiple rounds out of extended clips?
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    Funny...I was teaching kindergarten today and a parent was concerned over the inability to lock the doors during class time to prevent someone from coming in. I asked her if she would have a problem if I concealed carry in the class. Her response, after the Connecticut shooting hell yeah. She then told me she was not a gun owner, single mom whom had questions, and felt the safety of her child was In jeopardy with the status quo. I for one, would love to carry at school and my guess is these problems would begone in no time and move to other gun free zones... Hell even a few armed security guards would be nice and prevent this crap.
    I have absolutely no problem with some members of the teaching staff in our schools to be carrying concealed as long as they are regularly trained, possibly by their local police department in proper gun safety. I see that as a common sense precaution, given the random gun violence we are facing with growing regularity.
    i honestly cannot fathom what those people went through, as I work in schools, as do several family members. Granted, I don't want every moron with a pistol, but they already require special training for security guards on some of the tougher campuses and I think it would provide a significant deterrent. I was surprised with the mother I talked to today, you could see the fear in her eyes and that really pissed me off. Parents should not have to live in fear.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Stop saying military grade weapon. An AT4 is a military grade weapon, and the public does not have them. The military uses batons, pistols, tasers, rockets, and so many other things.If a rifle that fires one round everytime you pull the trigger is military grade, then you probably think people should still be using swords. And then you'd want to make limits on sword length and we'd have daggers.
  • catfishbluezzcatfishbluezz Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 6,993
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistil is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
    Why does the general population need a bushmaster, or any other military grade weapon with the ability to fire multiple rounds out of extended clips?
    As a gun owner, I agree. Honestly, pistols, long rifles, and shotguns are fine for me. I don't need an AR15 to defend my home, but I also believe that if we outlawed them across the board, these douchebags would use shotguns and handguns really. Sure it might decrease the amount of possible damage they could do, but these sensationalists are looking for social affirmation of their pain IMO.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistil is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
    Why does the general population need a bushmaster, or any other military grade weapon with the ability to fire multiple rounds out of extended clips?
    As a gun owner, I agree. Honestly, pistols, long rifles, and shotguns are fine for me. I don't need an AR15 to defend my home, but I also believe that if we outlawed them across the board, these douchebags would use shotguns and handguns really. Sure it might decrease the amount of possible damage they could do, but these sensationalists are looking for social affirmation of their pain IMO.
    Or they would still have them, because theystole them....because they are criminals.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Funny...I was teaching kindergarten today and a parent was concerned over the inability to lock the doors during class time to prevent someone from coming in. I asked her if she would have a problem if I concealed carry in the class. Her response, after the Connecticut shooting hell yeah. She then told me she was not a gun owner, single mom whom had questions, and felt the safety of her child was In jeopardy with the status quo. I for one, would love to carry at school and my guess is these problems would begone in no time and move to other gun free zones... Hell even a few armed security guards would be nice and prevent this crap.
    I have absolutely no problem with some members of the teaching staff in our schools to be carrying concealed as long as they are regularly trained, possibly by their local police department in proper gun safety. I see that as a common sense precaution, given the random gun violence we are facing with growing regularity.
    i honestly cannot fathom what those people went through, as I work in schools, as do several family members. Granted, I don't want every moron with a pistol, but they already require special training for security guards on some of the tougher campuses and I think it would provide a significant deterrent. I was surprised with the mother I talked to today, you could see the fear in her eyes and that really pissed me off. Parents should not have to live in fear.
    If the school staff is to be armed concealed, then I believe they should be required to train with local police departments regularly, perhaps even weekly, because, every gun owner knows how valuable regular practice is.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistil is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
    Why does the general population need a bushmaster, or any other military grade weapon with the ability to fire multiple rounds out of extended clips?
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Funny...I was teaching kindergarten today and a parent was concerned over the inability to lock the doors during class time to prevent someone from coming in. I asked her if she would have a problem if I concealed carry in the class. Her response, after the Connecticut shooting hell yeah. She then told me she was not a gun owner, single mom whom had questions, and felt the safety of her child was In jeopardy with the status quo. I for one, would love to carry at school and my guess is these problems would begone in no time and move to other gun free zones... Hell even a few armed security guards would be nice and prevent this crap.
    I have absolutely no problem with some members of the teaching staff in our schools to be carrying concealed as long as they are regularly trained, possibly by their local police department in proper gun safety. I see that as a common sense precaution, given the random gun violence we are facing with growing regularity.
    i honestly cannot fathom what those people went through, as I work in schools, as do several family members. Granted, I don't want every moron with a pistol, but they already require special training for security guards on some of the tougher campuses and I think it would provide a significant deterrent. I was surprised with the mother I talked to today, you could see the fear in her eyes and that really pissed me off. Parents should not have to live in fear.
    If the school staff is to be armed concealed, then I believe they should be required to train with local police departments regularly, perhaps even weekly, because, every gun owner knows how valuable regular practice is.
    So what happens when/if one of those school staff members snaps and uses his gun on other staffers or kids? It can happen. Cops kill other cops, soldiers kill other soldiers.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistil is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
    Why does the general population need a bushmaster, or any other military grade weapon with the ability to fire multiple rounds out of extended clips?
    As a gun owner, I agree. Honestly, pistols, long rifles, and shotguns are fine for me. I don't need an AR15 to defend my home, but I also believe that if we outlawed them across the board, these douchebags would use shotguns and handguns really. Sure it might decrease the amount of possible damage they could do, but these sensationalists are looking for social affirmation of their pain IMO.
    Or they would still have them, because theystole them....because they are criminals.
    As my posted article points out - these guns aren't being stolen now, they are being purchased legally and used by people with mental problems. That has got to stop.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    I'm conflicted. Do I think people need an MI Abrams or MRAPs? No. However, this nation was founded in blood. Joe Schmoe went home, grabbed his rifle and went off to overthrow the government, where PV2 Snuffy also had a rifle. Take your pistol today to the White House and let me know how it works out.Also, let's be honest. The Military uses pistols. Are pistols military grade? No. How is an AR any worse then a hunting rifle? The only real differance betweem a rifle and a pistil is that a rifle is made to be more accurate.
    Why does the general population need a bushmaster, or any other military grade weapon with the ability to fire multiple rounds out of extended clips?
    As a gun owner, I agree. Honestly, pistols, long rifles, and shotguns are fine for me. I don't need an AR15 to defend my home, but I also believe that if we outlawed them across the board, these douchebags would use shotguns and handguns really. Sure it might decrease the amount of possible damage they could do, but these sensationalists are looking for social affirmation of their pain IMO.
    Or they would still have them, because theystole them....because they are criminals.
    As my posted article points out - these guns aren't being stolen now, they are being purchased legally and used by people with mental problems. That has got to stop.
    Indeed, but you can't prove that they WON'T be stolen. All you can prove is that a law abiding citizen who would have used that weapon to defend himself does not have it.So if we could screen people for mental illness before they buy a gun....is that an answer?
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