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Krieg's 4,000th Post Pass -- Shipped!!!

KriegKrieg Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,068
So in honor of number 4,000 I decided to part with tradition this time and do my very first pass. Hard to imagine that I've been on these forums for awhile now and haven't done one yet. Anyways, the rules are simply this:

1. must be a member in good standing
2. min of 200 posts

I am going to gear this pass to medium to full bodied sticks. Just don't take a nice $7-$10 stick and put back a black and mild, even know we all know how much Robbyras loves them! (jk buddy)...u know usual pass etiquette stuff. If you're interested, PM your address, I am going to collect addresses for about a week, organize the order and mail the pass out probably on the 15th.

Ok...ready set...let the PMing begin! :::crickets chriping:::::


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