i have read this thread over and over and have respondid a few times but I still keep shaking my head. I know that maybe people who live in states that have less strict gun laws than myself don't see this as much as I do but I live in NY. Where magazines are limited to 10 rounds and most handguns are hard to come by and even if you lucky enough to get a permit being able to carry it anywhere is even harder. The crazy fact is i know of about 10 places I can get a handgun an mack 10 and a AK47. All of which are fully automatic. Then you can look at how illegal handguns are in NYC and how many there are and how easy it is to obtain one but then we limit the choices of guns are officers of the nypd can carry. We can ban all assault rifles but then we would just give Russia a huge market to sell their overly stocked investory of their fully automatic assault rifle that fires a much larger more devastating round than a 223.
Some say there is no need for assault type weapons for civilian use . Does anyone on here remember seeing the guy with the AR-15 on the roof top of his store keeping the crowd at bay during the L.A. riots . I believe he would beg to differ .