Home Trades, Passes and Bombs

The contents of my humidor pass

denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
One day I was driving to work thinking to myself, what would be a cool pass/bomb/contest thing to do on the forums. Then I was saddened because I only have 20-25 sticks in my humidor because I don't get to smoke that much these days. There isn't a need for a big inventory if I don't smoke that often. I mean, I would love to have a ton of sticks but it's just not in the cars. That meant that if I sent out a big bomb or had a a big contest, I would be out of sticks and I usually don't get the checkbook to go buy new sticks on a whim or I would be living on my own, without my Wife.

That's when it came to me. A message from the Gods if you will. The BOTL Gods ordered me to give the ultimate sacrifice and donate all my sticks to a box pass. Not just a handful or my second rate sticks but all of them. I have chosen to comply.

Then came the question of WHO. Who to pass to. Who should be in this unique pass. I again consulted the BOTL Gods and they replied with a list of names. If your name isn't on this list, don't be dismayed. It wasn't in the will of the Gods.

The rules of the pass are simple. Log your takes and your puts on the list and take pics of you can. Send it out as fast as you can so that all the "chosen ones" may enjoy in the festivities. It's also a one for one pass with NO JUDGE on what trades are deemed acceptable and no limit to quantity. That means, if you want to trade 20 sticks for 20 others, so be it. The people on this list are more than qualified to use their discretion.

This pass is already closed, so please no inquiries and again, don't be offended if you weren't included. It's not anything personal, just the will of the Gods.

The order of the pass is as follows:
The Kid
back to me


  • KingoftheCoveKingoftheCove Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 908
    closed huh? by the will of the gods you say?
    bummer, guess I'll just smoke all my Behikes, Padrons, and awesome Cubans till I puke..........

    lol.....obviously just kidding.....just reminded me of a thread I read here along time ago.....so I stole their punch line.....

    good luck with this one...sounds interesting

  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Package is ready and heads out tomorrow. This should be fun
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    Dennis, is there a starting list of the sticks or a pic of them pre-shipment?
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Yeah, I have a farewell pic. I'll post soon as poss.
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    The rules of the pass are simple. Log your takes and your puts on the list and take pics of you can. Send it out as fast as you can so that all the "chosen ones" may enjoy in the festivities. It's also a one for one pass with NO JUDGE on what trades are deemed acceptable and no limit to quantity. That means, if you want to trade 20 sticks for 20 others, so be it. The people on this list are more than qualified to use their discretion.

    So why do you have to log your puts and takes on the list and take pictures? If you are more than qualified to use your discretion why do you need to log anything? The Gods are watching this pass. Pretty sure they can direct the participants with divine intervention if there is an issue.

    Posting puts and takes says you are being judged. Either you trust them or you don't. Pretty simple.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Honestly, so that I could thank people personally for what arrives back at my doorstep. Pretty simple.
    The pics are just so the hype stays up and the members of the pass stay "in the know" as to what's going where and who's trading what.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    and off she goes, headed to the Postal Annex right now.

  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    Honestly, so that I could thank people personally for what arrives back at my doorstep. Pretty simple.
    The pics are just so the hype stays up and the members of the pass stay "in the know" as to what's going where and who's trading what.
    So you are sending a bunch of $3-$12 cigars to some of the heaviest hitters on Ccom so they have the opportunity to share some of their best with you? I don't get it. What in that lineup do you expect all these people on the list to clamour after? You think that the people on the list are going to think 'Wow, I have been wanting to try that AB family blend and Gurk forever. Glad I got this box so I can ship it to someone else for $9. Wait, I can buy an AB family blend and that Gurk for $7.

  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    yes, LFD El Museo, 3 year old Tat Cojonu 06, 4 year old Gurkha Legend, VSG, Opus X, and Camacho PE are all pretty lame....

    Thanks for insulting the only sticks I have in my collection. I hope you feel better that I didn't include you in this pass. funny thing is, your name came up but I don't have any dealings or trades with you so I passed. Everyone on the list was chosen because of trades I have done in the past or bombs that have been passed back and forth. You and I have never had any dealings and now, we never will.

    To be honest, I don't have a ton of sticks, nor a ton of money and I wanted to do something fun. I knew that if I sent what I had in my humi, some may snub their noses, and that's okay too. I have a wife and three kids and they take a lot of my cigar money. the cool thing about a pass is, if they don't want to trade for anything, they don't have to. It's not a big deal.
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    As far as I can tell Marker, you aren't even involved in this pass...so why do you feel it is your duty to come in here and criticize? If the cigars aren't up to par, that's a determination for the people in the pass to make.
  • MarkerMarker Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,524
    yes, LFD El Museo, 3 year old Tat Cojonu 06, 4 year old Gurkha Legend, VSG, Opus X, and Camacho PE are all pretty lame....

    Thanks for insulting the only sticks I have in my collection. I hope you feel better that I didn't include you in this pass. funny thing is, your name came up but I don't have any dealings or trades with you so I passed. Everyone on the list was chosen because of trades I have done in the past or bombs that have been passed back and forth. You and I have never had any dealings and now, we never will.

    To be honest, I don't have a ton of sticks, nor a ton of money and I wanted to do something fun. I knew that if I sent what I had in my humi, some may snub their noses, and that's okay too. I have a wife and three kids and they take a lot of my cigar money. the cool thing about a pass is, if they don't want to trade for anything, they don't have to. It's not a big deal.
    Dennis. I know I am being petty about this but the overbown buildup and massive hype about the Gods really was too much. Have a nice pass with some good cigars. What you have are not bad cigars but for the list of people you have assembled why would you even include some of these cigars? Send the nice cigars that people would want but keep the regular production easy to get stuff for yourself. If you like them, smoke them.

    I have a wife and 4 kids. Don't have a large cigar budget but I am still on here doing passes and trades. As you know from another place you read I am pretty active there as well. If you think my dealings with others were not worthy of your pass that is ok with me. Before your PMs went out I was not counting on being involved because we have never dealt with each other.
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Marker, I don't know if you were aware of the fact that all involved with this pass got a PM letting us know that we had the opportunity to be involved in this pass. Dennis clearly started that we did not have to participate in his pass and no hard feelings would be had if we chose to decline. I for one, am honored to be chosen by such a stand up brother like Dennis. Maybe you need to get to know people on here before you open your mouth about them.

    Dennis has been one of the most humble and generous person on the forum. He is emptying his humidor for a pass to his fellow brothers; I haven't seen anyone else on the forum ever do this in the years that I have been here and you have the audacity to criticize him and the cigars he has? Seriously, that is bush league, especially to someone in the brotherhood. You just made me feel embarrassed to be called a BOTL, because of what you just did to another brother, is any indication of what being a BOTL is all about, I don't want to be one.

    Dennis, please do not let this person, who has NOTHING to do with the pass ruin the fun for you. I don't even care if you would have sent all DOG ROCKETS, which you didn't, I am very honored to be in this pass.

    Jaime, is it harder to give from the excess one has or to give from only the little that one has? Brother a cigar is just a cigar, but a gift from Dennis' stock is something to be treasured, because it came from a friend. You can learn a lot from him.
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    holy balls Todd. I almost shed a tear. I said ALMOST, because I had my tear ducts sealed in an act of absolute manliness...... Thanks for the kind words buddy

    Marker, I know you're a good dude. I know you aren't trying to blow stuff out of proportion and I also knew that there would be some on here who may get their feelings hurt if they didn't get invited. Some of my favorite BOTL's didn't get invited to this pass because I know they have a lot going on and I wanted to try to make this smooth for everyone and maybe they are traveling or have family stuff or whatever. It's not about favorites, but I also chose to give back to BOTL's that have been so generous to me over the past few years. I wish I could give more but I don't have more to give and with my wife and her position on the hobby, I don't get to spend money on sticks much these days so my selection isn't what it was a few months ago. It's all good though, I don't really care if I even get my sticks back, as long as others get to have some fun, that's all I care about.
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Oh MAN !!!. This is what I was afraid was going to happen eventually with these "by invatation only" passes. I have commented on this in the past. There is a real danger of the forum being broken into little groups instead of one big happy family situation that we have now.

    Dennis I appreciate you inviting me into this pass and we have had dealings in the past so I know what an upstanding BOTL you are.

    Marker, he and I have had some dealings in the more recent past and he too is a Top Notch BOTL. I think that if you are invited to a pass you feel special because you were selected from a rather large group of BOTL to participate. If you were not invited for whatever reason, suddenly you feel like you must have done something to offend the person who started the pass. Or maybe that person is judging your past passes with others and decides that you don't make the grade. While that may be the case, there are so many reasons for being overlooked, these are only a couple of possibilities, but, bottom line is... it stings when you are overlooked.

    Dennis and Jamie are both standup BOTL and it pains me to see this sort of thing get started, as it can grow and hard feelings can be permanent.

    While I have already accepted and will absolutley go forward in this pass, this will be the last pass I go into that is not just open to whoever is a member in good standing at the forums. I have never liked little cliques, or cartels. Being part of them is no less uncomfortable for me, just a room with a different view if you get my meaning.

    Everyone should just take a breath and relax a little here. There is always a tendancy to be drawn to people who seem to have similar thoughts and beliefs. The forums were a fantastic place for people of various backgrounds, wealth, work experience, and even political beliefs to spend time together and share experiences with the one thing we all have in common... a love of a good cigar. When these little invitation only passes started I was afraid that some would feel left out ( I know I did when it happened to me) and that it would lead to hard feelings eventually. I hope I am wrong and I hope this isn't the first such instance of this happening.

    So no more invitation only passes for me. I appreciate all who have invited me, and definatley mean no disrespect for BOTL who may have been considering inviting me into their pass. It is my personal belief that these will be destructive to the coherance of this group. This has all been JUST MY OPINION, I have intended to offend nobody with these comments. Just the way I see it.

  • greg2648greg2648 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,422
    Oh MAN !!!. This is what I was afraid was going to happen eventually with these "by invatation only" passes. I have commented on this in the past. There is a real danger of the forum being broken into little groups instead of one big happy family situation that we have now.

    Dennis I appreciate you inviting me into this pass and we have had dealings in the past so I know what an upstanding BOTL you are.

    Marker, he and I have had some dealings in the more recent past and he too is a Top Notch BOTL. I think that if you are invited to a pass you feel special because you were selected from a rather large group of BOTL to participate. If you were not invited for whatever reason, suddenly you feel like you must have done something to offend the person who started the pass. Or maybe that person is judging your past passes with others and decides that you don't make the grade. While that may be the case, there are so many reasons for being overlooked, these are only a couple of possibilities, but, bottom line is... it stings when you are overlooked.

    Dennis and Jamie are both standup BOTL and it pains me to see this sort of thing get started, as it can grow and hard feelings can be permanent.

    While I have already accepted and will absolutley go forward in this pass, this will be the last pass I go into that is not just open to whoever is a member in good standing at the forums. I have never liked little cliques, or cartels. Being part of them is no less uncomfortable for me, just a room with a different view if you get my meaning.

    Everyone should just take a breath and relax a little here. There is always a tendancy to be drawn to people who seem to have similar thoughts and beliefs. The forums were a fantastic place for people of various backgrounds, wealth, work experience, and even political beliefs to spend time together and share experiences with the one thing we all have in common... a love of a good cigar. When these little invitation only passes started I was afraid that some would feel left out ( I know I did when it happened to me) and that it would lead to hard feelings eventually. I hope I am wrong and I hope this isn't the first such instance of this happening.

    So no more invitation only passes for me. I appreciate all who have invited me, and definatley mean no disrespect for BOTL who may have been considering inviting me into their pass. It is my personal belief that these will be destructive to the coherance of this group. This has all been JUST MY OPINION, I have intended to offend nobody with these comments. Just the way I see it.

    Doug...You are wise beyond your years. NUFF SAID. Pass forward. Negative behind...........
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    Oh MAN !!!. This is what I was afraid was going to happen eventually with these "by invatation only" passes. I have commented on this in the past. There is a real danger of the forum being broken into little groups instead of one big happy family situation that we have now.

    Dennis I appreciate you inviting me into this pass and we have had dealings in the past so I know what an upstanding BOTL you are.

    Marker, he and I have had some dealings in the more recent past and he too is a Top Notch BOTL. I think that if you are invited to a pass you feel special because you were selected from a rather large group of BOTL to participate. If you were not invited for whatever reason, suddenly you feel like you must have done something to offend the person who started the pass. Or maybe that person is judging your past passes with others and decides that you don't make the grade. While that may be the case, there are so many reasons for being overlooked, these are only a couple of possibilities, but, bottom line is... it stings when you are overlooked.

    Dennis and Jamie are both standup BOTL and it pains me to see this sort of thing get started, as it can grow and hard feelings can be permanent.

    While I have already accepted and will absolutley go forward in this pass, this will be the last pass I go into that is not just open to whoever is a member in good standing at the forums. I have never liked little cliques, or cartels. Being part of them is no less uncomfortable for me, just a room with a different view if you get my meaning.

    Everyone should just take a breath and relax a little here. There is always a tendancy to be drawn to people who seem to have similar thoughts and beliefs. The forums were a fantastic place for people of various backgrounds, wealth, work experience, and even political beliefs to spend time together and share experiences with the one thing we all have in common... a love of a good cigar. When these little invitation only passes started I was afraid that some would feel left out ( I know I did when it happened to me) and that it would lead to hard feelings eventually. I hope I am wrong and I hope this isn't the first such instance of this happening.

    So no more invitation only passes for me. I appreciate all who have invited me, and definatley mean no disrespect for BOTL who may have been considering inviting me into their pass. It is my personal belief that these will be destructive to the coherance of this group. This has all been JUST MY OPINION, I have intended to offend nobody with these comments. Just the way I see it.

    I think you hit the nail on the head Doug. I like how you put it too. Yeah, I pretty much chose people that have blessed me on here and I wanted to do something to thank them. there are others that didn't get included but I still respect and care for them just as much.

    It's not like anyone was the "Fat kid" at recess being picked last to play dodgeball or anything. Hell, truth be told, I was that "fat kid".

    Doug, thanks for your input. I've always weighed it heavily, even in the early OT days when we were on the opposite end of the political discussions. That's why I respect you. BTW, the box is on it's way to you as we speak. Hobby supplies....
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Man I sure as he ll hope that Canada Customs never shows up at my house to see some of my hobbies !! I have more bloody hobby supplies sent to me then the hobby shop downtown lol!. Someone recently sent me "candles" and I laughed my ass off. I don't know why, OK ? It was funny at the time lol.
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    Man I sure as he ll hope that Canada Customs never shows up at my house to see some of my hobbies !! I have more bloody hobby supplies sent to me then the hobby shop downtown lol!. Someone recently sent me "candles" and I laughed my ass off. I don't know why, OK ? It was funny at the time lol.
    I always use "Holiday Candles" :) Works like a charm!
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Man I sure as he ll hope that Canada Customs never shows up at my house to see some of my hobbies !! I have more bloody hobby supplies sent to me then the hobby shop downtown lol!. Someone recently sent me "candles" and I laughed my ass off. I don't know why, OK ? It was funny at the time lol.
    I always use "Holiday Candles" :) Works like a charm!
    Ummmm, what do you "use" the holiday candles for Shaun?
  • Shaun.Harrison87Shaun.Harrison87 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 1,971
    Man I sure as he ll hope that Canada Customs never shows up at my house to see some of my hobbies !! I have more bloody hobby supplies sent to me then the hobby shop downtown lol!. Someone recently sent me "candles" and I laughed my ass off. I don't know why, OK ? It was funny at the time lol.
    I always use "Holiday Candles" :) Works like a charm!
    Ummmm, what do you "use" the holiday candles for Shaun?
    So after I blow up a BotLs house he can at least provide light and a small heat source for his family
  • laker1963laker1963 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 5,046
    Man I sure as he ll hope that Canada Customs never shows up at my house to see some of my hobbies !! I have more bloody hobby supplies sent to me then the hobby shop downtown lol!. Someone recently sent me "candles" and I laughed my ass off. I don't know why, OK ? It was funny at the time lol.
    I always use "Holiday Candles" :) Works like a charm!
    Ummmm, what do you "use" the holiday candles for Shaun?
    So after I blow up a BotLs house he can at least provide light and a small heat source for his family
    LMAO VERY WELL DONE Shaun !! You are just so thoughtful man !
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    for the record, Marker and I are on good terms. His concerns were justifiable and understandable and I'm letting it drop, as is he.

    Onward and upward BOTLs
  • bandyt09bandyt09 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,762
    Man I sure as he ll hope that Canada Customs never shows up at my house to see some of my hobbies !! I have more bloody hobby supplies sent to me then the hobby shop downtown lol!. Someone recently sent me "candles" and I laughed my ass off. I don't know why, OK ? It was funny at the time lol.
    I always use "Holiday Candles" :) Works like a charm!
    Holy crap, I always send "scrapbooking material" as I figure that its what you guys use the bands for. I choose to leave them on the cigars as to not damage the band, I didn't know you actually smoked the cigar after the scrapping stuff came off it.
  • firetruckguyfiretruckguy Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 2,484
    One day I was driving to work thinking to myself, what would be a cool pass/bomb/contest thing to do on the forums. Then I was saddened because I only have 20-25 sticks in my humidor because I don't get to smoke that much these days. There isn't a need for a big inventory if I don't smoke that often. I mean, I would love to have a ton of sticks but it's just not in the cars. That meant that if I sent out a big bomb or had a a big contest, I would be out of sticks and I usually don't get the checkbook to go buy new sticks on a whim or I would be living on my own, without my Wife.

    That's when it came to me. A message from the Gods if you will. The BOTL Gods ordered me to give the ultimate sacrifice and donate all my sticks to a box pass. Not just a handful or my second rate sticks but all of them. I have chosen to comply.

    Then came the question of WHO. Who to pass to. Who should be in this unique pass. I again consulted the BOTL Gods and they replied with a list of names. If your name isn't on this list, don't be dismayed. It wasn't in the will of the Gods.

    The rules of the pass are simple. Log your takes and your puts on the list and take pics of you can. Send it out as fast as you can so that all the "chosen ones" may enjoy in the festivities. It's also a one for one pass with NO JUDGE on what trades are deemed acceptable and no limit to quantity. That means, if you want to trade 20 sticks for 20 others, so be it. The people on this list are more than qualified to use their discretion.

    This pass is already closed, so please no inquiries and again, don't be offended if you weren't included. It's not anything personal, just the will of the Gods.

    The order of the pass is as follows:
    The Kid
    back to me
    Im sure you sent 25 sticks...... but with the stand up guys you have in this pass, I see many more returning to you ;)
  • joshvoigtjoshvoigt Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 325
    The person that gets the Museo I'd love to have it! Good idea no way could I send off all my smokes!
  • denniskingdennisking Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 3,681
    The person that gets the Museo I'd love to have it! Good idea no way could I send off all my smokes!
    yeah, they are cool. I may know who might have one. let me know.
  • 415415 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 951
    The person that gets the Museo I'd love to have it! Good idea no way could I send off all my smokes!
    i think bandyt09 's b&m still has them in stock.

    after reading brooks and halfwheels reviews of the el museo i decided to skip picking one up. although if i got the chance to grab one durring a pass i would do it, just to say ive tried one
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    The person that gets the Museo I'd love to have it! Good idea no way could I send off all my smokes!
    I'm going to be at the b&m 415 mentioned in a couple weeks. I can grab you one if you'd like. Let me know.
  • 415415 Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 951
    The person that gets the Museo I'd love to have it! Good idea no way could I send off all my smokes!
    I'm going to be at the b&m 415 mentioned in a couple weeks. I can grab you one if you'd like. Let me know.
    by far the nicest smoking area out of all the b&m's i've visited. wish i were closer
  • j0z3rj0z3r Everyone, Registered Users Posts: 9,403
    The person that gets the Museo I'd love to have it! Good idea no way could I send off all my smokes!
    I'm going to be at the b&m 415 mentioned in a couple weeks. I can grab you one if you'd like. Let me know.
    by far the nicest smoking area out of all the b&m's i've visited. wish i were closer
    It really is, I wish I was closer too, but it's well worth a 90 minute drive once a month or so.
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