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Supreme Court fight looms over right to carry a gun



  • phobicsquirrelphobicsquirrel Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,349
    Yeah you're right but I love my .223's.
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Except the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever know is full of a bunch of great American's that may choose to defend the citizens rather than the fascist government.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Except the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever know is full of a bunch of great American's that may choose to defend the citizens rather than the fascist government.
    1) There is no Fascist government in the United States. In fact, I would encourage you to go onto a US military base and tell the brass that the US government is Fascist,and you think there should be an armed rebellion against it, except I want to know when you do that, 'cause I want to watch.
    2) The armed rebellion you suggest would result in a Civil War, and it would be bloody, very bloody.
    3) Anyone who believes that they need a military assault rifle to engage in armed rebellion against the US government should invest in mental health counseling instead.

  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    what worries me if the shtf will most of the americans serving stand with the american people or do what the gubment orders them to do and raise arms etc again the people
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster.

    It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic.

    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON.

    Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please.........
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    what worries me if the shtf will most of the americans serving stand with the american people or do what the gubment orders them to do and raise arms etc again the people
    You are forgetting that the men and women who serve have pledged their lives and their honor to protect the United States of America, not the NRA and Wayne La Pierre. I don't see them turning their back on that. Anyone who is advocating civil war with the US government really should seek mental health counseling.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    i can see now your on a roll, im done and btw no one advocated a damm thing
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    i can see now your on a roll, im done and btw no one advocated a damm thing
    Nobody except Wayne La Pierre and the NRA.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    what worries me if the shtf will most of the americans serving stand with the american people or do what the gubment orders them to do and raise arms etc again the people
    In 1878, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval.The National Guard is an exception, since unless federalized, they are under the control of state governors.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    what worries me if the shtf will most of the americans serving stand with the american people or do what the gubment orders them to do and raise arms etc again the people
    In 1878, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval.The National Guard is an exception, since unless federalized, they are under the control of state governors.
    I don't think armed rebellion against the government of the Unted States would be considered a domestic law enforcement problem.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Agreed. I'm just putting it out there, I hear people are worried that the Army will come take their guns.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Agreed. I'm just putting it out there, I hear people are worried that the Army will come take their guns.
    I do not understand why people are so affraid that ANYONE is going to come and take their guns. I do not understand the fear and the paranoia. I do not understand why anyone would think our government is Fascist. Most of all, I do not understand why we are living among so many mass killings, now coming to an elementary school near you. I just do not understand.

    The Newtown shooting is weighing heavily on me this Christmas season. My appologies if I have said too much.
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Agreed. I'm just putting it out there, I hear people are worried that the Army will come take their guns.
    I do not understand why people are so affraid that ANYONE is going to come and take their guns. I do not understand the fear and the paranoia. I do not understand why anyone would think our government is Fascist. Most of all, I do not understand why we are living among so many mass killings, now coming to an elementary school near you. I just do not understand.

    The Newtown shooting is weighing heavily on me this Christmas season. My appologies if I have said too much.
    Eh, there is always more then one way to look at things. GOVT: You can't have an assault rifle. Guy: Why not? GOVT: Some guy shot people. Guy: So what did I do wrong? GOVT: Nothing.. Guy: So I'm being punished for what someone else did? GOVT: Yes, as well as what some people might do. Obviously, that is just one way to look at it. I think it's agreed that the problem is tough, as well as that there is no easy answer. This thread shows me that people don't even agree on WHAT the problem is. No apologies needed, this has been rather civil compared to what goes on on Vulch's nest hah.
  • marineatbn03marineatbn03 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,634
    They will get my guns when I am dead. Period.
  • jj20030jj20030 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,448
    Agreed. I'm just putting it out there, I hear people are worried that the Army will come take their guns.
    I do not understand why people are so affraid that ANYONE is going to come and take their guns. I do not understand the fear and the paranoia. I do not understand why anyone would think our government is Fascist. Most of all, I do not understand why we are living among so many mass killings, now coming to an elementary school near you. I just do not understand.

    The Newtown shooting is weighing heavily on me this Christmas season. My appologies if I have said too much.
    maybe because of fast and furious our gubment selling guns to mexico and mexico has gun laws agin the people owning guns, well hows that working out with all the bad guys that have the guns and how many killings of citizens there in the last 10 years? also the gubment wants strict gun/ammo laws why are they buying up so much killing ammo these days?
  • RainRain Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 8,761
    Enough is enough. The US is no longer a civil society. It is a combat zone. I do not want to live in a combat zone. If we cannot become a civil society, then I will self deport. Simple as that.

    Your combat zone is safer now than it was last year... and that year was safer than the year before. Don't let the media's sensationalism of singular acts sway you to believe the US is becoming a war zone. Also, don't delude yourself that crazies who want to kill innocents are localized in the good ol' USA. Norway proved that just last year.
    We should all keep this chart in mind.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster.

    It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic.

    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON.

    Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please.........
    Tyrant??? However he was one of those,,how did you put it so acrimoniously,,,hm,,,,, oh yea WASP,, ACtually he's the great grandaddy of them alll,,
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Banning anything won't fix anything. I am sick to death about every time I turn the tv on I have to listen to this shooting. I was appalled at what happened, I mean shooting little kids! But the thing that no one is talking about is this: MENTAL HEALTH and a "PARENTS" responsibility. I mean if the mom was a good parent then she would have had her weapons locked up or not at all, I mean her kid was seeing mental help.

    Why is it that every time something like this happens everyone gets all up in arms then after a few weeks it's back to american idol? I don't hear the outrage for a village that a drone bombs. I don't hear the outrage on all the dying children due to lack of food. I don't hear about how many people die by drive bys? I mean really? The best thing that we can do as a culture is attack .223 weapons and say they should be banned. Like that will stop anything. Every time you ban something there is more interest in it and it just opens up less desirable people to obtain it. Look at drugs, that's working well.

    The reality is this, a bunch of people were killed that shouldn't have if a parent had done their job as a parent, end of story. And let's just say that her son stole these guns or wasn't mentally insane and he just went on a rampage, it's not the gun's fault. He could have easily have used a bomb or gas from household chemicals. Would that mean that bleach would be on the chopping block?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Personally, I like the idea that the federal government may be worried about an armed rebellion. Keep's em in check.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    Personally, I like the idea that the federal government may be worried about an armed rebellion. Keep's em in check.
    lol,, this made me laugh.. .. No-one is talking rebellion or suggested civil war...yet....
    Some retailers have made some moves to pull some weapons,, some havent.. A commission has been formed to look into strengthining our gun laws.. Thats it.. JJ posed a simple question what would the armed forces do?? IMO coming from a guy who took the Oath to protect the US from "ALL" enemies Foriegn and Domestic. They would either follow orders or respectfully decline and face courtmarshall, (if it was found that the order issued was lawful.) Anyhow what some forget is that the majority of those in the armed forces are conservative and pro 2nd ammendment and pro NRA.. I doubt military action would ever be used.. and it would be the National Gaurd on a state by state basis if it came down to it.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    The Kid:
    Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster.

    It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic.

    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON.

    Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please.........
    Tyrant??? However he was one of those,,how did you put it so acrimoniously,,,hm,,,,, oh yea WASP,, ACtually he's the great grandaddy of them alll,,
    I revere George Washington, and do not believe that he was a "tyrant". Yes, he was a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, and a Mason, and a slave owner. But without him there would be no United States of America. He was no tyrant, but he was a product of his time. We all owe him a great unrepayable debt.
  • JDHJDH Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,107
    Personally, I like the idea that the federal government may be worried about an armed rebellion. Keep's em in check.
    That doesn't surprise me, but it might surprise you to learn that they aren't too worried about an armed rebellion. There's just a lot of endless hot air blowing from that camp, no real action, just a lot of empty talk.
  • The KidThe Kid Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 7,842
    The Kid:
    Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster.

    It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic.

    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON.

    Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please.........
    Tyrant??? However he was one of those,,how did you put it so acrimoniously,,,hm,,,,, oh yea WASP,, ACtually he's the great grandaddy of them alll,,
    I revere George Washington, and do not believe that he was a "tyrant". Yes, he was a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, and a Mason, and a slave owner. But without him there would be no United States of America. He was no tyrant, but he was a product of his time. We all owe him a great unrepayable debt.
    Yes as we do all our founding fathers,, I think every American should take a trip to Boston and visit some of the historical sites.. USS Constitution, Bunker Hill,, etc ,,,,,I heard he was quite the ladies man too,,,Playa George,lol
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    The Kid:
    The Kid:
    Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster.

    It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic.

    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON.

    Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please.........
    Tyrant??? However he was one of those,,how did you put it so acrimoniously,,,hm,,,,, oh yea WASP,, ACtually he's the great grandaddy of them alll,,
    I revere George Washington, and do not believe that he was a "tyrant". Yes, he was a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, and a Mason, and a slave owner. But without him there would be no United States of America. He was no tyrant, but he was a product of his time. We all owe him a great unrepayable debt.
    Yes as we do all our founding fathers,, I think every American should take a trip to Boston and visit some of the historical sites.. USS Constitution, Bunker Hill,, etc ,,,,,I heard he was quite the ladies man too,,,Playa George,lol

    JDH wrote the following post at 12-20-2012 9:57 PM: The Kid: JDH: JDH: jj20030: Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster. It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic. Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that. Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON. Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please......... Tyrant??? However he was one of those,,how did you put it so acrimoniously,,,hm,,,,, oh yea WASP,, ACtually he's the great grandaddy of them alll,, Bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I revere George Washington, and do not believe that he was a "tyrant". Yes, he was a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, and a Mason, and a slave owner. But without him there would be no United States of America. He was no tyrant, but he was a product of his time. We all owe him a great unrepayable debt. Subject * Message
    The Kid:
    Anyone who really believes that they need a military assault weapon so that they can overthrow the US government would be better served if they put their money into mental health counseling instead of a bushmaster.

    It seems that many are completely forgetting that our Founding Fathers feared a standing, professional military, and were convinced that it would pose the greatest threat to the concept of a Democratic Republic. The idea was for a citizen militia to come to the aid of the Republic when danger arose; thus the need for the population to be armed. That worked well for us until the 1970's when Congress decided that the citizen militia (or the universal draft) was no longer needed. I am convinced that the day we established a standing, professional military, the 2nd amendment was altered, because the citizenry relinquished responsibility for defending the Republic.

    Anyone who wishes to raise up in armed rebellion against the US government will also have to go up against the most powerful fighting force the planet has ever known. Good luck with that.

    Most people also overlook the FACT that President George Washington sent FEDERAL troops into appalachia to put down the Whiskey Rebellion. The "rebels" didn't want to pay taxes on their whiskey, so they started a scessionist rebellion against the young Republic. Most of the rebels were killed, and the leaders were hanged for TREASON.

    Somebody, please tell me that George Washington was a tyrant. Please.........
    Tyrant??? However he was one of those,,how did you put it so acrimoniously,,,hm,,,,, oh yea WASP,, ACtually he's the great grandaddy of them alll,,
    I revere George Washington, and do not believe that he was a "tyrant". Yes, he was a White Anglo Saxon Protestant, and a Mason, and a slave owner. But without him there would be no United States of America. He was no tyrant, but he was a product of his time. We all owe him a great unrepayable debt.

    JDH you just hit the nail on the head ! He was a PRODUCT OF HIS TIME !!! You know what ? I fully believe 110% these folks doing mass killings that have mental health problems are just exactly that -- A Product Of Their Times . A out of control health care system that showcases its most glaring weakness which is mental health help in every act of random violence that is being argued about here . The mental health programs and help and assistance to those who suffer from it AND their families is the biggest fraud ever committed against the citizens of the USA by their elected officials and the health care industry itself . Nothing comes anywhere close as far as lack of funding , resorces , programs and being taboo even till this day .

    We can feign outrage , cry , wring our hands , pray , scream , make speaches , pass laws concerning guns , and really show all of our azzes , politicians and citizens alike . It won't make one once of difference . I firmly believe it will not save any lives at all . Until we understand that the mentally ill are here and in every state and are not going anywhere (except to our malls , schools , movie theaters etc.) and are a dangerous element of our society that needs immediate , emergency intervention right damn now ! We need better , well everything , name one area of mental health that doesn't need revamping and immediate attention , I can't think of any , from how we identify people with mental problems to resorces both medical and social to research and development of better therapys, programs , drugs , medical facilities ... everything .

    Whether or not a "civilized society" "needs" automatic , semi-automatic guns or 10,20,30,60 round clips of ammo can be debated until you know what freezes over ... IT DOESN"T MATTER ... those weapons are not the problem - they are the lightning rod for a society that is scared and knows something needs to be done but doesn't know what to do ... so passing some asanine strict gun control law looks good on some politicians resume , is popular , politically correct and shows that they are properly outraged and By Gawd are doing something about it !!! Only thing is , if this is your answer then you have not done anything , not anything at all . You might as well have taken the day off and hauled your kids out to the local favorite sports teams complex and enjoyed the game ...... you will get the same result from that concerning the next mass killing as you will from passing tighter gun control .

    Really , without armed intervention to stop him this is what Adam Lanza could have also done . He could have killed his mother with a hammer . He could have driven to and gained access to the school . Entered the classrooms he entered , locked the doors and with the hammer proceeded to first kill the adult teachers who could not overpower him and then hit each child in the head with the hammer till they were dead , including disabling the principle and the other adult who lunged at him and then killed them as well . It would have taken a little longer but I believe he could have done identical death and damage with a innocent carpenters tool . Mental Health and how we deal with it , or don't , is the real blight upon our "civilized society" and until we fix that ... you better get ready to ban a lot more stuff than guns because obviously these people are very creative in their destruction .

    I will smoke a cigar tommorow by myself , alone , and reflect and pray for those that died and their families and the Lanza family as well ... others will knash their teeth and wail about laws and when we all know when the question is asked "why?" The answer is because we as a nation have failed the mentally ill and their victims . Peace be with you brothers .
  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
    Banning anything won't fix anything. I am sick to death about every time I turn the tv on I have to listen to this shooting. I was appalled at what happened, I mean shooting little kids! But the thing that no one is talking about is this: MENTAL HEALTH and a "PARENTS" responsibility. I mean if the mom was a good parent then she would have had her weapons locked up or not at all, I mean her kid was seeing mental help.

    Why is it that every time something like this happens everyone gets all up in arms then after a few weeks it's back to american idol? I don't hear the outrage for a village that a drone bombs. I don't hear the outrage on all the dying children due to lack of food. I don't hear about how many people die by drive bys? I mean really? The best thing that we can do as a culture is attack .223 weapons and say they should be banned. Like that will stop anything. Every time you ban something there is more interest in it and it just opens up less desirable people to obtain it. Look at drugs, that's working well.

    The reality is this, a bunch of people were killed that shouldn't have if a parent had done their job as a parent, end of story. And let's just say that her son stole these guns or wasn't mentally insane and he just went on a rampage, it's not the gun's fault. He could have easily have used a bomb or gas from household chemicals. Would that mean that bleach would be on the chopping block?
  • webmostwebmost Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,131

    Ever since Kennedy, we've had one new gun law after another, year after year. What good have they done?

    Now we will get more gun laws. What good will they do?

    What we have here is a character problem; not a steel problem.

    When we old farts were tots, schools were not built and regulated and guarded like prisons nor furnished with grief counselors nor, what's the PC term, "resource officers". We jumped on our bikes and rode down the street unconcerned. If Dad wanted a gun, he just went and bought one. But Christmas was still about Christ, Dad lived with his children, media was not a cesspool, and if we did wrong, Dad would lay into us with a belt. Nobody shot up the school.

    Put two and two together.

  • TeegeTeege Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 660
    We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions. RR
  • gmill880gmill880 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,947
    Another thought as well . All these people who want to ban semi auto weapons , the bushmaster etc . You have just put a number on what you will accept as a acceptable number of people a nut job can kill and society should be ok with it . You can't be half-pregnant , you can't fight a humane war and you can't say crazy people can kill 6 people with a revolver and thats ok but not ok if they kill 12 with a semi-auto . Thats BS . If one innocent person dies period its one to many , kids or adults . We have to attack the real problem - mental health . Our esteemed leaders to to face up , grow some balls and man up and tackle the REAL problem head on which is helping these people get the help they need and protect the rest of us from the violent ones and develop some avenue of help for the mentally ill and support and training for their family members .

    Lets just say they passed a law outlawing the AR15 . Too bad . Already too many of them out there to be able to outlaw or control them . If a unbalanced person wants one they will get it . End of story . Do something rational . Try to help the mentally unbalanced / mentally ill !!!

    I'm about done with this thread ...... see ya after they pass some idiotic nothing to be gained from and cant enforce it anyway law on tighter gun control . We can revisit all this again - probanly in the next 6-12 months when another school , mall , church , McDonalds or someones workplace gets shot to he_ll and back because another mentally ill person was over-looked , disregarded , ignored and their family told they had no solutions available unless the family could get the person charged with a crime and then they would have limited state assistance because no one paid attention unless the mentally ill person had already done something bad !!!!!! Where the F*&^%K has the common sense in this country gone too !?!?!?
  • beatnicbeatnic Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 4,133
    Interesting chart here.

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